Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 33: Phoebe, Jenny in the fridge

"My elder sister! Even though you and the first person have been fighting a lot these days, you have suffered such a serious injury. Heizi, Heizi, I really—"

Kuroko hugged Mikoto with tears in his eyes, and then—

"Where are you touching, soul light!"


Heizi, who was convulsed and paralyzed on the ground, squeezed out his voice intermittently: "I...I obviously think this is... a physical examination... a good time... a chance."

"Hey, what are you doing at this time, Kuroko." Mikoto said with one hand on her hips.

"Sister, you know how much people worry about you these days, but that's great, now the older sister has returned to the original older sister." Heizi grabbed something nearby and seemed to be climbing up. Stood up, so--

"Don't talk about moving words again and take the opportunity to touch it!" Mikoto vigorously threw Sunspot from her leg, with free electrotherapy.

Heizi, who was electrocuted twice, finally switched back to the serious mode this time: "Ahem, although Heizi, I really want to take care of the injured sister, and spend the night together to understand and understand, but now she is still at work, her sister... ..."

"Well, Kuroko works hard, it doesn't matter if you don't accompany me." Mikoto said lightly.

"No, no, I really need my sister's company for this work." Heizi pressed Mikoto's shoulder and asked in a serious tone, "In fact, we found a little lost child outside the venue where the academic conference was held this year, that The child understands your name. This time I came to see the elder sister to understand the situation. I must give the monkey who gave birth to the child with my elder sister to the right place--"

Mikoto was furious: "Who will give birth to someone!"


Heizi fell down again with smoke all over his body...


Anbe Study base——

"Phoebrie ran away?"

"Well, forget it, it's not a big deal. She won't live for many days without the training tank."

"However, the risk of exposure is increased. Are you ready for the trap site to be traced?"

"Naturally, it's ready."

"Isn't the cultivation of No. 2 body Jenny mature?"


"How about using the raw materials produced by the ‘refrigerator’ for scale-up production? A Jennie doesn’t have so many hairs for the ability to spread."

"But, is it really okay to use the'refrigerator'? That is the original superpower, rather than the ability created by our technology, won't it go against our original intention of the revolution?"

"...In this way, our plan to analyze the calculation formula of the fourth and the original third is not plagiarism? Excellent superpowers are reproduced with instruments that we can manufacture and can be mass-produced, rather than relying on accidents. Isn’t the low-probability miracle discovered from the population the direction we are striving for? Now that the'Absolutely Powerful Evolution Project' has been frustrated, it is time for us to show it to the Academy City!"


"In short, the first priority is to implement the plan to analyze the calculation formulas of other superpowers. Regardless of whether they refer to their calculation formulas or not, considering that they may conflict with them in the future, they also need to make the most basic precautions. Does anyone object?"

"no disagreement."

"no disagreement."

"no disagreement."


"However," one person said, holding down the glasses, "If Phoebrie appears within the scope of our plan, it is best to recycle it. Even if it is just a test product used in the technical testing phase, her abilities may be ineffective. The plan I was waiting for was badly disrupted."

The person sitting in the leadership seat held his chin and thought for a while, and said, "Okay, but this matter should not be fantasised. It would be fine for us to pay more attention to our normal connections. Let’s stop here today."

Several young people, all dressed in white coats and glasses, closed the laptops in front of them and left the meeting room. They are one of the few talents in the school city, including Tomiharuki, Kosakura Shunichi, Sakurai Jun, Sekimura Hirotad, and Madarame Kenji, but they are not known to the majority of students because they are not superpowers.

The Anbe Study where they are located is not directly used by the school city, but as an organization that provides equipment parts to the guards, including all kinds of weapons, ranging from batons, guns, armors, tear gas, drones, to explosion-proof cars, Drive armor and so on.

However, as young people, they are one of the few in the academy city in academic research achievements, but they are not well known. They have worked hard, and they are definitely not in front of those who are very famous for being superpowers casually. Willingly.

They used their business with the guards to accumulate huge amounts of money, and are always preparing plans to show their excellence to the Academy City.

There were only two people without glasses left in the conference room, sitting at both ends of the long table staring at them.

"So, I'll ask if everyone is gone, did you let Phoebri go out to find Mikoto Misaka?" the sunflower in the leadership seat asked Fu Shu Toshin.

"Why, you will come to this conclusion, if this matter is exposed, there is only a dead end in my current situation." Bu Shu asked rhetorically.

"Of course you are trying to save clones regardless of your own safety. It's no surprise that you save a human being now? Anyone who treats these things produced in the cultivation tank as a natural person is the same, and only you have a criminal record. I am. It's already giving you a lot of face, otherwise it's okay to use some means to make those few proud and arrogant listen to me."

The cloth bundle fell silent, in fact, it was no different from the default.

Sunflower said: " Forget it, you are indispensable for the next job. As long as you don’t do what you are required to do, it’s your choice to do what you want to do anyway. We have no negative meaning."

"So, then it doesn't matter what I want to do, doesn't it? Since what I do has no negative meaning to you, then why bother about Phoebe?" Bushu asked.

Sunflower's head tilted, trying to pretend to be forced but it seemed that he had failed.

"Ahem, that was a careless slip of the tongue just now, forget it. In short, as long as you adjust the learning device according to our requirements, and don't do other unnecessary things that are not good for us, please feel free to do other things. You don't need to be at the next meeting. Attended, waiting in my room." Sunflower finished speaking, got up and left.

"Next, I have to continue to deal with the ‘refrigerator’ and Jenny." Sunflower entered another laboratory. She looked at the things in the culture tank and set about operating the electronic operating table.

"Ah, even if it can be processed by a computer, I am not used to it. Obviously, this is usually the work of Uncle Snake and Tou. I really miss them."

(to be continued)

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