Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 49: Meiyou is homeless again

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

"Here, where? Meiyou?"

"I don't know either. Jack, has half of your spirits stayed in this world? Can you get in touch?"

"Oh, no, no, no — either I'm gone, or something else happened, so that'I' and I are no longer the same person."

Along the dirt road through the grassland and sparse jungle, a group of legal-looking loli is looking around blankly.

They "escaped" from the parallel world of a moon world. Because they have active landing records, as long as they don’t mind that the magic power consumes more than half of the Holy Grail war, it is more difficult to escape here than to retrieve other parallel worlds. The difficulty is lower and it takes less time.

The reason for this urgency is that that world, for human civilization, has been completely destroyed.

Shirou Shiro, who set up his legacy in front of the regretful death of Eomiya Kiritugu, although he obtained the power of the Heroic Guardian in advance due to the opportunity of the Holy Grail War of the rank card during his lifetime, it is the same in the world of the moon. It is a small existence. It is a matter of course not to be able to do anything for mankind, and the same goes for other people with strong power. Those who can stay in other forms or connect to parallel worlds have already made choices.

And since the end of the Sixth Holy Grail War, I have been traveling around the world for American travels. This is the choice.

Shiro Weimiya was not among them. He had not yet separated from the human category, and passed the life that mankind should have, before the world was destroyed and renewed. He died. It cannot be said that there is no regret, but he still feels happy-spent the rest of his life together for the happiness of Meiyou.

"Where are the others?" Meiyou looked around.

At the end of the world, after Shirou's death, because of various things happening in the world ahead of time, people were squeezing human survival resources and land, and the number of people who temporarily escaped death and displacement increased, and her "tour group" included several magicians.

Migaris has also been with her.

However, only Meiyou, Jack and Shiroai were present.

"It's probably the space jump that blows away somewhere else. Since I wanted to fly to the record point this time but the error is so big, it's not a strange thing to separate." Xiluoai said.

"Should not, because of my fault..."

"No, no, we have all seen those talents, so we won't die because of that level?"

"Well, that's...yes."

"Now, Miyu, Shiroai, where shall we go now? Are we going to find the city?" Jack asked, tilting his head.

Meiyou and Shiroai looked at Jack, and then looked at each other. Although Jack looked like this for a long time, Jack played a leading role in the world last time. I didn't feel diminished, but I didn't participate in decision-making. Instead, I often used my children to consult adults and said that I was used to it. I came to this world and remembered the past.

"Well, go find the city." Meiyou nodded, and took out a metal plate made of mithril. "This, if it is a human kingdom, can it represent identity, do you still carry it?"

Shiroai took it out too, only Jack stuck out his tongue: "Sorry, mine is in that half of the body."

"...There is always a way." Meiyou turned around and said, "Let's go."

You can always find villages and towns along the road, and then you can inquire about information. I hope that it will not fly directly to the other side of the world, but at least in the country where I have lived.


"Puff puff puff puff............"

"Miyou, are you okay?"

Contrary to Shiroai's laugh, Jack cared about Meiyou's condition-he was about to walk on the road and stepped on the trap hidden in the grass and clamped his calf. In order to crush the prey, even though the jagged teeth didn't pierce the physical defense of Meiyou Yingling's dress, they still managed to get stuck in her. Upon closer inspection, the trap was still connected to a tree not far away with a thick chain.

Scanning the surroundings more carefully with additional magic power, it seems that there are quite a lot of traps in this area, and there are still pits. Is it lucky that you haven't stepped on the whole person and fell into a fool?

"Is it a hunter's site where wild beasts are often seen? I don't see it, but..." Jack checked and didn't say anything.

"Do you damage this directly to the meeting?" Meiyou asked.

"Isn't it dangerous to be so close to the road? It's enough to apologize to the hunter in my heart." Xiluoai put her hand directly on the trap that held Meiyou, and was snapped off.

At this time, from a place slightly densely covered with trees at the turn in front of the road, a group of heavily armed men came along the road towards this side.

This aroused the vigilance of the legitimate loli. Could it be a robber?

But the group of people looked at them a few times, and went on walking on their own.

"Excuse me!" Seeing that the other party seemed to be innocent, Meiyu waved at them, seeming to scare the other party, and one person suddenly disappeared in place. It turned out that he slipped and rolled into a dilapidated road pit.

"Sorry, did you scare you?" Meiyou trot over, bowed, and asked again, "Excuse me, where should I go to the nearest city?"

"Oh, oh oh oh," the man who appeared to be the leader patted his forehead and said, "Actually...I've been a bit forgetful recently."

Not only Xiluai looked suspicious, but even the male companion was a little dumbfounded, as if saying that you were a lie?

"This." Meiyou put a silver coin in her palm and stretched out her hand.

It’s great that the income earned from my last visit to this world has not been lost for decades.

"Oh, I remember." The man turned his head and pointed to the direction they had just arrived. "Go there, about five miles, there is a fork in the road, then turn left and keep walking. It takes about three days to walk."

"Thank you." Meiyou bowed again, turned and waved to Shiroai and Jack, "Let's go."

Meiyou took out the sapphire wand, made a magic plane, made Shiroai and Jack stand up, and then took them to fly a little bit, and quickly disappeared into the sky along the road.

"Huhuhuhuhuhu..." The men who watched the loli leave let out a cry of relief.

"How long are you going to lie here? Rolling up!" The leader kicked the little boy who accidentally fell into the road pit, and made him sit up.

"Who said that it might belong to a fledgling adventurer? Isn't that brand of Mithril grade?!"

"Fortunately, I know the goods, so I didn't make a move."

"Of course, boss, can ordinary people break open traps of that level with their bare hands?"

"If we didn't discover the power earlier, would we be dead?"

"Yeah, I didn't expect to fly in the end... Imagine a magic bombing in the air..."

(to be continued)

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