Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 127: Titaniya vs Slane State

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Dragon Kingdom——

Not long ago, Star had just obtained the war notice document with the seal of the Dragon Kingdom and the Elf Kingdom, and the seal of the Kingdom of Titania and the engraving of the Fairy Temple were covered.

"I heard, what happened to Ye Lan Tier." Star rolled up the paper and handed it to the imperial messenger.

"I heard." The messenger was worried, "The Church has stepped in at this moment and used the power that can knock down the dragon at will."

"So we have to do it too. This is a'God War' above the Demon God War." Star said, "Use teleport magic to send you back. It will take time to approve our troops to enter and station."

After sending away the imperial messenger, Star was once again directly teleported to the headquarters of the "Holy Tree Fairy" mercenary group in this country without stopping. No, now that there is no need for a long and uninterrupted war with the orcs, it has become a manpower. Dispatch company.

Even though Larva didn't like it, he didn't reject this life of often sitting in the office and buried in documents. Because the Fairy Temple helped to get some believers with capable management, Larva lived a lot more comfortably.

This will just make her comfortable to do some practical things.

"Star, do you say that I will be responsible for leading and commanding the army to support the resistance to the attack of the religious state?" Larva, who was pulled up from the hammock by Star, looked incredible.

"Yeah, is there any problem?"

"The problem is big. If the enemy uses that power, we can use it too. It's fine if you go and kill the Seraph? If you have any special wishes and cannot leave, I will ask Mary to help you. NS."

"This is okay, so who will deal with the six-color sacred scriptures of the religious nation?"

"Why don't you just send a few more compatriots? One or two to deal with the Seraph, and another one or two can be slaughtered."

"If the pitch black scriptures and world-class props are taken out, the use of elite combat power will be greatly variable. And I think it's time to give them a provocative announcement." Star sat on Larva's bed and raised his legs.


"No, Larva, you said, why is there always someone who has to trouble our forces even if they know our strength?" Star asked.

"Who knows? No matter how strong we are, we are still very few. In fact, we can't completely control all the movements of several countries that believe in the "Hell Fairy". Unless we destroy everything with our strength, but that will become Enemy of the world."

"Yes, that's the case, isn't it just an opportunity? Seraphs are already a desperate combat power for the empire. If we don’t formally participate in the war, the empire will have no hope. The human kingdom is not the Central Continent. They only rely on rumors to judge that we are. No, or they think it doesn’t matter. We must declare that we are not a few individuals like the six great gods and demon gods, but a ethnic group, a huge ethnic group, an important part of this world. Even if you give up Titanya Junior High, it’s okay to give out a combat power of 10,000 to 20,000. If the enemy sees it like this, maybe it will lead to the idea that we can only perform decapitation, at least temporarily, we will not use a large number of troops against our sphere of influence. The mouse has been released. Using'Pixi' as a bait can catch more good things than the previous few contacts with the religious country."

"Even so, because my skills can use the buff of the entire battlefield at once, I will be in charge...I don't have experience with such a large force." Larva looked embarrassed.

"No one stipulates that the commander is the commander-in-chief. Of course the commander-in-chief is me. And don't let go, take the initiative to go to the Khaki Plain for a decisive battle." Star said.


On the 41st day of the war, the Katz Plain--

On this day, there were no undead wandering in this dense foggy plain, the irrational were crushed by the army, and the sensible were hiding far away.

There are more than five thousand blue-haired blond fairy maid, Alice, flying in the sky.

Above the ground, thousands of "graduates" of the orphanage of war ghosts dressed in white robes and black-clothed green-haired goblin maid Midori's six hundred chariot troops and more than ten thousand priests and other plant-based monster troops attempted to pass Katz. The Catholic army in the Plains launched an active attack.

The sudden appearance of such a large number of Titaniya's direct troops surprised all parties in the war.

Of course, being able to quickly mobilize such a large army from his own country, Star has gathered most of his fellow goblin compatriots who can use space magic and squeezed it out.

Regrettably, the high-level angels did not appear, and there were obviously no high-level goblins (of course, if the high-level angels appeared, the high-level goblins would go up). Among the compatriots dispatched this time were either the natives of Titania or those who exercised freely. Inadvertently developing crooked buildings delayed his talent, and Kraunpisi casually lost a lot of children who would not feel heartache. It was also their happiness for the children of Kraunpisi to give their lives for their mistakes, so they played very well. Desperately, the ordinary soldiers of the religious nation suffered heavy damage, but only the plural angels of the main angel level or the angels who were directly summoned instead of relying on.

Angels of this level are indeed very strong. Alice and Midori below the three-digit sequence will be killed when fighting with the main angel, but the main angel who has been attacked by countless magic and artillery cannot resist the sea of ​​fairies. The attack is inevitable to dissipate in the end.

Could there be any restrictions on the use of Seraph?

If Star fails to steal this technology, that is really good news.

However, Star couldn't see humans relying on high-level angels, and there was no chance to recycle the layout himself!

In the end, the ordinary troops of the religious nation retreated with a loss of tens of thousands. The six-color scriptures that participated in the war were slightly damaged. They killed many war ghosts and goblins.

However, the damage of Titaniya’s direct army was not small. All the war ghosts died. The fairies died of more than 8,000. Most of them were Midori, and many were destroyed by the main angel. Because they were low-level miscellaneous troops, a small part was removed. In addition to the dead spirits that cannot be resurrected into the Khaz Plain, those that can be resurrected will be further weakened, and their strength will become similar to that of human soldiers.

Considering that the resurrection magic cannot be prepared on such a large scale, Star decided to give priority to the resurrection of the indigenous elves and plant monsters who actively surrendered to Titania and joined the army to maintain the faith of the subjects, instead of resurrecting the Midoris. Anyway, he found out the growth model. It only takes time to complete the quantity later.

"Although they are all children who accidentally made mistakes, the situation of being wiped out in such a batch is really painful for the goblin." Larva said to Star who returned with nothing.

"Yeah, I should also try to see if the big goblin can work, but I can't contact now. To enable this line, you have to teach the country and ask people to come out to do tricks. This requires all parties to the war to gain a certain amount or Forgiveness is good." Star calculated the next step.

(to be continued)

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