Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 31: Who ever expected the ending?

"Hey, no see for a while, it seems you can really give me some fun! Rubbish!" One side walked and stepped on, and the countless ruins and debris around the body and the ground debris and Mikoto’s lightning strikes were changed and turned into cannonballs to fly towards. Mikoto.

When one party finds that his calculation is disturbed, he judges the ability that can only interfere with complex continuous calculations, such as plasma, storm, plasma gas mass, etc., but the "reflection" launched by the instant attack and contact can interfere. No more.

However, how could this powerful but very simple attack hurt Mikoto? The magnetic force set off iron sand walls and storms, resisting and shredding all kinds of shells, and her own lightning strikes could not even hurt her.

One party simply grabbed half of the building and smashed it at Mikoto like a mosquito, which was also disintegrated by several super-electromagnetic guns.

During this period, Mikoto continued to discharge seemingly meaningless, and the lightning strike made the party who was hit by the electric shock unscathed pass through.

"Hehe ha ha, one side passes, I prefer you to remind you." An Qi's voice suddenly sounded behind Yifang pass, "You are dying, haha."

The smell of the air is getting more and more wrong, and one side of the road thought it was the smell of something strange that was ignited by an electric shock. Could it be this--

He subconsciously covered his nose: "Relying on ionized oxygen to generate toxic ozone? Ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha, you are killing this uncle so seriously, it seems that you almost succeeded? However, the first person who was poisoned and fell down shouldn't Are you the prototype of the source of electric shock?"

That's why you have to become "invincible". If it's just "the strongest", that kind of thing and this kind of thing just now will trouble him again and again, so that he can't hurt others.

"Your perseverance, really makes me happy! If you want to die, take me with you? Want to be beautiful, let me go!" Yifang Tongxing stepped on again, operating his own vector to shoot at Mikoto at high speed!

Long attack is easy to be interfered, resisted, and avoided because the opponent is also Level 5 anyway.

Then grab her, just touch it, and it's over.

"Come on! One side can pass!" Mikoto continued to discharge the electricity to produce toxic ozone, condensed iron sand in his hand, forming a high-speed vibrating iron sand sword, and cut it down on the side.

One inch long and one inch strong, the sword of iron sand hit the target one step earlier than the hand of one side.

One party didn't care about it, because this pure physical attack could passively trigger "reflection".

This time the position is reversed. Last time, he was alert to Yuangen’s non-substance attack and he took the initiative to "reflex" and knocked down the opponent. This time, because all of Mikoto's attacks were deemed ineffective-otherwise, no need to use interference methods and ozone to relax. Got alert.

In an instant, a fountain of blood sputtered from one of his shoulders to his abdomen, and a sound of continuous fracture of bones sounded.

Mikoto's iron-sand swords were scattered and flew back with the hand holding the sword, and the cross-section of his arm was bleeding like a faucet.

Since I found a lot of Kihara, and got the jammer, there is no reason to let the fist touch the side of the pass and immediately retract it to let the "reflection" change the direction of the fist and hit the pass of the "Kibara God Fist".

"Kihara Shenquan" is by no means a technique that ordinary people can learn, but Mikoto is a Level 5 superpower who can do this by using electromagnetic induction that can accurately scan the surrounding space and manipulating bioelectricity to control his own nerve activities.

However, I didn't have the opportunity to practice. The first time I used it was not smooth, I did succeed in hitting one side to pass, but it also caused myself to be "reflected". Mikoto's sword of iron sand is a weapon that cuts iron like mud when you don't mind the loss of iron sand to attack. This blow hurt both sides.

"My sister... was killed, the enemy—"

"Really, what am I, in—"

Ozone, whose concentration has reached the point where it cannot be ignored, has become the last straw that overwhelms the two **** people.

"Yeah, ahhhhh~" An Qi hummed a little song and came to the middle of the two pools of blood, looked down at the two of them, and muttered to herself, "Really, what is this? This tattered fighting consciousness, clearly each is doing well. It’s no surprise that you can play more than a hundred rounds with your full strength. Hahahahaha, are you just the eldest and the eldest wielding an incompetent weapon?"

Sister Misaka, who was responsible for cleaning up before the ozone dissipated, couldn't get in. An Qi silently took out the newly bought cell phone from her sleeve and dialed the number of Anbe Study.

Soon after, the subordinates of Study came here and took away Emperor Gakone, Yifang Tongxing, and Sister Misaka, whom he casually described as minced meat, but actually still basically visible in human form.

Mikoto was carried away by another group of people wearing special protective clothing. The tasks of the two sides seemed to be completely parallel, and there was no plan to conflict with each other.


"Ha... the questioning of the security officer is really annoying. If you don't clear the relationship with the secret part, you will have to be protected for a while."

Clown Pis, who used Flanda's body, walked out of the security department's gate with a yawn.

"It's getting dark and haven't eaten dinner yet. Let's go eat before meeting Maiye and the others."

[That supermarket! Go to the supermarket where I take care of business every day and contribute to business! 】

[Flanda, why go to the supermarket to buy something so tall? 】

[Canned mackerel, I want canned mackerel! As a result, it has been nearly 40 hours without ingestion! 】

Kraunpith couldn't help rolling up Flanda's eyes.

[Although there is a suspicion of addiction... But if you want to recommend it, just eat it. 】

After half an hour-

Kraunpisi quietly looked at the closed supermarket door and thought, "Shall we go to the restaurant next door to eat curry?"

[Order mackerel takeaway? 】

In the inner world, Flanda tearfully sold cute, and then said——

[By the way, if you want to make a call, report to Mai Ye and the others that they are safe. If Mai Ye is in a bad mood, pat your phone to apologize. 】

[Why pat your phone? 】

[Let her listen to the sound of kowtow. 】

"..." Kraunpisi took out her cell phone speechlessly, ready to make a After all, she is indeed playing Flanda now, and Flanda's proposal itself is also for Kraunpyce. No harm.

As she was about to press a key, she suddenly turned the phone and turned the screen towards her back.


There are more bullet marks on the screen of the mobile phone, which look like being hit by a bullet.

No, it was actually hit by a small bullet there.

"This shock is not a familiar gun, the enemy's position is..."

Kraunpisi flicked her skirt, pulled out a doll with built-in flash bombs and smoke bombs, and threw it behind him.

"Boom!" The innocent people passing by at night were brutally affected, blinded by the bright light.

The white smoke instantly enveloped a radius of tens of meters.

Kraunpith ran forward quickly in the smoke.

(to be continued)

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