Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 138: The cousin of the 6 immortals is here

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Shironi, born by combining with the Elf King and the forbidden technique [RapidlyGrowing], does have the genetic blood of the Elf King and the Elf King, but the essential part is the creation call made by the skills of the Elf King Units, or Black Witch Pachi, will not use skills to create the same as the Graeme that summons the unit to disappear regularly.

This aspect seems to be much more reliable than Dashewan's cloning technology.

As for the small amount of intellect of Hironi, who is growing rapidly, it was simply Bai Otohime's force instilling with her white-eyed mental intervention ability.

Klauenpis disagrees with Bai Yiji making a "subordinate" that belongs to her completely-the elf king three doesn't care, so there is no difference, so she rushes to instill a wave of magic [soul operation [ModifySpirit]] into Hironi, and mixes them together. After seeing the Princess Hironi, the transliteration of "Bai Yi Ji" is a literal translation of the name in Elvish language. Like a mermaid, "Ji" will automatically become "Princess" in the ears of natives——

Hironi is actually a man.

Hironi has a part of Bai Otohime's consciousness, and absolutely can't resist Crowen Pith, just like human beings don't have any doubts about how they can breathe. However, the experience is still completely blank. It can make the same reaction as intelligent creatures but has no emotions. Therefore, it is necessary to go to school to cultivate the elements of these intelligent creatures.

"Hironi will have to try his best in the next **** training, what exactly can Bai Otohime do in this way?"

Crown Pith thought, and said to Lily: "In any case, Hironi has to violently comment, and send to cooperate with me just like last time."

"Could it be that you used to torture those children vigorously in order to grasp the appropriate intensity and the bottom line of the Elf King's tolerance for your behavior, and at the same time make Hironi's evaluation seem less deliberate?" Lily seemed to understand something.

Kraunpisi lifted his face and smiled and said, "Yes, yes, but I didn't expect Olux and Cattleya to really awaken and break through, exceeding level 70, and the second son Matisse also broke through. After reaching level 50, this has destroyed the combat effectiveness of several great nations at the native level. Those **** who were hovering below level 20 have also been upgraded, and they deserve to be the bloodline of the Elf King who can match the player’s bloodline. The Elf King has no patience. Instead, watching the children become so happy from ear to ear, I am also happy. Let’s go to the training ground."

"..." Lily was silent for a while, and said, "What about the promised 30-year vacation? This is not a job?"

Klauen Pith crooked. Although she felt that it was no different from vacation, it was very boring to know that practice was very boring. When the level could not be improved, she could only do exercises-certainly not muscle exercises, fairies. The race doesn’t have this kind of things and potential. Crown Pith exercises magical circuits and the like. Sometimes the MP burns the body and the HP loses and cannot be recovered immediately. You must endure it, let alone shield the pain, because it is shielded. Pain will make the senses dull and can't remember the feeling of increasing under the same level, and recovery magic may "restore" the enhanced ability to the state before exercise.

So, isn't it the same as taking a vacation?

"In short, add a few'games' and add some goblin-style entertainment." Crown Pith thought for a while and said, "For example, when it is difficult to use magic to walk around the entire forest for a long distance, my summoned monster suddenly broke the ground. How about the attack?"

"Okay, I'm going to call Fabritis and Evonia too, they have a good development in the forbidden field and enchantment." Lily also has two Kraun who are equivalent to the flower fairy. Pisi's creation of the summoning unit has a low sense of existence and is not considered a talent-but at least it is more talented than the first generation Sunflower. It is still very easy to serve as a companion to the heirs of the Elf King.

Two fairies called the other two, and flew towards the open space on the other side of the forest where there were already explosive traces...


Kingdom of Riyestij, North, Yeh Arsenal——

It is the end of the third month of the war. Although the kingdom’s metropolis was not at war, it was panic. The gates of the temple were closed, and the inside was divided into swords and arms.

On one side are the chief priest of the temple with all white themes, several bishops, priests, and paladins. On the other side, there are only two, and the number is overwhelmingly small. One is like an elegant gentleman, and the other is tall and burly, exuding what seems to make air Both become viscous and oppressive.

The chief of the earth priest and his subordinates looked at the male representatives sent by the pitch black scripture.

"Why, isn't the meaning we conveyed just now clear enough to make you misunderstand?" The gentleman's tone made people feel very friendly-if you ignore the content and the tall guy who seems to be calling at any time.

"We already understand what you mean, but just two sentences make us give up our century-old belief and change to Qi Yizhi. This can't be the local priest said sternly.

"As the last surviving priest of the temple, although it is a heroic choice to fight here to the last breath and turn into sparks that burn out in an instant, we think that you should look to the future and consider more people is what the temple should do. Isn’t it? I think your beliefs must have something in common with us—of course it’s not for how to make humans bravely become dead souls or slaves to non-humans, right?”

"Hmph, it's not because your religious nation stabbed us in the back."

"Don't be bullshit." The big man behind the gentleman said rudely, "If we hadn't sent troops to occupy Ye Lan Tier and the entire Katz Plain, the empire had no plan to formally engage us, and it had not directly advanced the southern border front. , The kingdom will fall even faster."

Except for the kingdom’s warrior commander and the temple’s paladin commander, who was shot and killed by the fairy Luna Cherud with a machine gun and magic cannon before the city of Andalu. Ordinary people’s battles, they disdain, and they must always be able to cope with the possible emergence of high-level angels and dragon kings, and the reinforced armor of the Andora family, and necromancers. The army of the Bajas Empire goes deep into the hinterland of the kingdom along with the battle line. , The supply line was stretched, and the offense gradually slowed down, but it still maintained its momentum.

The accompanying (attached) army of dwarves, demihumans, and the Holy Kingdom attacking from the west formed an east-west flanking attack that made the kingdom's situation even worse.

The religious nation even took advantage of the defeat of the kingdom's offensive and came up to take a bite.

For three months, the main cities of the Kingdom of Riyestije: Ye Pespel, Yereble, Ye Najul, Riu Lovar, and the small and medium-sized towns attached to these counties, and even the capital Riyestije fell into the hands of the empire.

(to be continued)

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