Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 117: Battle without combat

For the fairies, they not only need to open tunnels in the mountains, but also to culvert in higher places in the large forest, rather than greatly level the ground or walk on it.

The big forest cannot be cut off, and the fairies pay attention to ecological balance when building roads.

In the plains of the jungle, use magic [EarthSurge] in conjunction with [Earth Surge] to open the way, the ground turns into a wave, and the above is like shoveling tofu, which is brought into pieces by ninjutsu like an ark. Together, the plants make way for the goblins.

In addition to the reason that Midori, who has a stronger plant blood, doesn't want to cut trees casually, the range of surgery and the consumption of MP are also larger, making it easier to shoot.

In the middle of the journey, even fairies find some troublesome troubles, such as encountering wetlands and swamps. If it is a river or lake, you can use magic to open a temporary bridge. The formal bridge can also be handed over to others to slowly repair in the future. If you encounter a wetland And the swamp, no matter what kind of magic and ninjutsu to move the soil and rock, it is not a good way to go. Is it not possible to steam all the water first? Not to mention the opinions of the frogmen, lizardmen, water basilisks, earth element elves and other races living in the swamp, even the fairies themselves are unwilling to do it, let alone do it. It's really only a detour.

But even if it is so easy to open the road, naturally it may not meet the requirements of the empire's march, and Kraunpith intends to use this as the main road connecting countries to promote material circulation in the future, then please the empire and the countries that are willing to use this road. Solve it by yourself, it shouldn't be difficult, isn't it? Luna has sold so many excavators.

This was a problem they had to solve. It was not funny that the Demon Cannon 2 that Luna sold to the Empire fell into the ground and couldn't be pulled out.

Turn his gaze back--

Sonny asked Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0 to come to her, facing the direction of the kingdom, kneeling on one knee with both hands on the ground. Behind them, she opened the magic circle that had absorbed natural energy, and once again stacked a large number of magic-related magic buffs.

"Alice No. 3, you contact them who are waiting in Linkou to be invisible, but the movement will be so big, it should be impossible to use the opportunity to grasp the failure, right?"

"Yes, Sonny-sama!" x2

"Have you calculated the position for arranging the trees and the land together?"

"No problem." x2

"Then solve all the remaining one mile at a time." Sunny believed that her fairy buff could definitely be done.

When I got here, I might already meet the kingdom's medicine collectors and adventurers. I met from time to time. I would either erase the memory of the other party, or grab it and run back and throw it to the imperial army that was far behind. It was very annoying. Hurry up and finish it.

"No, it's a bit difficult." Midori No. 0 hesitated.

"Oh, you deserve to be a bastard, can't you do it?" Alice 0 mocked.

"Fuck, it's not. It's the worst joke to say that you can't do it, isn't it?"

"Obviously, I can do it," Alice 0 squinted at the forest, "this distance, with the skills of Master Sonny, I can definitely do it."

"Let's see, don't be smug because you look like your dad, there's nothing new."


Alice No. 0 and Midori No. 0 look down on no one, they can only be better together in front of Cronn Pith.

Sunny: "If one hit fails, continue to add magic to make up. It's either one shot or two shots. What's the contention? Let's start, three, two, one, zero—"

"[Magic Triple Immortal Technique's strongest effect range expands ascendant·Earth Surge [BoostedTripletMaximizeImmortalWidenMagic·EarthSurge]]!"

"[Tu Dun·Tan Liu Di Liu cut]!"

Using the swaying mountain to change the ground as a signal, the opposite side also simultaneously performed a huge earth magic and earth escape ninjutsu.

Just because the opposite is the kingdom's territory, this is the first time that both sides have started work at the same time.

"Boom!" For a moment when the dense jungle retreats, the ground on both sides touches like a swell of mudslides. While squeezing the air and exploding fiercely, a volcanic eruption-like pillar of soil rushes into the air.

The fairies were covered in mud.

Alice No. 0 and Sunny looked at the dirt mountain that was lifted up across the road in silence.

"Hahahahahahaha...I won't move? Alice 0?" Midori 0 laughed, "Is there an additional attack? I'm afraid it will make this mountain higher and higher."

"Did you expect it?" Alice 0's face was blue and white.

Sunny stepped forward and knocked on the soil mountain, and made a "bang Bang" sound of knocking stones: "This is solid enough, [fairy kick]!"

One kick knocked the huge mountain down, even uprooted the magical roots, and fell in the middle of the road.

Midori No. 0: "It's better to see the power of Sonny-sama."

Alice No. 0: "Hmm, you just know."

"Well, someone will fill in the hole and move the big rock away." Sunny waved her hand and walked back.

"Yes!" x8

The few Alice and Midori who were on the opposite side flew back, rushing to the side of the pit to fill and compact, and at the same time, Alice 0 put her hand on the big rock and took it away with teleportation magic.

At this time, a bunch of dragon knights and griffon knights with empire coat of arms flew over them.

"Have you started?" Sunny raised her head and shouted to the fairies who filled the pit, "Hurry up, the road is so smooth, although some things and ordinary soldiers have not come up so quickly, but the chariot troops and cavalry The troops are very fast."

Soon the road was cleaned up.

The militiamen in the watchtower watched the dragon and the griffin fly over their heads stupidly, and did nothing. If there was danger, the smoke that should have risen did not rise.

The imperial armored soldiers and cavalry also ignored them. They were busy attacking cities, and they had no time to pay attention to the guard posts on the edge of such villages.

Villagers who are still ploughing and working or cat waist hid in the fields, or ran home, closed doors and windows, and watched through the gaps in the sand and dust passing by, never seen the army, I don't know what they are. I really don’t know, most villagers don’t even have the opportunity to learn about the outside world.

The villagers did nothing, and the infantry who followed afterwards did not do too cruel things to the villagers. At best, they just passed away useful animals and wine, because there was really nothing to grab. Perhaps it was a disaster of bankruptcy for some people. Facing the villagers who had robbed their living property, they knelt down and begged the arrogant imperial soldiers, and flinched after being kicked or knocked away.

However, they are still alive. If the villagers help each other, as long as there are no other changes, the life can usually be passed.

(to be continued)

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