Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 10 Chapter 140: His Majesty the emperor is full

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Bajas Empire, Imperial Command—

"It's great," Marshal Lester read the latest report and spread the paper on the table. "Lee Borum Messenger has surrendered to the Dwarf Nation, the heavy handicraft industry of Li Borumoror. The area has also been occupied. How about according to the edict issued by His Majesty the Emperor?"

"The imperial decree issued by His Majesty the Emperor is to show coercion to the kingdom if it is fully equipped and solidly held." A general replied.

"If the intelligence brought by Cohen Fried Frontier is true, it is true." Lester said.

Cohen Fried Frontier Bo is Yayaka Tai Cohen Fried, as the true ancestor of the vampire's absolute dominance of the lower undead, and was planted by the undead who used the undead to harass the imperial capital. mark.

It was discovered that he had followed the so-called Rick Aganea to the review country and stayed for a short time. After that, the marking was interrupted, which may have been discovered and cut off by the Dragon King's body.

That is to say, as predicted by some people, both the church state and the appraisal state have intervened in the war, and demonstrated a transcendence that mankind can't reach at all—the power of a god.

It stands to reason that if all human countries have the power of corresponding transcendors, wars between humans can still be carried out, unless the gods of both sides are smashed to engage in rear slaughter.

But if the opponent is driven to extinction, maybe it will really make the opponent break the pot.

Moreover, even the religious nation has directly participated in the war. Judging from their military trends, it means that they do not intend to allow the empire to swallow up the entire hinterland of the rich human kingdom. This is also in line with the predictions of some smart military divisions.

Therefore, the emperor decided to take advantage of the fact that such a thing had not happened, it was better to let go of the kingdom, and give one-third of the kingdom's land to the holy kingdom, the dwarf kingdom, and the dragon kingdom to share the "hate". The remaining territories of the kingdom support the new king, and can also avoid bordering the empire’s more dangerous appraisal and religious states, leaving a buffer zone.

After this period of marching, the various intelligence collected, the kingdom is different from the empire. It seems that the people there have no patriotism or beliefs, even the villagers who have been conscripted and levied and turned into path-cutting thieves and mercenary groups incarnate as bandits. And the runaway remnants have encountered a lot, which is simply unimaginable in the empire.

In order to protect themselves, the nobles in various places desperately conscripted to pay for food. During the continuous march of the empire, the accumulated "army" encountered by the formed kingdom exceeded 400,000, which made the imperial army and the rear command department dumbfounded.

However, it was just a group of civilians holding weapons, but hot weapons and magic casters were rarely seen, and even regular weapons were insufficient. Many "soldiers" even took farm tools and sharpened wooden sticks.

They only took up their weapons with the fear of oppression of the noble lords and the fear that the enemy would not let them go.

Such an army is basically collapsed.

Because the conscription and food were too much, those who fled could not make a living and became thieves. Indeed, the trained soldiers had nowhere to go and became more powerful thieves.

It feels that the empire spends more time dedicated to the thieves in order to protect the supply lines than to fight various siege wars.

Even the citizens of the Dragon Kingdom, which had been invaded by orcs for a long time and intermittently, were not so depraved.

Someone in the Imperial High Command suggested at that time: Since these people have no patriotism, shouldn't it be enough to return the abandoned land and the seized military rations to the peasants who have been forcibly conscripted for their rations?

However, the seized military rations are not enough to make up for the gap, and the waste of this year's harvest is probably a doomed thing, even if a lot of money is spent in the Fairy Temple to perform the magic of changing the weather, it will not help. Is it necessary to distribute the empire's precious military rations to the kingdom? No, the population gap between the two sides is too big.

This is also the reason why His Majesty the Emperor is willing to allocate one-third of the occupied land to other allied countries-will everyone help each other to clean up this mess?

"Then, if no one questioned the intelligence brought by Cohen Friedlander, we have decided on the preparations and negotiations for the truce. Does anyone have a different opinion?" Lester asked the surrounding generals.

"Yes, the information this time is different from the past. It is really difficult to verify." General Sarasinna of the Magic Army raised her hand and raised her hand.

"Are there any differences from the past?"

It is very convenient to use small flying animals to make the undead as a "reconnaissance plane", because the undead will not get tired and can fly without stopping regardless of various obstacles. Yayaka has many such bats, so he is responsible for a considerable part of the investigation work, but the Imperial Intelligence Department is very cautious, and always re-investigate and verify it afterwards. It is not that Yayaka is not trusted, but the intelligence is always time-effective.

The problem is that this time the intelligence source went to the appraisal country, and the Imperial Intelligence Department could not reach there.

"This is not a problem. The two powerful and flying Grahams appearing in the Goblin Temple are indeed related to the reviewing said Raymond, the deputy director of the Imperial Intelligence Department.

By the way, the Minister of Intelligence of the Empire is Fluda who has mastered the Empire's strongest surveillance magic and communication magic, and usually doesn't bother to attend such meetings.

"Why didn't you say it until now?" Lester said dissatisfied.

"Actually, it happened to be said in this meeting to discuss the truce. Didn't this just find the right opportunity? The main reason is that the Goblin Temple considered that when the review nation interfered in the King’s battle, it obviously used that kind of thing to cover up its own. The identity, in this case, should not be exposed. We cannot figure out the idea of ​​the Dragon King. They seem to be the queen of the Dragon Kingdom or our dragon knight’s dragons are not the same race. But perhaps the reviewing country does not want the kingdom to be destroyed. Just acquiesce in this, thinking that the two countries will not enter a state of hostility."

Even if there is a certain degree of support from the fairy temple, the emperor would not want to be an enemy of a group of dragon kings, and the empire and the fairy temple are not in a symbiotic relationship.

"I see. Everyone here knows what to do with this matter?" Lester glanced across the generals on both sides of the table.

Some people who were taking notes immediately put down the pen, tore the paper from the notebook and threw it into the oil lamp in the center of the table. Although the magic lamp is very popular in the upper class, the Imperial Command should not be unable to install it, but the natural flame has its unique use. For example, it can also react to some harmful gases and is somewhat aware of the effect of assassination.

"Next, let's discuss how to send an envoy."

"But, don't you think it's too naive?"

Lester looked at the cavalry general Wren, who said "naive".

"It's just a simple messenger. If that's the case, maybe you have to consider the worsening of the situation." He said.

(to be continued)

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