Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 95: Eluru, the chicken and dog ascend to the sky and the vampire cat

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Assaulting the lord’s side, Garein said modestly: "Haha, you’re too acclaimed. Yilu does have a man to be a guard, but she can’t kill tens of thousands of soldiers on the spot. The influence is limited, and such a large army is enough to consume all the dragons, unless they have the power such as the elder-level dragon, or the dragon king or even the god."

"That's right, I just hope that the power that can be used is used as much as possible. Then it is not too late to take your wives and concubines to meet and coordinate with the newly sent artillery commander. "Luttiruther said, finally relieved more, then picked up the wine bottle on the table, poured a glass, and drank it.


"I forgot to tell you. There are many spares for this thing. If the temple does not agree to be dispatched during the war, you will immediately use all the spare charges to help." Lutti Luther suddenly remembered. One important thing, immediately stood up and almost looked at Garrein over the table, "I understand your interest in non-human beings, so I must tell you again and again: I will see the artillery commander later, do not ask for marriage, you cannot propose. Never propose to marry, although she is unmarried, she is only unmarried in name, you know?"

"That's it, I know." Gareen, who had a group of wives and concubines, naturally heard what it meant.


"I am the new commander of the Demon Cannon, Eluru Ann Patty Fried, please advise me." An ordinary military salute was given.

Leona and Youlan were stunned when they saw Garrein for an instant, and their eyes turned to one side. While both bowed to salute, the horn of Leona's forehead pressed against Garrein's back—it was so stinging. Garley was awakened and replied.

Garein was not ecstatic by seeing women. His eyes were all on the Demon cannon not far from Ellu. The shape is not very different from the city defense cannon on the tower, but the caliber is definitely more than one meter? How much magic power does it take to fire such a big shell? Just driving the larger chassis and gun body would consume a lot of magic or manpower.

"Oh, if dozens of faith-based magic casters in your family are willing to help, I'll be more relaxed." Ai Lulu patted the chassis under the cannon next to her as if she didn't care about the other person's attitude, looking up at the black hole. 'S muzzle, said, "The principle of the sixth-tier forest priest magic is used in the charge. As a result, the charge will affect the surrounding environment and the machine itself, so the speed should not be too fast. If all the propulsion devices can have everyone together It’s great to help recharge."

Since it is something that can be sold to the empire, don't be as powerful as expecting God's domain magic, just as if the enemy formation is dense enough, you can shoot 999, and the equipment will burst (literally).

If the enemy's fighting intent and combat ability were not completely suppressed by a single blow, the cannon would be given away for nothing.

"Isn't it the question of whether the magic power is sufficient?" Garrein was a little surprised.

"It doesn't matter, my magic power is enough. You guys seem to be level 20 per capita. If you have so many wives, they should add up to enough."

She is one of the personal "combat powers" of Yayaka, who has been promoted and promoted in the Imperial Navy for dozens of years and has become a follower of vampires. She was once a small soldier of Kraunpith in the Holy Grail War. Participated in the battle to contain Meliface and others who were dominated by the enemy. Although it is not recorded in the annals of the empire, the benefits of that experience are still many, otherwise she would not be sent here.

She was once one of the magic batteries used by Rococo to release the magic of the 7th and 8th levels in the battle between the Lionheart Kingdom and the Dragon Kingdom. After Elulu became a vampire entourage for Yayaka, she was also forced to raise her level with the Death Orb in order to expand her combat power. As a former professional magic battery, she learned so much magic, but the player's blood still exists, so the upper limit of level is very high, and the upper limit of MP is also very high, the value is about 1300 (Crown Pace MP: 10000; Flying Squirrel) MP: 1980), as a player with no krypton gold and no special event bonuses, the bloodline is very powerful.

If she can continue to hold the heroic rank card like the Holy Grail War, she can maintain the "dream call" with her magic power for a long time, plus the characteristics that the undead will not get tired, and the vampire can get blood can be improved. Going out will probably wipe out hundreds of thousands of troops.

But how can Kraunpith give this kind of "Miscellaneous Soldier D" who is not part of the temple the right to hold rank cards?

But this huge magic power is just right for this.


Regarding the Kingdom of Riyestige——

The Kingdom of Riyestije is one of the very few countries in the northwest corner of the entire continent of this planet. It can be seen from by the name of the country. A centralized feudal country with hereditary throne.

However, the royal power of the Kingdom of Riyestij is not very powerful. Most of the power is in the hands of the local nobles. Although it is not a noble who is not completely loyal to the king, it is very regrettable for the king that the nobles of the Kingdom faction are actually Not even half of it.

The reason for this phenomenon is probably related to this country with the largest population in the human kingdom, but the founding of the country was promoted by the Slian State with the inheritance of the six great gods.

Originally, this is not a country, but the religious country wants to cultivate and build a human country that is larger than in the past. As for the reason why the religious nation didn’t take it personally to make the religious nation bigger, the reason is also very simple. One is belief. There are differences in religious beliefs in different regions; second, the reason why the religious nation is strong is entirely based on the player’s legacy of the six gods. No, it’s not to say that the players’ laurels are all non-renewable resources that are used less and less, but there is no doubt that the strength of the religious nation is based on this. The per capita strength of the warriors and magic casters in this country is human. The strongest in the country, but these resources can't be spread too much.

From this point of view, it is better to help the strongest force in that region to form a unified power.

Thus, after the Rebellion of the Demon God, after a series of secret operations, the kingdom of Liyestij was born. Then, the expansion of the Kingdom of Riyestij ended here——

To the east is the Kaz Plain, Top Forest and Andelia Mountains where the undead and beasts inhabit, to the north is the evaluation country where the Dragon King sits, to the west is the Abelion Hills where the Asians live, and to the south is the religious country.

Can't expand any more, unless the religious state transfers its territory.

(to be continued)

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