Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 45: Angie VS Misha

After An Qi fired the last shot of [Tail Beast Jade], she jumped directly up, sitting in this way, the projectile that would explode at any time flew to the beach and caught up with Mi Xia who was blown away.

This is much faster than Anqi herself. Thanks to the improved stability before the explosion of [Tail Beast Jade], as long as she is not disturbed by other factors, if she is willing, she can be a [Mini Tail Beast Jade] to play the ball. no problem.

Night fell, it was a feeling of turning off the light in the room at night, suddenly changing from day to night. The full moon is high in the sky, even if the moon shouldn't be there now.

Mixia rose from the sea to the air, and an explosion occurred behind her, like the wings of a mountain of ice swords emerging from behind her, dozens of tons of sea water rushed out of the sea, concentrated behind her, forming a huge water wing.

She raised the crowbar again, centered on the full moon, and began to expand, gradually covering the entire sky. The magic circle was arranged one by one, with a total of billions.

"Huh, idiot." An Qi smiled brightly when looking at the magic that seemed to be called [Rocket Rain] in this plot information that could destroy human civilization.

She, who has also liked long-range strategic bombing, can see that this huge magic circle is composed of so many small magic circles, let alone a little bit. The power contained in each small magic circle is no more than a human opposing ship. It's just a missile. Although the bombing of billions of anti-ship missiles is terrible enough, it would be enough to exterminate mankind if it could strike everyone accurately, but ah——

The height of this magic array is just over fifty kilometers, within the range of An Qi's strategic bombing strike.

"Let me break it for you!" An Qi took advantage of the fact that the magic circle in the sky hadn't fully formed, and immediately turned into a nine-tailed monster, injecting the power of the miraculously into a terrifying monster with ten heads.

"Ha! This form of [tail beast jade] bursts are not what it used to be!"

"Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff puff pup

Huge fireworks equivalent to the equivalent of small nuclear warheads bloomed one after another in the air, extinguishing magic arrays that were only anti-ship missiles. The great magic [Rocket Rain] that suffered excessive interference was interrupted and disappeared.

"How to call it? I learned from the book that angels can't use pseudonyms, so Misha is your real name? Is it still Misha?" An Qi lifted the nine-tailed transformation and restored the semi-beasted chakra coat. In the form of an angel, he spoke to the angel who no longer pretended to be.

Mixia's wings moved, and the fifty-meter-long icicle flew towards An Qi.

This was enough to cut through the series of [tail beast jade] that pushed her into the sea, An Qi concluded.

She put a shot of [Xianfa·Large Spiral Wheel Yu] in her palm and pressed it on the icicle.

There was no overly strong collision, and the two sides almost dissipated and collapsed on the spot, turning into light particles and disappearing into the dark night.

Almost at the same time, another piece of ice wing crashed down.

An Qi hurriedly, the technique in her hand reduced the more difficult compression, changed it to rotate, and threw a shot of [Xianfa·Tail Beast Jade Spiral Shuriken] into the air. Unexpectedly, the ice wings hit the moment, although most of them were The fragments turned into light particles and disappeared, and the fragments that were divided into two still came quickly.

She flipped to avoid one of the ice wings that had fallen in the opposite direction.

Bingwing lost its target and flew to the opposite side of the dam, and instantly smashed two craters with a diameter of tens of meters.

"I'm going, is it just that the impact of the fragments is so powerful? Anyway, my attack has to rely on the power of the explosion. It is not even a magical thing. It is a headache if I can't absorb it, although I'm used to headaches."

More ice wings are coming!

There is no time to prepare an attack that can crush the ice wing. An Qi can only deploy the flame wing and use three-dimensional maneuvers to gain more space. The hydrofoil next to Misha resisted.

The impact of An Qi's attack is extremely powerful, even if Misha blocks her attack, the huge shock wave can always blow her a few times. But it seems unable to cause any particularly effective damage.

"[Eight Doors Dunjia], Dead Door, open!"

An Qi suddenly spurted a dark aura and accelerated suddenly, her hands and feet and the foxtail behind her bounced off the flying ice wings and icicles with the smallest relief angle.

More water turns into icicles in the air.

"Is quality and quantity after speed. [Yin and Yang Five Escapes·Multiple Shadow Clone Art]!"

The smoke filled a radius of one kilometer. Thousands of An Qi's clones rushed out of the smoke, all of them collected [Xianfa·Large Spiral Wheel Yu] and threw them toward the icicles that were enough to destroy the town.

[An Qi, I remember that the shadow clone can't bear eight sects, right? 】

It's the voice of Pi Si.

[All said it is Yin-Yang and Five Escapes, right? In this way, the strength is enough to simulate the material construction clone whose limit is close to Qiu Daoyu. As long as it does not use excessively strong physical skills, it is very suitable as a fort...If my Chakra can keep up! Hahahahaha! Although it is still vulnerable to the spiral begging for jade made by Naruto's learning and making! 】

An Qi replied with a little smug and annoyance in her heart, and her body rushed to Mi Xia under the cover of countless clones.

The hydrofoil behind Misha also burst instantly, not because of An Qi's impact, but because of her own will.

Countless splashes turned into icicles again, although they were much smaller, each piece was powerful enough to tear An Qi's body when he was fully defensive.

The one who was pierced into a sea urchin was a stand-in made by An Qi's foxtail clone.

An Qi will trigger an automatic counterattack if he is hit, but An Qi has a hunch that even if it is triggered, Mi Xia will not be caught off guard, but instead she will have a flaw.

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"[Good night]!" An Qi, who jumped on top of Misha's head on her double, banged her axe and feet on Misha's, she didn't hit her head unexpectedly? Am I blunt or is she stronger? "

There was no time to hesitate. Before the new wave of attacks arrived, An Qi hooked her legs around Mi Xia's shoulders, and her body was hooked upside down, letting the Yan Wings behind her lean against Mi Xia, her tail entangled her.

The burning of Yan Wing has no effect on Mi Xia. An Qi's purpose is not this. She could have been used as a muzzle tail. This time, she accumulated energy from zero distance: "[Xianfa·Dark Dust Escape——"

In the new round of countless icicles, there are still less than ten centimeters away from An Qi——

"——Sixtet·Lunyu Random Dance]."

Accompanied by the turbulence generated by the dark halo, a sudden eruption between the two loli close to each other, Misha suddenly turned into a broken kite, the ice wings and hydrofoils were all twisted into fragments, and her body was flying in the air.

The process seems to be a bit procrastinated, but in this battle that is not surprising at any time the sonic boom, from An Qi's opening [Dark Eight Door Dunjia] to the present, it was only a blink of an eye.

(to be continued)

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