Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 11 Chapter 76: Maritime City Journey

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

Niang Niang: "The space that I grabbed here just now is the upper limit of this world, right?"

Nefertis: "It's not like changing it again, and it's not difficult. What about the replacement of those who were thrown into the old school city?"

Niang Niang: "Let's do it, maybe some unexpected and interesting things can happen."

Nefertis: "Well, that's right. There should be no exaggerated things other than'ideal exile'."

They chatted like an outing elementary school student, jumped out of it, and walked straight away.

Because it was too natural, everyone present did not react for a while.

"The two!" Shiroai's eyes suddenly drenched when the two disappeared at the entrance of the cave.

"What's wrong, is it terrible?!" Mei You asked hurriedly. Those two really can't see the depth, but they can break the space and cross over. It seems that the air mass is also related to them, and it is definitely not good.

"They didn't wear it underneath!" Shiroai said.

"That's it?" Mei Youji said.

"This is the only thing you know right now?"

After they followed out carefully, they didn't find any of them.

However, the entrustment was completed. After receiving a symbolic reward, Meiyou and his party repeatedly asked the Mercenary Guild to pay attention to the guys who looked like cos Egyptian mummies and Chinese zombies, and then left and embarked on the road to continue traveling.

Later, once I passed through a country where the fairy temple was stationed, and remembered the friendship with Kraunpith, he also reported it to the local five-digit sequence Alice by the way.


Kraun Pace is paddling.

It's not that I'm still on vacation. The 30-year holiday has passed, and the "hundred-year aftershock" has arrived.

Because there is intelligence from the Fairy Temple that: fishermen from the coastal towns in the southern part of the Dragon Kingdom have discovered an abrupt maritime city, but such a city did not exist there.

Another piece of information is that after a little exchange, it was discovered that it was a group of human supremacy.

It just so happens that the territorial sea of ​​the Dragon Kingdom and the territorial sea of ​​the religious country are adjacent. Although I have not heard of the development of ocean-going ships by the religious country, it may be too late if we wait for the contact between the religious country and the maritime city!

There is nothing to say, just do it directly!

After all, we have to guard against players or game monsters that may appear in other places, so I didn’t bring all the high-level goblins, and at most I brought the "Dark Master Three Stars" and Granbell, Igria, and Orphans of War Ghosts. Almost all members of the academy, as well as Alphan and Winkaworth who made soy sauce in the Top Forest, brought thousands of Alice, Midori, and some natives among the inhabitants of Titanya who were able to deal with them. The three battleships Black Demon, Black Hawk, Black Cat and many general ships that were called and requisitioned, built by the main trunk of the magic tree of Kraun Pess, carried them into the sea and rushed past in the boat. .

Unlike the kingdoms built by lower creatures, the war for rights and land is different. For this world, the real war of gods is about to begin!

Therefore, Kraun Pess is now paddling literally because he is in a boat.

Why is Crown Pith, who has always been very cautious and scared in this regard, so reckless this time?

The answer is the last time the Dream Sisters and Waka Lu Ji fought against flying squirrels.

On the premise that the opponent still has a lot of game thinking and is not familiar with the fighting rules of this world, even the magic moon, which is absolutely inferior to the flying squirrel, can quickly kill the flying squirrel once. What does it mean?

It shows that when the opponent is not familiar with the rules, there is a great advantage to go directly to A.

Players have to confirm the personality of the NPC, right? Sometimes the pictures are refreshing to set texts that were originally just to highlight the atmosphere, and if you add content that turns out to be very cheating, you will need considerable energy to deal with it.

In terms of combat power, Kraunpisi has also prepared a lot of combat power over level 100, and a combat power that can be attacked with a map cannon. After the game becomes a reality, there shouldn't be the absolutely indestructible terrain and objects in game guilds and mazes, right? At least there is no indestructible terrain in the game maze that has become a reality. For example, the maze that Wakasagi gave information in the past, if you are impatient, you can cut holes in the walls, floors, and ceilings. Will anyone dismantle their own guild to confirm this?

In short, Kraun Pess has decided to go up with A on the front.

I heard that Sunflower and An Qi were coming back recently because of the research results and required materials, and wanted to bring them together, but there was no news. It's a pity to miss it, so let the other kids work harder.

Instead, let Ling Xian and Luna, who are fully armed, join the battle.

He was clearly on the move, standing on the bow of the Black Demon, who was quietly pretending to be blowing the sea breeze, suddenly received a magical contact sound like a shock wave of the soul.

[Pix! ! ! ! ! ! ! You get me back! ! ! ! See what your vacation in other worlds brought us back! ! ! ! 】

It's Star's contact.

No way, the opponent who is about to attack may be the strongest in the history of the rebirth of Kraunpith. The arrow is on the string, and as a last resort, she split into a clone and teleported back to the country of Continent, Titanya, a big hollow in the center of the earth——

"Pith, in the world you've been to, the information you know will be sorted out and analyzed for me, right? It's all correct plot information, right?" Star sat on the chair with his face propped up, looking weak. .

"Yeah, what's the matter? Is anyone in which world anti-invasion?" This is what Kraunpith can think of.

"Yes, yes, Niang Niang and Nefertis, the names are correct, right? If Pace, you didn't say anything wrong with me, you also emphasized that you would never provoke this kind of existence, right?" A picture of a punctuation line was taken out of the paper that the fax machine pushed out, "I do you say that with their personal existence, it's easy for a thought planet to be divided into two halves?"

Clown Piss took the portrait and looked at it horizontally and vertically: "It does look a bit like...but if it is a non-animated character, there are not many owners I have in human memory. Besides, how can I provoke the devil? !"

"I don't care about it. In short, they are really helpful when they go to the streets so carelessly. After receiving the report, just find a believer of yours to talk to them, and they all admit it. Franpies V. Gropius ...Is your alias in that world?"

"Oh, that's right. What's the matter?" Crown Pith nodded awkwardly, admitting that he was pseudonym Fran Pith in the Forbidden World.

"Forbidden World, it's okay to call it that way." Star said, shaking the paper in his hand, "According to the believer's'interview' records, there is an existence named Franppis V. Gropius there,'Life "Decades, it is really an incredible historical event..."

(to be continued)

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