Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 60: Manuscript of "Book of Dharma"

The Basilica of Saint John Lateran, Rome, Italy, September 5th-

This is one of Italy's important tourist attractions, and it is also one of the facilities opened to the public by the Roman Orthodox Church, an important sect on the magic side of the world, which occupies one third of the world's population.

At this time, during the international fair held by the Orthodox Church in Rome, there are more cultural relics and holy relics that are not usually displayed in the main hall. Tourists of all races, both religious and non-religious, are in an endless stream.

A black long straight oriental who looks about the same age as a primary school student to a junior high school student also looks quite inconspicuous here.

Star Safia is visiting here as a foreign tourist with a complete license.

She promised to give to her the truth investigation of what was famous in the name of Fran Pith, but how could this be such an easy thing? It might be a good idea to go back in the past and see with your own eyes, but the butterfly effect has already occurred and the demon **** of this world has interfered with their home, so stay away from it.

But there is another method. The first step of this method is to collect things that are closely related to Fran Pith's experience in Europe in accordance with the requirements of Kraun Pith.

The current collection and unearthed items that are almost or in fact the same as the cultural relics include: the tiles and slabs of the Isis Urasia Temple. Laurie smashed the ceiling and dropped the uncleaned remains in the corner of the attic; fragments of the black and white chessboard, said to belong to the chessboard used by Kraun Pice and Mathers; one of a Gatling machine gun Rusty barrel, it’s said that Kraun Pith didn’t know what he had in mind, he had to use the gun as a magical armor; the radiator parts of the Tiger and Panther tank produced by Porsche and Mercedes-Benz at the end of World War II, it is said that Alice No. 3 played the tiger that is currently on display in the museum during the role of Fran Pis. In order to confirm which one, Star also ran several countries that captured the tiger to check the chassis number; there was also a shipwreck under the sea. ...In short, all kinds of things are collected as much as possible with a mentality that may be usable.

However, the fact that I have been to the ruins of the Isis Urasia Temple seems to have been noticed by some British magic associations. Is it that the appearance is the same as the garbage, and the things that are not specially protected have any meaning in themselves?

The collection of things has become more difficult. This trip to Italy should be the last.

Star poses as an ordinary tourist, admiring various exhibits and magnificent architectural furnishings while walking.

"Some of the things here are real magic items, right? Just show them openly like this?"

That's right, Star has discovered something here that is also very extraordinary in a magical sense.

Star has been in this world for a very short time, and the worldview information that Crowenpis has given is also very limited. What she doesn't know is that the Roman Orthodox Church’s disclosure of various sacred objects and forbidden objects to the public has a very important significance, and the reason is very simple. These are important capital tools for recruiting Protestants and raising donations.

Not long ago, the Roman Orthodox Church sent the "Gregor Anthem Team" to the Misawa School of the Academy City to crusade against the alchemist Oreos Isard, who possessed the "Vampire Killer" Jishen Qiusha. As a result, this was composed of 3,000 people. The main force of the super attack was completely destroyed instead. By the way, of course, it was Kamijou Dangma who finally resolved the matter.

Therefore, including the research and development of new techniques to the reinforcement of personnel, we will definitely receive strength from all aspects, and even some things will be sent to foreign countries for exhibition. A similar international fair has been carried out.

"In any case, stealing things in this place is impossible." Stare looked at the thick "ancient book" on display, and sighed in his heart as he scanned the hall that seemed very loose but was dangerous to malicious people. Sighed.

The manuscript of "Book of Dharma" is here. Although the original text has been captured by Alice No. 3, who plays Flambeth, and it is owned by Kraunpith, the English Puritan and Roman Orthodox churches in this world now hold them separately. The original content and the manuscript, the former is in Intiqs's head, and the latter is in front of her eyes.

Although it is a manuscript, since the content of the book is the same, it should be considered an extremely related item.

A child over ten years old always stares at a book that is boring for a child of this age, and it is not quite right. Stars turns his head in another direction without hesitation.

How many times have you passed this book? How many times have you visited the Basilica of Saint John Lateran? Actually not many times, but there are also plurals. Fortunately, there are a lot of things to see here, and it’s no surprise to pass by for a few more times.

At exactly this moment, a pillow-like soft weight came from the top of his head.

"Stasta, ice cream and ice cream in every country in Europe are so cheap and easy to eat." Tanaka topped her body while making a loud noise, while delivering the large cup of ice cream in her hand to her mouth.

Italy is also hot in summer, and Tanaka, whose body temperature can be used as a warmer on cold winter days, does not seem to be very friendly. It stands to reason that such people should not be afraid of heat, right? Just like the fire element is definitely not afraid of fire. Could it be that Tanaka's human appearance allows her to maintain a considerable human function? Star was a little puzzled about this.

But I still have to take these two goods with me, not only because of Tanaka as a weapon, but also because of her own physical age in this era, she has to pretend to be a harmless child in front of the magician, not as easy to walk as a hundred years ago. , If you use illusion, you may be seen through by these rich religions, and trimming the pointed ears is the limit. It happened that Tanaka was still big enough, regardless of height or curve.

And the most important problem to be solved is that Tanaka will be extremely uncomfortable when wearing clothing other than Fortunately, as long as it is sportswear, everyone will come, and I will buy sportswear for her as a daily summer wear. superior.

"I said, Tanaka, where is it cheaper?" Stary said. The ice cream and ice cream that Tanaka eats are not cheap. I want to enjoy buying either large quantities or high-end brand-name hardcover foods.

Tanaka was amused: "It's really cheap, doesn't Star know how to do the math? I can recite the addition and subtraction within a hundred. Puff puff."

"Did you confuse the purchasing power of the euro with the yen and copper coins over there?" Star seemed to guess why Tanaka said it was cheap.

The euro is valuable.

"It's almost noon, are you going to have lunch?" Star asked.

"Hey—for lunch." Tanaka refused to reject the good stuff.

It's better to try to grab it while waiting for the transfer. Now let's continue to act as a tourist.

(to be continued)

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