Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 73: Pass by

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

The central continent, a basin to the southeast —

This is a grassland desert hilly area below sea level in the mainland. Due to geographical reasons, it is foggy and rainy all year round. Obviously, there is a lot of rainfall but the formation of grassland deserts because of soil problems can not hold water. It can be regarded as one of its characteristics on this continent.

As a result, it is clearly a "broad day" area, but inhabits some races or monsters that like to be dark, humid or dry, and many nomadic tribes and small countries have been established. For example, the small tribes of scorpion and frogmen and the kingdom of Tariq established by the magic spirits of the earth are one of the regions on the mainland where there are almost no human races and humanoid races.

At this moment, three humanoid loli visited a town in Tariq, and they looked very eye-catching among the pedestrians passing by in twos and threes.

"Welcome everyone, it's been a long time since I saw you."

When Meiyou heard the polite greeting, she lowered her head and looked at this mojo who was shorter than herself and covered in purple with his head dangling.

The round eyes and the big mouth that is almost as wide as the head, which feels that even one's head can be eaten by one bite, make this face seem a bit hideous, but Meiyou who has had some dealings in the past knows this is a friendly look.

"Well, long time no see, Ole."


"Don't come unharmed?"

When Meiyou returned the gift, Shiroai and Jack also responded. This time they were invited to this town by a very long distance.

It's not an exaggerated rhetoric, it's really a contact from thousands of miles away. In a world where it is difficult for ordinary people to connect with magic, it is definitely not that difficult to manage to connect with magic, or to connect with travelers traveling the world.

"Exactly, what happened?" Meiyou asked with some worry. Although as a traveler seldom intervenes in various disputes and disasters, Meiyou has been in the Central Continent for ten years and has all kinds of problems in the world. The thing is already understood.

For example, the migration of certain natural disaster creatures or passing by on a whim turns the prosperous city into a ruined city in an instant; for example, when the standard time is one minute and one second, there is a big tornado once in 30 years, and the lives involved are strangely missing; for example, because There is a food chain relationship between civilized races, and a war of annihilation is launched if they disagree, and so on.

So even if they have the combat power at the top of the pyramid in this world, they didn’t intervene too much, and it would be endless. Moreover, even if the faces of a large number of races in this world look like hideous monsters, they have the same wisdom. Maybe it's just eating, just like the meal of a whale is a disaster for the small fish and shrimp that it inhales. Can it be said that the whale is evil?

They are not gods, and they have no right and obligation to decide all this.

He also accidentally made jokes about domestic animals that escaped in cages as cannibals, and jokes like escaped slaves. The former only needs to fight the ranchers of the cannibal race to end the matter, while the latter experienced a few days of slave life in order to increase the slave-related knowledge and knowledge.

Ou Lei is just a little friend who has met by water and walked along the road for two months. He has done the same job for travel expenses. He should know that he will not interfere too much in foreign affairs. Since he still managed to get in touch, he still managed to get in touch. The generalization of I was roughly learned during the contact, and I also inquired and understood a little bit on the road, but it may not be that simple.

Anyway, it's travel, come, take a look, let's talk about it.

After Meiyou's question, Xiluoai pointed to Olei in a sullen tone and said, "If it's boring, we will have to double the travel expenses."

"Okay, go to the Mercenary Guild and speak slowly." Olei motioned to follow him.

Xiluoai and Jack frowned slightly. How did it feel that there was a rhythm of organized crusade?

However, they are not unwilling to do it if they deal with the objects that are undoubtedly real natural disasters and man-made disasters or earn appropriate rewards.

On the way, O'Lei glanced at Meiyou's waist and asked nonchalantly: "Ms. Meiyou, it's been a long time since I saw you, have you started to believe in religion?"

"Religious? No, not so..."

"The ornament on your waist is a small idol that is usually worn by "Hell Fairy" followers as equipment or accessories, right?"

"Oh, this?" Meiyou touched the Q version of the Kraun leather ornament on her waist. "Because it's, the workmanship is very good, and it has the value of crafts, so I like it very much."

"Hehe, this little thing doesn't have to accommodate the opinions of outsiders." Ole Le said, "Just like me, if you don't have different hair colors and different clothes, I really can't recognize who you are. By the way , I'm a handsome guy."

"Eh?" Xiluoai's face tightened.

"That's right, although I am confident that I am a handsome guy, it is not the case in the eyes of other races. So it doesn't matter if you speak freely, as long as you don't touch the bottom line, haha."

"This is what we worry about. After all, it is impossible for us to understand all races."

"Okay, almost here. UU reading"

When there were more than ten meters away from the entrance of the Mercenary Guild, two people walked out inside, one tall, one short, one wide and one narrow, tall and wide wearing gorgeous hooded cloaks and masks that looked funny to Shiroai. , The other is full of armor, carrying a two-handed sword, and at first glance, it is known that it is a combination of a very powerful magic caster and warrior.

"Why did you report back like this? Wouldn't it be nice to just clean up like that?"

"This is Mordred's blind spot of your knowledge. Like the phenomenon similar to tower defense games-every time a batch of monsters is eliminated, the next batch will flow out; although the possibility of adding monsters regularly is considered, it is necessary That's true. It should have been filled with monsters and overflowed. Therefore, leaving one **** at the end is the best solution..."

While the two talked, they passed by the three Loli and Olei.

"Mordred? Tower defense game?" Shiroai looked back at the figure that began to grow away. Why did this word appear here? But because the attention is not there, most of the dialogue is not heard clearly.

"Shiroai, what's the matter? Those two really look very strong, is there any problem?" Meiyou asked, poking her head out from the door of the Mercenary Guild.

"No, it's okay." Xiluoai speeded up to follow. After traveling for so many years, there are indeed some indigenous people in the world who can't see it, but they can feel the influence of the intervention of a traverser. It is not something that needs to be paid too much attention.

"President, they are here." Olei yelled to the door inside.

"Welcome to you! Puff and twist!" With a sound from the opened door, several tentacles sprang out from the door.

Then what appeared was the body-a whole ball of tentacles with a radius of about one meter rolled out of it, which shocked the loli!

(to be continued)

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