Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 85: Baek Otsuhime's battlefield trip

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Bajas Empire, Eastern Kaz Plain, Andalu City——

In the morning when the sun was shining on the earth, the gates that were supposed to be routinely opened were not opened as they were. This made the people from various villages and towns in the east waiting to enter the city early to do business a little uneasy.

"Inferior creatures, it's really troublesome." Bai Yiji looked up at the city's outer wall that looked like a high hill to the low-lying area of ​​the Katz Plain, and mumbled softly.

Now is her free time. She is planning to leave the realm of human beings and go to countries of other races to make some arrangements of her own. Although it is very simple to ignore these human rules with her ability, she has packed a lot of luggage. , There happens to be something that can be done in this small town on the route of travel.

It is a service that requires serious communication with humans, so I have to abide by some rules.

Although Kraunpith's children have been staring nearby, but that kind of sight doesn't get in the way, so I never care about it, after all, even if it does, it's useless. Although Kraunpith hurt her body to no advantage to Claunpith, but there are many ways to disgust her. Because of what happened in Naruto World last time, even though he didn't give Kraun Pisi any actual harm, Kraun Pisi also childishly made her sick for three days and three nights.

"What happened today? It can't be solved with the power of the Fairy Temple." Bai Yiji turned her head slightly and asked Alice 78, who was standing behind her like a servant.

"Hmph, the Fairy Temple has never had the power to open and close the gates." Alice 78 snorted.

"Then, how do you get in and out freely in a similar situation?"

"Fly in stealth, illusion can also open the way."

"Are you really the religion that governs several countries?"

Alice 78 heard that she put her hand in front of her mouth, tilted her head slightly and squinted to play with her: "Puff, puff, who is going to do such an unthankful thing under management? What we do is just using our innate talents. And magic is only needed in exchange for humans. We listened to my father, Bai Yiji, you never interfere with the internal affairs of humans. Instead, you like to peek at their secrets? Puff."

"That's it, then do it." Bai Yiji turned and walked out of the crowd, Alice 78 did not ask or stop, and followed without hurriedly.

The Katz Plain, even under the sun, which the undead are not good at, is always ready to move. As a dangerous place, this place is a well-known thing, even if it is the wide pavement that is close to the Katz Plain and connects the city to the interior of the empire. Install the road, and place sacred sorcerer stones on both sides of the road every tens of meters within kilometers, enough to make skeletons and zombies the first-order sacred sorcerer. Most people will not step out of that range.

The status of Alice is well known in the country where the Fairy Temple is stationed. Not every Alice is strong enough, even though some people shout "Danger over there", "Don't leave the road" and other kind words. , Was also casually glanced at by Alice No. 78, and sent an untroubled look, and it was resolved.

The shadow of the city wall gradually enveloped Baek Otsuhime and Alice 78.

"See you at this angle for the first time." Bai Yiji looked slightly.

The whole city is like sitting on a hillside. The side close to the Katz Plain is steeper, while the side close to the domestic side has a very gentle slope. This terrain is like a fortress specifically designed to isolate the existence of foreign enemies.

"Hmph, this is my sister No. 4 who only spent a few hours doing it with the tenth-tier earth magic. Of course, to reach the suitable terrain and landforms that the empire hopes to build a city, they themselves continue to gather human magic to chant. It took a few years for the power of the person, and then it took another twenty years to build the now small and strong city protected by two walls. Can you do it?"

Alice No. 78 showed up. She knew that thousands of herself could not beat Otoki Otoki's heyday, but now this half-handicapped Bai Otoki can take care of her by himself. She also knew that although Bai Otoji had great attack power, other aspects were rather clumsy.

"I can do it, probably, I need a chance to test it." Bai Yiji said.

"Yeah~" Alice 78 slumped, because I felt that Bai Yiji's remarks were true, and she would not stand up on such boring things. Did you learn ninjutsu and magic secretly? Is this doubt directly asked or reported?

"When will it be?"

"Over the years, I practiced and gained a profession related to architecture." Bai Yiji replied as if she had nothing to do with her.

Usually, it is very dangerous to walk around the wall in a city close to the border. Even if the adventurer is chasing the monster that is being hunted, he may be warned by the patrol on the wall, but here the two are still walking like chatting and walking. Leisurely pace. It's really too simple for them to want to prevent human beings from seeing That's it. "Bai Otsuhime opened [Huangquan Hirazaka] to the city wall and walked in. It was intentionally delayed for a few seconds to close, giving Alice 78 some time.

Bai Yiji’s visits to cities are commonplace. Originally, the reason why he obeyed the civilized rules at the gate of the city as before was because of the accumulated experience of the planet that once ruled-in society, as long as there is no need to wait in line or wait, because too presumptuous can cause chaos in lower-level creatures. As a result, the time spent on doing things indirectly is wasted, which is often more than the time consumed by complying with the rules.

After entering the city casually from a location that was not easily noticeable, Otohime walked slowly down the street.

In the end, it is a city close to the border. Although the land enclosed by city walls in the early years is not small, the city has a large area and wide roads, but there are not many roads paved with slabs and lime. Occasionally, livestock and vehicles will pass by, causing a puff of smoke and dust. The same phenomenon may occur in the pace of very few large subhumans who happen to pass by.

But the people who live in this city are used to it, and Alice's ability to avoid splashing dust in this situation makes Alice feel a little ashamed.

"When was the last time I visited this city?" Bai Yiji asked.

It was not this Alice who was on duty at that time, but Alice 78 had a good understanding when handing over the task: "Three months ago, to be precise, it was three months and six days."

"The air in the city has changed." Bai Yiji asked, "What happened? The people are a lot of sadness, and there are a lot of materials on the vehicles that pass by. You don't need to look at it to know what's inside."

Alice 78 knew the actual age of Bai Yiji and the history of other planets, so she couldn't bear it, and asked like a chat: "How would you deal with this problem?"

(to be continued)

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