Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 80: Defense of Endignon

   Lily’s attack, if faced with unprepared capable students, the winner would have probably been decided, but this time it was faced with a large number of combat nuns who had undergone considerable combat training in this area.

   Although many people were blown to the ground for a while, none of them died and was dragged to a hidden place by other companions nearby.

This is also Lily’s purpose. She has no experience in fighting large forces. Even if the attack range is large enough, she cannot prevent the opponent from dispersing. If some corpses are left behind, if the opponent is some kind of fanatic, someone may be in madness, or at least. Adopting more sacrificial tactics, they will seek other unexpected ways for Lily to interrupt the ritual inside, and they must always give them some hope of positive victory.

   There is a square in front of the bridge head of the main entrance of the Universe Elevator, but the nearest building has not left the range of magic.

   "There is only one enemy!" a nun shouted, followed by several nuns.

   "The first and second units and my guards looked for bunkers nearby to contain the attack, and the third and fourth units passed under the bridge and went around behind the guy!"

  Waving the torch, magma blocks flew out from the opposite side; walking sticks, axes, crosses, bibles, and even huge pointers in the bell tower became instruments for magic, and colorful magic radiated toward the bridge. New 81 Chinese network update the fastest mobile terminal: https:/

   The magical volley of two hundred people is very spectacular and majestic, and Lily's "normal attack is a large-scale combo" is not enough to target two hundred people at the same time, and it has exceeded the upper limit.

   Several rounds of magic that can control the trajectory, with small wings or feathers, launched a surprise attack from outside of Lily's barrage.

   Like being bombarded by Level 5 abilities, part of it was directly deflected to the side. Only a few magic based on controlling the flight of the spiritual suit hit Lily, but it did not cause visible damage to Lily.

"Sister Agnes, that person seems to have some kind of invisible all-round shield, which also increases the strength of the body, is it a super power of the Academy City." Ann who has just successfully hit Lily three magic spells but is ineffective. Jielina said in a nervous tone.

   If the opponent is only attacking fiercely, there is still some hope, how to fight if the attack is invalid? She was worried for the companions who passed by under the bridge.

   "It seems that the opponent is also on the alert that the density of magic does not match the number of people." Yanis said, if the defense is so strong, then it should be attacked?

  If it turns out to be that way, Yanis intends to let the troops behind him rush directly into the gate that was opened.

"All things take care of everything. The fifth element of the five elements, unfolds the staff of the teacher that symbolizes peace and order." She held a silver rod longer than her height, and chanted, "One of the idols. Follow the law of the Son of God and the cross, Connect the foreign body with the foreign body."

The six small wings on the top of the silver rod spread out like flowers.

   "Dang!" She slammed the teacher's rod on the bunker wall.

   "Woo!" Lily's body bends ninety degrees, ignoring all the defenses and rushing on her, causing her to fly back several meters and fall to the ground.

   "Dang!" The second blow struck Lily, who had not had time to get up, and rolled a few times on the bridge.

   "What?" She was not wary of coordinate attacks, but if she didn't understand the mechanism, vigilance would be useless.

   The staff in the hands of the senior staff and teachers originally evolved from the warhammer in the weapon. Just like some priests in the Overlord world would wield maces or meteor hammers to fight, they were weapons used to defeat opponents' armor or shields. The shape of the staff member in Agnis’s hand is not as big as it can be used as a warhammer, but based on the symbolic meaning of magic and the five elements that make up everything in Agnis’s chant, its symbolism extends to all things. For example, it can be used as a warhammer. Act directly on space and designated objects.

   Therefore, the defense covering the whole body is meaningless. Lily naturally couldn't know these things.

Lily turned her head to look at the fighting nun, and once again unfolded the barrage to push back the approaching magic bombardment. She looked at the red-haired nun who appeared to join the attack. Even if she didn't understand the opponent's attack, she should be holding such a striking staff It's the leader, and it's different from casually killing the creeps to make the opponent red eyes. It would be better to knock down the leader to break the opponent.

   A light bullet attached "Equalspeed" and "DarkMatter" attributes, directly smashed several interception magic, and shot it at Yanis.

   Yanis smirked, like a face of conspiracy, hitting the teacher's staff at the seemingly powerful light bullet like a baseball.

   Lily was puzzled for a while, just as the silver rod is very strong as a magical outfit, can it resist the "DarkMatter" that has been specifically added to the knowledge of magic and aimed at its attributes? Can that little dwarf withstand an "Equalspeed" impact?

   This blow was beyond the expectation of both sides.

It seems that Yanis, who was trying to "hit the ball," flew out. After all, she is not something fixed in place, not the flame giant who can only move within the scope of the rune "small advertisement", just like a person being caught by a car. A car bomb coming at a high speed hits and flies, but the mere people will not trigger the detonation of the car bomb. The light bullet with the same speed continued to fly unswervingly, and the nuns on the trajectory evaded cleverly or embarrassedly, eroding the space and piercing through the space without hitting Sister Yanis, it’s okay. Bar! "The nuns hurriedly lifted up the **** Yanis, and someone began to cast her healing magic.

   "Intensify the treatment. If this degree of injury is dealt with properly, the battle will not be affected." Yanis stood up with the help of her colleagues and looked at her temporarily misfired opponent.

   Lily lowered her head and glanced at the big hole in the center of her body, her eyes swayed slightly.ァ新ヤ~⑧~1~中文网ωωω.χ~⒏~1zщ.còм

Agnese: "Heh, do you think it can be solved by knocking me down or destroying my spiritual outfit? Huh, it's a pity, as long as I hurt this rod, my target will be injured, and it has nothing to do with whether the rod is damaged, it depends on the damage. Its attack power, the warhammer symbolized by the five elements is such a thing."

   The Arniss troop that passed under the bridge immediately launched an attack. This is a combat nun who is good at close combat, has strong jumping ability and muscle strength, and wields various heavy weapons.

   A large number of weapons and magic hits instantly!

   Then, they were blown up and flew everywhere in an instant. Several of them even flew tens of meters and fell behind the group of Agnes's troops. They didn't die, probably thanks to their nun suits as spiritual suits with considerable protection, but looking like that, they probably won't be able to return to the front soon.

"HP-189, due to super power experiments... it is impossible to use recovery magic, lack of human flesh, and the recovery system super powers failed to activate... Use the AIM force field to fill in the gaps in the recovery function, and start... 30 Eight seconds."

   However, the situation of the battle waits for no one.

(to be continued)

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