Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 1: The Golden Dawn, Pace’s Holiday Story

"Re, the arrogant and slaughtered me (

At the beginning of the twentieth century, Isis Urasia Church——

Using kerosene and a stove to exude a soft glow, illuminating this small room.

The furnishings are scattered, and out-of-date newspapers are piled up crumpled in the corner. It seems that they have worked part-time rags and garbage bags before becoming this state. Such as playing cards, chess and some equipment used for gambling are also everywhere, and there are many wine bottles.

There were men and women in the house. Some were lying on the rocking chair next to the stove, some were sitting on the black sandalwood table very inelegantly, and some were holding their chests against the wall like a big boss.

Just by looking at this situation, you can think of what the lives of these people are like.

Even if the history of these people is passed down to later generations in some places, they are like great men in certain fields. In fact, they are indeed great men in certain fields.

It's just that no matter how great people are, they have to face the reality that must be compromised.

At the moment, these people who are discussing topics that may determine a part of history have immediately ushered in a crisis!

"Boom boom boom!" There was a rough knock on the door.

"The warmth is leaking out! I know you are in it-are you done? No one is doing the human-making movement, right? I will open the door if there is none or it is finished! Give you ten seconds."

Ten seconds later-

There was the sound of the key being inserted into the keyhole and turning, and then the door opened.

A dress but similar in style to the monastic dress, dressed in the appearance of a child with shiny waist-length blond hair, walked in loudly.

She glanced at the people in the house with a dissatisfied look, and said: "You have been in arrears for three months of rent. Last time you said that you will pay the next time together. Last time, I took it all out. What are your plans this time? The old rules come to see if there is a chance to be written off?"

That's right, no matter what great achievements, people must live. Great people have great things but may not have more than enough food and clothing. Even the landlord to collect rent may be a great crisis.

By the way, the landlord here is Crow Enpis.

There is no "Isis Urasia Temple" as tall as the name, but a group of great men with money and no money rented to do all kinds of things, including smoking, drinking, gambling, men's and women's affairs, and of course work. Related serious matters.

Crown Pith came to this world for "vacation", and collected information in order to avoid any intersection with the Academy City. He discovered what this group of people was doing and was very interested in their serious things, so he used a little bit. Small means, they bought a cheap house they had rented for a long time, and the original landlord had nothing to do with their world.

"Especially you." Crown Pisz walked quickly to an uncle with a top hat and a coat and the red uniform that was as eye-catching as the dress of that era instead of camouflage. What's the matter with Vice Virtue?"

"Mathers, is it indeed yours this time?" an old man said to the uncle in uniform.

"..." Mathers was silent for a few seconds and replied to the old man, "Wescott, everything is connected, and nothing can escape each other's influence."

"What's the matter, Mathers, the tone is the same as Fraser. But if you still can't pay the rent and want to find someone to help, just bow your head and say it straight."

"That's it, gloomy old man. You who can get public subsidies for doing nothing will not understand my difficulties. Forget it, if it doesn't work, I will ask Annie for help, but this time... Well, since I've been caught up, it's just the old rules." Mathers turned to Kraun Pice.

"Oh, I've been here a few times, even if I ask my wife and friends to borrow more, I don't want to play with me. Are you confident this time?" Kraun Pith narrowed his eyes.

"Yes, but I won't play the cards this time. You must remember the traces and the old ones better than us? Some cards have been adjusted for you."

"You just know, hehehehe. But if you don't find it when you play, it's not a foul, it's a gambling."

"How about a fair game of chess this time?" Mathers laid out a black and white chessboard on the table.

"Chess, there is really nothing to do with this thing. To insist on having it is just tantamount to changing one of you or someone who has connections with you to be your opponent. I agree."

Crown Pith sat at the chessboard table, propped up his face to face Mathers on the opposite side.

"Old rules, regardless of whether you win or lose, you can write off the rent, but if I win, you have to use part of your research results to repay the debt." As he said, he picked up a black "pawn" and moved forward. Two grids.

"It's okay, the insights you put forward in the discussion last time are also very constructive." Mathers also took a "pawn" chess, and then said, "The insights that combine the products of the industrial revolution and the development of magic are not practical at present. , But it’s really interesting. It’s not a bad idea to let you come together."

Because this is not an organization so it is more casual. They are not a highly organized group of magicians, nor esoteric sects, nor are they research institutions that want to change the world.

Although the people here have personally accomplished in the field of magic, it is still a place where the high-level leaders of the magic association "Golden Dawn" left behind in history. Samuel Lead McQueen Mathers, William Wayne Westcott, Alan Bennett, and other Kraunpiths are not sure that the people who can win 100% now are there. here.

But this is just a place where these people rented for vulgar entertainment and used their research results to brag about it (but some of them are so poor that they can only live here). So if you can get a compromise in terms of money, it's okay to let the homeowners join in.

"Doesn't it mean that I have to provide you with housing and space for free? I refuse." Kraun Pith continued to play the "pawn" chess.

The biggest reason is not that. Kraunpis doesn’t care about the rent of this Isis Urasia church. She doesn’t want to have too much cause and effect with the world, and “explore” the magical book and her potential in this world. When the squeezed body was still able to accept the magic of ascension, he became interested in these people, and he was reluctant to leave it alone, so he played the role of a homeowner here.

Moreover, her study was incidental to her vacation, and she felt that if she got involved, she would fall into endless toil.

Mathers: "Too obsessive to the world will drag the magician's pace."

Klauen Pith: "Before you say this, please reflect on your wife should be still running outside to earn money and borrow money, right?"

Two hours later-

Mathers: "...It's dead."

Kraunpith: "Don't you admit defeat? Hehe."

(to be continued)

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