Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 55: Sally's luxurious diet

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Sariel: "Iblu Yai, you understand human emotions better than us, can you ask a question?"

Iblu Yai: "What?"

Sally: "I have been confessed and proposed by plural human beings. There are people who like me even if their identities cannot be compared. How can I respond to people who have a good impression of me?"

"..." Iblu Yayi said in her heart that I am even less experienced, okay, who would confess to her an invisible legal loli?

She confirmed again and again that the soundproof magic was okay, and then she said, "Do you like to spend time with humans?"

"Me?" Sally replied, imitating human thinking and thinking, "In fact, I like it. I don't eat it directly, but I am making human beings happy and depressed... The time in units of years squeezes the magic of life to the point where life dies naturally. Although the amount is too small to be used as a dinner, the flavor is very interesting."

"Have you done it before?"

"Trying to confuse other races to live together for some time, in order to taste the flavors that can be tasted in various moods, I have experienced various things with him in particular." Sally made memories of her wedding and honeymoon. The usual actions and expressions, and then a look of regret, "But our living environment is too different to last, and in the end, in order to avoid waste, we can only eat him all. Fortunately, now the Fairy Temple gives We have arranged an environment where both parties have no problems."

Ibiriyayi folds her hands and hugs her chest, listening without changing her face and heartbeat (literally). The coexistence and co-eating of races on the same food chain is very common in the Central Continent, so she can listen to this topic that may be spread out and scare all the surrounding humans away. The same goes for Brodo who listens to this gossip topic next to him.

After listening, Ibiriyayi asked: "What happens to the body of the person who is slowly squeezed out of magic power?"

"It's not going to be great. If the other party doesn't use magic all his life, it probably won't have any other problems except for getting sleepy easily and unhealthy skin."

"Isn't it the same as some vampires raising people to **** slowly? No problem in Central Continent. If you are here, I don't recommend you to do this."

"Okay, then I will reject them. Thank you for the suggestion of the sage." Sally decided swiftly and sentenced those confession suitors to "probation". Don't disclose the relationship, keep it secretly and eat slowly. Well, this topic ends here.

"Then, if I just report it like long can you wait?"

"Well... for a week. If I need help, I can also change the schedule."

"Goodbye." After saying goodbye to them, Sariel started on the way back.

"Hmm... It's really necessary to walk around that street. It's been a week, and it's not too late."

Sariel changed direction, and at the next intersection, she turned into a block that looked no different from other streets, at least in appearance.

After going around twice, the sky was dark and nothing happened.

"Well, men and women do not go to death most of the time. As always, there is no tooth sacrifice. However, anyone here has a special emotion and can squeeze out the magical power that is rare. Just look for it. Let’s take a few mouthfuls..."

Just as she thought about it, a compatriot just walked out from behind a house, dragging a box the size of a coffin behind him, and walked towards Sariel.

"Hello, Lord Sariel."

"Well, An Lene, don't come here without any problems."

Bowing and raising her head just about to pass by, Sariel stretched out her "hand" to hold Anline: "I don't remember my compatriots doing the rough work of carrying boxes. That's something slaves and workers do. What are you doing?"

"Um...Salliel, this is just human...junk, to be's a worn-out commodity. I think it's okay. I lost it, and I'm going to take it back and use it" An Rene stammered.

"Can you take a look? I can smell a suspicious smell."

"Master Sariel... isn't it convenient for people to come and go here? And... it's not something worthy of your attention." An Lene looked really embarrassed.

"Let's take a look over there."

Sariel asked Anne to drag the box back to the dark alley behind the inconspicuous building before, opened the box and saw the goods wrapped in coarse cloth.

"Uh...this woman, let alone her life, her spirit is broken, it must not taste good, is it emergency food during famine?" Sariel scratched the human skin mask awkwardly.

An Linie pointed to the building next to Yaozi: "It happens that there is a human merchant customer who has given up a product. Although the owner is compensated, it is inconvenient to destroy the corpse in the city. It just happens that this product is remote. People from rural areas of China have no registered identity. I was asked to dispose of this on the spot. It's just rubbish."

If it is the Dismolin flower of the past, it will not be picky yet. What to eat in the Central Continent, the taste of civilized demihumans is okay, but digestion is troublesome. Humans are easy to digest, but because of the low spirit of raising livestock, they have a little taste of Dismolin but enough to import.

After all, they pay more attention to the magic power that their spiritual shape can squeeze out than meat quality.

This one is probably the same as the worst-quality human tastes that can be bought in the Central Continent. Sariel and Anrière have migrated into human society and surrounded by humans who are not so much higher in body and mind than the Central Continent. The old people who normally enter the soil for peace all taste better than this one before their eyes. Going back in time after getting used to the delicacy is like chewing wax.

" way." Sariel changed to a command tone, "Send to the temple for treatment."

"Huh? Huh? Lord Sariel?"

Sariel took out a few coins and threw them a few times, making a "ding-ding-dong" sound: "Since this country has not registered this person, it can be treated as non-existent even if he is cured. Spend a disproportionate amount of money for a good meal. Yes, it is said to be the fine style of upper-class civilization."

Angeline's eyes widened in the human skin mask: "That's it! As expected, he is the patriarch who has dealt with the most goblins!"

With this yell, the door of the building opened. A clerk glared at him, and said with an anger: "Speak down... if you haven't left, there will be one more?"

"Wait." Sariel closed the door. It seems that it hit the clerk's nose, but it's not a major injury, probably.

"But, can the spirit of this product really be cured?" An Linie leaned over to check the merchandise that looked unlovable and corrupted.

Sariel squatted and shook the merchandise and asked, "Do you want to die?"

"I don't want to it~"

Sally stood up and akimbo and said: "Well, the spirit is not dead, is there no way to save it? Let's go, Anrière, it just happens that I have something to report to the temple."

"Okay." An Lene closed the box like a coffin again and dragged it to follow Sariel.

(to be continued)

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