Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 16: Isn’t it common sense that children are injured when playing?

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Katleia said very excitedly. The decorated crescent on the wrist of her snow-white bow and arrow gloves turned into light and stretched and became a short bow. With the hand as the arm, it became a crossbow. The arrow hit the fingertips and aimed at the center of Yugal's eyebrows.

Almost at the same time, Yukari drew a black long-handled double-edged sickle from the black crack of the Infinite Backpack and approached Katleia's neck.

"Ahem," Crown Pith reminded, pretending to be almost out of breath, "Wang, why have you changed and become rude?"

"It's my sister anyway, it's okay to be honest."

"Are we the air? Fighting is not good for the kid in my belly."

As soon as the momentum on the scene loosened, the two withdrew their arms, and then approached each other with their bare hands. Before everyone had time to react, they made two childlike high-fives and clasped their fingers.

Cartelia: "Now, although I haven't played for decades, the old rules? Remember?"

Eucalyptus: "Remember, Mom never relaxed."

Cartelia: "Do you have a mother again? The parenting mother is still the educating mother, it can't be the mother who gave birth to us anyway."

Eucalyptus: "Both of the first two, haha."

Cartelia: "Would you like to be stronger than our children in a hundred years?"

Eucalyptus: "That's exactly what I meant. If you don't have enough, you will be allowed to regenerate a few more. Olux's seed should be good, right? Although I don't like it."

Cartelia: "It's a coincidence that I don't like it either. Besides, that kid just became the prince and hugged the weak sisters, so I don't like it."

Kraunpisi glanced at the entourage who looked like the ugliness had been turned away, and then looked at the adjutant of the Grand Marshal, how did she become envious?

Cartelia: "Anyway, the old rules of duel? We all have to have a fetus now. It's not good to exercise too vigorously."

Eucalyptus: "Huh, maybe a child who can withstand violent shaking can'exercise' ahead of time to develop a strong body?"

Katleia: "Neither science nor magic."

Eucalyptus: "God, Sister King, did you use this as an excuse if you accidentally lost? After all, it was I who won more and lost less."

Cartelia: "No, children's games that don't die are too easy for me. You should be careful. After all, Yugali can't have a playmate of the same race, right? You have a good haircut and all ears. I can’t see it anymore, I almost can’t recognize that you have an elf bloodline, hahahaha."

Eucalyptus was poked into the sore spot, and she squatted in her mouth. She pulled Cattleya out, still stiff mouth: "Huh, just go and see."

"You don't need to be nervous, it's a children's game." Kraun Pith explained to the panicked religious people.

"Now, isn't it?" She turned to the entourage next to her.

"Oh, yes, that's right."

"At least it won't get hurt easily."

"At most, the broken hands, feet and ribs can be cured by magic below the third rank. Don't worry, after all, the king still doesn't want his children to die easily."

According to the elves of the entourage, the people of the religious nation can explode.

"The former king who was retributed is really hateful," said the General Marshal. "What happened here just now, please treat you as not happening. Today we are just discussing the resumption of the handover. The official documents will be sent after the former elf king. Drive the elves who were captured by us on the battlefield, as long as the elven queen shows sincerity, they can return it without accident. I'll leave first."

"Farewell, so confident that we won't participate in stopping those two guys?" Kraun Pace said lazily, lying on the table.

"Isn't this? We can't stop it anyway."

"It seems too accustomed to being under the protection of the fairies, it's impossible not to care about injuries during the'exercise'."

"It would be nice if Master Cattleya could be better."

"After all, part of our forest has been lost. If this continues, even if our elves can become strong, the country may lose its support for survival in two hundred years."

The entourage elves each express their feelings.

Kraunpith glanced at the elves who had left one after another, and secretly said: "Even you are going to truce? Peace is not a bad thing. Recently, the Church has gained new strength. If Star can be prepared enough to keep them from worrying about it all the time. Just trouble us."

Now follow the elves to look at Katlea, and then find a chance to take back the clone of Kraunpisi who was dragged by a group of wranglers with the Forest King.

Do those gangsters really think they can do it? It seems that the "terrible" prestigious idiot who just didn't know the "Destroy Dragon King" and "Forest King" was taken advantage of. The unknowingly avatar of Kraunpith is really still playing. It seems that the Church has a good grasp of the character of the goblin, but if you solve those guys like this, you will be suspected to be exposed here, then follow The old rules punish them to take off their clothes and go around the city to obliterate them in a social sense. It’s not the first time I’ve done something that shouldn’t be Elves and humans are gone, and Kraunpith remembered the things on the table.

"These are paid, please give me one to enjoy? I hope the kingdom's cooking will not be too bad."


"Hmm..." Katlea in the game, with one hand on his hips and the other touching his chin, leaning forward to look at Diaza (the big goblin) who is coming to pick up the child.

"Is there anything on my face, Lord Elf Queen?" Diaza asked with a polite bow-in fact, it was the same as putting her own face in front of her.

"You have a very strong power. And this is a bit of reminiscence...Where have we met?" Katlea asked.

"I'm mine already, it's not your turn to come." Yugali looked angry.

"Oh, you know?" Cattleya squinted. "Imperial Victory Dinner, are you coming too?"

Di Yasha didn't receive such permission, but she always had a faint feeling in her heart-must go, must go, must go.

No, it's something that I should go now, I can't see it, so I can only wait for that time.

Now that Yugali had been invited, she "accidentally" agreed to the Elf Queen, and the religious nation that wanted to negotiate with the Elves would not be too good to lose face. The consequences of accountability will be considered later.


Kraunpith threw the empty plate on top of the abstract plate puzzle he made next, picked up the napkin and wiped his mouth, as if remembering something, followed the faint soul connection and looked at Katleya and Yu ten minutes ago. Gary said goodbye: "I... I seem to have forgotten an important joint? Well, Star has arranged that banquet. There is always a way."

Then eat.

(to be continued)

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