Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 76: Minutes of Star's Plane Experiment

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

"I have already started planting the sacred tree according to your requirements. Can you give me some new permissions?" After Bai Yiji had a humor, she actually started to ask for it.

"What?" Kraun Pith wanted to sweat a little.

Sure enough, this kind of superficial companion is the most difficult to rest assured.

"The scope of my activities is a bit small, can't I go to other places to increase my knowledge?" Bai Yiji raised her face as if she was cute, and said.

This guy's face is getting thicker and thicker.

"...You can only go to countries that have diplomatic relations with Titania." Kraunpisi only agreed with this, and of course it was convenient for surveillance.

In fact, there is no concession. It was originally the upper limit allowed by Crowen Pith. In the past, it was only unexplained. She planned to warn when Baek Eul-he was about to cross. But before, Baek Eul-hee had been very peaceful and only active in Titania and the human kingdom. . Kraunpith is now simply expressing the standard.


Overlord world, Titanya, a large hollow in the central underground——

"It seems that the most troublesome worlds are not those with more mysterious powers or the worlds with extremely advanced technology."

Star and a group of his fellow compatriots were reading and sorting out the report after the compatriots came back and the video materials they tried to get back, and they were thoughtful.

If it's a world with swelling combat power, there will always be some ways, as long as there is no planet-destroying event that can't provoke it, it can always be avoided. On the contrary, some seem very ordinary, and the story background is the world of funny fans, which is particularly scary in a certain sense.

In order to collect more data, Star sent some less powerful Alice and the indigenous goblins who took the initiative to loyalty to Titania to some seemingly mysterious worlds, and see in those worlds without magic and abilities. Is the ability suppressed by the laws of the world, or is it possible to use strange means to make big news.

Forget those who are suppressed, this kind of situation brings the ten-tailed sacred tree, even if it is just some debris, it can alleviate the suppression to some extent.

The biggest problem is the background world of some funny fans——

A normal swing of a golf club will fly a person out of the atmosphere and circle the earth in a few minutes. When it falls, it is still alive. There is also a crater that can't be smashed out. What the **** is the person who is the pad is safe and sound?

The characters were burned by fire, exploded into black ashes, scattered on the ground, and in the next second, they can get up without incident. What the **** is it?

Throw a person from the air to the ground with all your strength, and smash a human-shaped pit without complaining about your laws of physics. Why can it be harmless? Sometimes the protagonist does not seem to have any special abilities, but the interference received by the protagonist is not an ordinary pit. For example, magic will fail inexplicably, even if it fails, and it will explode hilariously in situ. If it is not an explosion magic, you have to burn Alice with an explosive head and a black face, even if you use non-mysterious powers, such as holding a pistol or When the RPG came to shoot, the bullets and rockets were shot out from the back inexplicably, stuck on the user's face! I definitely didn't take the weapon upside down, the Alices' IQs weren't so stupid that they didn't know from which end the ammunition was shot.

And the fairy who is a guest in another world seems to be able to apply the laws of the world. Anyway, all kinds of attacks on the protagonist turn into a scene of his own stupid death. The various methods of death come once, and then the world that comes back to life is intact in a certain sense. too frightening.

At the same time, when the forces of the Mystery Department and the Technology Department were in a plane conflict, after analyzing and summarizing the battle situation, they found a fatal weakness for them. Which party’s firepower is more fierce depends entirely on hard power, but if the opponent develops an interstellar civilization that can soar in the universe, it will have a big problem, because it relies on magic, abilities, and super powers to increase strength. As a creature, most of them can’t. Getting out of the atmosphere may give the opponent a chance to attack unilaterally.

In other words, it may be good to transform high-end combat power into combat power that does not depend on the atmosphere by relying on the [Reincarnation] series and the [Creation of the Undead] series. The earth’s 100,000 kilometers of space is unaffected, and then it is aimed at the earth and casts [Sky Obstacle Earthquake] to continuously drop meteorites on the earth. And Alfin also successfully completed the task, although it was obstructed by some unknowable force similar to the accident in the middle-for example, the failure rate of the lock and launch of the Autobots will increase, and there will be accidents and human intervention that will cause deviations. Yes, but even if she did not get any heads, she also achieved the effect of assists. Some of the Autobots who tried to help each other with humans made some mistakes in the battle with the Decepticons, allowing the Decepticons to seize the opportunity to gain an advantage. , The result was that the earth of that plane was occupied by the Decepticons.

The temptation of Transformers ends I secretly inquired that there are actually extremely powerful individuals in the inorganic lifeforms. The names are called Supreme Taijun, Yuanshi Tianzun and Universe Emperor. This sounds very good. The name of the bunker, I heard that it involves the creation and destruction of different planes, it feels terrible, but the emperor of the universe seems to have been targeted by a multi-plane alliance of different dimensions and different power systems because of its threat to a large number of cosmic planes. , Humans, Transformers, Spectres, Magicians, Garbage Stars, and Shark Spirits are a multitude of alliances. It feels like it might break several universes. When the Goblins have not planned or have the ability to extend their power to the universe, it’s still Don't drip this muddy water.

Although I haven't been in direct contact, but even if it is not at this level, it is more dangerous to simply have the combat power of a hit star. It really is a dangerous behavior to explore other planes too casually, and the choice seems to need to be more cautious.

Eh? It is said that Otoki Otoki, controlled by Kraun Pice, also exploded the moon in one shot? Is it a starburst?

The moon in the Naruto World is used to seal Kaguya, and it is not very thick. It is completely used to live in people. It has artificial suns and oceans. The balance is very fragile. Once it breaks the core that maintains its stability, the large reincarnation eye collapses. Slightly.

Fortunately, there are not many planes for discovering incredible things. The selection of planes is still cautious enough. There is no way to not consider the background of certain planes involved in the story and the larger stories of the same plane. Things.

"Sta...sir, what should I do with this?"

Star took a report sheet that didn't need to be dedicated to himself, and his eyebrows twitched.

"Mission failure is also an important analysis reference basis, but even if you want souvenirs, why do you copy the troublesome gods of death such as Ai Ran Soyousuke?

(to be continued)

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