Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 52: Misinterpretation of "Book of Law"

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

After saying goodbye to Claunpis, Mijiaris left her room, preparing to return to her residence in the large hollow in the central underground and strolling in the passage.

This coincided with the moment when there were no fairy tales.

"It's so quiet. What the **** are you doing... Me."

After decades, I came back here with almost nothing. It was a race that didn't worry about loneliness, but felt lonely for a while. At first, because of an inexplicable emotional change, he chose to stay in the Moon World. For this reason, he also found a sufficient reason. It had the benefits of Cronn Pith, but he could not do it. Even if there is something else that can arouse the interest of Kraunpith, the thing that has not been done is that it has not been done, and this cannot be changed.

If Kraunpis was disappointed, or punished, maybe she could feel better for it.

However, Klauenpis fooled that matter casually, and even the people who fluttered the plane this time did not ask more, that is, Klauspisi hadn't dealt with Miga from the beginning. Lisi had any expectations for this existence, and she had long been left behind.

"After all, I'm just the lucky one to upgrade Pith's [Creating Monster] skills to the top level to ensure that no waste is being carried out. All-round empowerment remodeling and upgrades. Slowly with those compatriots who have been with Pith from the beginning to strategize and build power. It is different to slowly accumulate all the compatriots who come."

At this time, the two Midori passed by, nodded slightly to Migaris, and did not stop.

Migaris also nodded, and passed by.

At least he was not completely forgotten.

"Before recruiting, let's go to sleep."

There was nothing to do anyway. After half a century, there was a generational gap like a fault. Although many things are still the same, it always feels a little out of place. I heard that Kraunpisi said that he would spend some time with Meiyou and the others. After that time, I will continue to learn more about this era.

I finally found my room. It looks like it has been cleaned, but it still looks dusty. Is it cleaned once every ten years?

enough. Migaris cast a cleaning magic on the house several times, then changed the room back to the level suitable for her to live in, and then cast natural magic several times to make bedding made of plants.

"Go to sleep."

After an unknown period of time, the summoning order did not arrive, but was awakened by a Midori.

"Master Migaris!"

"Ha... something?"

"I... I'm Midori No. 244, and some of my sisters worked together to find a new practice method and something went wrong! Can you stop them?"

"Huh? Why are you looking for me?" Migaris was puzzled.

Klauen Pith encourages her children to play their subjective initiative, in addition to the necessary work and division of labor arrangements, to encourage the creation of their own personal development path. As a result, experiments fail and accidents happen from time to time. Isn't this generally handled by a more advanced sequence?

"Because Mikaris-sama, who just came back, is relatively close." Midori No.244 replied solemnly, and after hesitating for a few seconds after touching her chin with her finger, she added, "If you continue to find a higher-ranking sequence, it will be before entering. 20."

"...Okay, I'll go and see." Mijiaris felt that the matter seemed to be serious.

"This, what is..."

A few Alice and Midori lay in the room arrogantly, with a strange magic fog permeating their bodies. There is an opened book in the middle, and the same kind of magic fluctuations on it are more intense and crazy.

"It's like using a magic book, because of misinterpretation and operation errors, or unable to withstand its own power, it is like being backlashed." Migaris used her experience in the Moon World over the years. Said.

Migaris walked into the room and turned back to Midori No. 244, who was hiding outside the door and probed her head and said: "Aren't you coming in to explain something?"

"Everyone who went in just now became like that."

"This kind of thing has been said earlier." Migaris knew that her passive skills had resisted the magical power radiated by the magic book, but the things that should be said had to be said.

Midori No. 244: "...I'm sorry."

"Actually, I happen to be quite good at this kind of thing, because Pace is set up in this way. I have found the right person, and the only ones who can handle this situation efficiently are probably Pace, Sunny, Star, Paige and Me." Migaris pointed her finger at the magic book, and a magic circle appeared on her fingertips, "cut off the magical influence of the magic book on the surroundings, [high-level elimination[]]."

With a "hum", the magical fog of magical power on the magic book and the surrounding Alice and Midori was dispelled.

"But I happen to be bad at treatment, so let my compatriots come."

"Understood." When Midori No. 244's footsteps went away, Migaris picked up the magic book and closed the cover.

"The Book of Dharma"? Isn't it called this name? Isn't it the text of this world, but the art that I went to buy from which earth? It is too careless to not have the correct interpretation method... It is not good to put it here, it should be handed over Who is it for?"

Migaris picked up the book on her own and went straight to Star's office room. Kraunpis had also said Star had something to do with her, so she asked by the way.

"Huh? It's dangerous?" Star took the "Book of Dharma" and flipped through it a few times. "Although I didn't understand it, this is a good thing I found during Pisi's vacation. The interpretation and application are for children. Sacrifice is inevitable. Anyway, it has been confirmed that this book will not hurt the soul casually. No matter how wrong it is, the result will be nothing more than foaming at the mouth and sudden death in an instant. It is all healing magic and resurrection magic. Just let them work hard to solve the problem quickly.

"Also, remember to contact Sunny to solve this kind of matter next time. She will pay a smaller price to deal with it." Star combined the "Book of Dharma" together with several other magical books with the title of Chinese characters written in a brush. Give it to an Alice, let her send it back to her original place.

Migaris squeezed her hand and couldn't bear to say: "Star, this is too inefficient and will waste the lives of our compatriots in vain. Should we let everyone find the right method and suitable users?"

"I'm looking for it. That's Alice 3's job. You can't give up your efforts until the response comes?" Star replied.

Because Alice and Midori had achieved self-reproduction, they could treat the child who had made an irreversible mistake as a consumable at any time. Megaris, who had never heard of the war, never understood this.

Looking at Alice who were doing other jobs in the office, Migaris barely relaxed her body and asked, "Pace said, what are you going to let me participate in?"

"That... wait a little longer." Star hooked his finger, let a piece of paper fly into his hand, and shook the headline on it, "Just agree to anyone, if you join, you will have no status, no status. It's not easy to make small moves."

(to be continued)

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