Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 3: Otohime is back, Hokage’s new trick

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Naruto World——

Klauenpis was taken aback. She knew that Kawaki, who was Bai Otohime's new container, was in Konoha Village, so she went to Konoha Village to meet her.

However, why?

Magic [Clairvoyance[]] found that Bai Yiji was escaping with bruises all over her body? Farther away, Hinata had just fallen to the ground after being injured. The only pursuers were Naruto, who was covered in golden light, and Sasuke, who seemed to be covered in bruises.

However, the two quickly recovered under the contact of the Naruto Shadow clone, and continued to pursue the battle of Bai Ou Ji.

Even though Kawaki has done some measures and adjustments to weaken Bai Otohime, why is it so weak? Is it so hard to even run away?

The ability to cross the world and the convenience of the big tube is still cheating, and the current situation should be solved by Sunflower and An Qi. However, because of the farce that Kraun Pisi had tossed out last time, Konoha Village's vigilance was strengthened, and a lot of scientific ninja equipment was added, but he couldn't get in.

"Is that the reason? There is no power of the reincarnation eye." Tao Yiji's reincarnation eye stared at the village and slowly spoke.

"Why?" Kraun Pess asked directly without recovering the soul split of Tao Ou Ji. Bai Yiji is not something that can be ignored without the reincarnation eye, she is still counting on her to help plant an adapted version of the sacred tree, can he control the sacred tree without the reincarnation eye?

"Because of this? No collection." Momoko pointed to herself.

The power system of the Datongmu clan is very interesting. Genes can be clearly separated and combined, and new things can be reorganized. It is very clear, unlike the normal tradition. For example, the descendants of Kaguya Yui and Hamura inherited the lines of reincarnation writing round eyes and white eyes respectively, and the two sons of Yui, Indra and Asura inherited genes and differentiated again, becoming a line of writing round eyes and immortal human bodies, and the descendants of Hamura also It is divided into Hyuga and Otsuki. Later, Hyuga's white eyes and eyeless Otsuki can also form reincarnation eyes; Asura reincarnation and white eyes can also produce clean eyes............

Therefore, the resurrection of Bai Otohime was also cut cleanly. Because Tao Yi Ji is equal to the soul split of Kraun Pith, and there is a soul connection between Kraun Pis and Bai Yi Ji, Bai Yi Ji can also use the weakened version of all her original powers through the connection of "tools". Now it is the resurrection and disconnection. , As a result, the reincarnation eye that was not recovered was cut off abruptly.

Looks like you can still use it?

Well, that is one of the three powerful pupil arts for humans, but for Otsuki, it is just the most basic ordinary eye.

Bai Yiji's strength is now stronger than that of the Datongmu Jinshi, and there are no ten-tailed chakras, so there will be ghosts after playing.

Had it not been for Bai Otohime who had no martial virtues, she would shoot a lot of chakra bullets, black sticks and Kaguya’s [Rabbit Hair Needle] hair machine guns that ordinary ninjas could not stop at the innocent people who were fleeing in the distance from time to time. Lost in battle.

Then, they suddenly-disappeared?

"There is a fluctuation in space, it seems to be to prevent the continuous demolition of Konoha Village and collective transfer to other spaces." Tao Yiji replied lightly.

"Indeed, this is the greatest possibility. Can you chase it?"

"The space on the opposite side is very far." Tao Yiji looked at the ruins in Muye Village two kilometers away with the blood-red six-goed jade reincarnation. "I need to go to the transferred coordinates to explore the coordinates of the spatial connection."

"I'll leave it to you. Anyway, you look like a big Tsuki. It's normal to help your companions." Kraunpisi asked Tao Yiji to enter the village of Konoha to investigate.

Tao Ou Ji came to the village of Konoha in a flash.

Just in time, a few ninjas were busy evacuating the crowd.

The ruins of the battle still some distance away were wrapped in a blue-black cube enchantment.

"Can't teleport in? Space blockade enchantment? [Crimson Spiral]."

"Boom!" Although the entire enchantment was severely deformed in an instant, the resulting arc caused the huge crimson sphere launched by Tao Otoki to roll upwards, rushing into the sky and turning into a huge firework, which was not brought to Konoha Village. To hurt.

"Higher than the eighth-level magic? Are the humans in this world working very hard."

So Tao Ou Ji walked to the two nearest ninjas outside the barrier, who had been violently impacted and nearly vomiting blood due to the combined force of the spell, and planned to ask about the barrier.

"New intruder!"

"Enemy attack!"

"Huh?" Momoyuki, who is the core of Kraunpisi, put down her subconsciously and wanted to open the hand of the magic circle.

"Hurry up and report, I'll delay the time...Woo!"

Momoko slapped the ninja who wanted to fight with herself into the shape of a rag, and instantly caught the ninja who was trying to escape, and asked, "Don’t get me wrong, after all, there is no sign that killing your enchantment will happen. Dismissed. But there seems to be a lot of people, huh?"

Tao Ou Ji took a halt, and her eyesight crossed the back of her head and looked at the back. A middle-aged man with black hair and a moustache turned into an entity to confront her are you? Is it also from the Datongmu clan? "Shikamaru desperately urges Chakra's solidified shadow to wrestle with Momota.

"Exactly." Momoyuki dropped the valueless person in her hands, slowly turned around, and looked at Shikamaru happily, "I know you, Nara Shikamaru, the think tank of Konoha Village Shidaime Hokage. You are there. That's enough, can you unlock this barrier?"

Tao Yiji once again put up the [Crimson Spiral] in her hand, not once, she didn't mind the bombardment, ground bombardment, underground bombardment, the shock wave and aftermath would cause Konoha to damage it naturally. If Konoha Village can take the initiative to untie the barrier, it will be good for everyone, Tao Yiji can save time and energy, and Konoha Village can also reduce a lot of casualties.

Of course, there is actually a simpler way.

As long as Kraun Pith doesn't stroke the water.

At this time, Kraun Pess was not here, because recalling that she had visited various researches on sunflowers, she felt that she had something to use.


Bai Yiji was really miserable at this time.

She didn't dare to touch Naruto at all.

"I am considered to have studied the power system and intelligence of this world. What is his unheard of ability? Not only is the power strong enough to severely damage me in one blow?"

To put it simply, Naruto has the upper limit of Bai Ouji's life every time he hits Bai Yiji, regardless of whether he is guarded or the wound is healed.

In a sense, this is a tactic that surpasses the sixth level of the ninja and has the possibility of killing them beyond the big tree.

Bai Otsuki felt that she would be killed if she was hit by Naruto 30 or 40 times.

It looks like a lot, but a ninja can make up so many combos in one round.

(to be continued)

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