Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 86: Constant temperature death

   "Eh? Wait, Chuchun? Chuchun, what are you going to do?!" Shirai Heiko heard that Chuchun Shili was about to come to fight in person, and was shocked.

   In her opinion, even if an antivirus program can be produced in early spring, some kind of high-power large hardware is needed to transmit to the running away Mikoto. It is something that requires the cooperation of the guards.

   Although computer skills are extreme in early spring, physical and superpowers are very weak. What can you do here?

   After a while, there was a new change in the battle situation-Mikoto's black lightning and bursts of super-electromagnetic guns began to shoot into the distance!

   "You guy, where do you look!" The wind controlled by one party could not be completely blocked. He constantly waved the black wings behind him to bounce off all the attacks that were shot far away as much as possible.

  Dang Ma, whose trajectory was too high, could not be reached with her right hand, was able to observe for a moment, and shouted to one side, "Wait, she seems to be afraid of something!"

   "Huh?" An expression of "how do you TM know" passed through one party.

   How can you explain it? Said that I have seen a lot of magic, and angels have also seen it, so does it seem to feel like this?

   "In short, there is something to come from over there, right." One side is too lazy to struggle, since the ability to be hemp is beyond his understanding, and he is a good person, he won't talk nonsense in this situation.

   From the end of the road, it was a vehicle that looked a bit like a radar car.

  The electromagnetic guns and thunder that broke through or bypassed the defensive circle of one party continued to bombard the car, but they all dissipated within ten meters of the car!

   "Guardian?" Heizi noticed that there was a manufacturer's logo on the front of the car, which was actually the logo of the company operated by "STUDY", and the car was their lost connection with the Te72-FO mind control car.

   The car stopped beside a few people who were watching and discussing the battle in the distance, and what came down from above was--

   "Chuchun! You are...chuchun, right? What's the matter with you?" Kuroko looked at a loss.

No wonder she is like this. The state of decoration in the early spring is completely different from normal human beings. The skin and eyes are faintly fluorescent, and they seem to have looming lines like integrated circuits. Flowers are blooming on the head even though they are often worn in the early spring. The flower headband, but now the more luxuriant flowers and green leaves have spread to the shoulders, and there is a looming sense of dreams.

   "Unforgivable, absolutely unforgivable. Those who play with our memories and hurt friends' bodies must definitely take revenge on them." First published www.(x81zw)m./x81zw/

   "Early spring!"

   "It's okay, Shirai, I know how I am now, and I feel good."

This is the early spring with the sufficient computing power of the "Dead Misaka Network" and using the existing little intelligence as a medium, she began to imagine the "flower" called the system and further used her imagination to supplement the flow of stems and leaves, water and nutrients, etc. Piece together the whole picture of the system flower. The calculation of "imagining an organization from all angles" is what makes Chuchun an active hacker.

   If she has special talents in early spring, maybe she will construct a terrifying "reality of her own" and exert a powerful force. Unfortunately, under normal conditions, her brain and body do not have the ability to support her.

   Walking toward Mikoto in early spring, the pitch-black falling thunder and electromagnetic guns all shot at her like a tactical bombardment, but they all stopped like time before reaching the early spring, shattered, and dissipated.

"Fighting Misaka-senpai, who has surpassed Level 5 by relying on a huge network virus, is impossible to win a single-player Level 5 defined by academy city. The host of the network is not in the three-dimensional space as we know it, so I want to solve it quickly. Virus, I can’t do it. The first step now is to let Misaka-senpai settle down, and then use the sympathetic effect to temporarily suppress the virus, so that there is time to deal with the culprit.”

   Kuroko: "But, how do I do it......"

Chuchun: "Incorporate my brain into an independent'Misaka network' that is infected with the virus-as I call the network that controls Misaka, hacking and controlling, with the help of its huge computing power, the entire AIM in the network Redefine the diffusion field, write all calculation formulas that are beneficial to me, and write my super power calculation formulas to the extent that they can knock down all abilities, including Misaka-senpai."

   Heizi is only dumbfounded: "How to do this kind of thing?"

   In the early spring, he continued to move forward step by step, crossing one side of the road and playing hemp, stopping all Mikoto's attacks and breaking them down.

   "It's a pity that my superpowers can be activated with the best efficiency formula when they touch life with their hands."

   Chuchun reached out and ran into Mikoto. Mikoto was completely still, as if time had stopped.

In the early spring, the ability "HotHand" is set to keep the temperature of the things in contact with the hand, and its essence is to maintain the degree of molecular vibration inside. In the early spring, when the brain is merged into the network to obtain huge computing power, it will use its own ability to maximize its effectiveness. Modified the formula so that I can control the vibration amplitude of the molecule itself. The fastest full text of 噺⒏⑴祌 んττρs:/м.χ八㈠zщ.còм/

   Let it not vibrate at all, that is, completely still-and then expand to achieve complete stillness in the macroscopic view, that is, complete freezing, which can also be done.

   In the same way, a slight modification of the computer she operates can also greatly increase the computing speed-no matter how to run the computer, it will not overheat, and further enhance the efficiency of her ability to modify the system's writing ability ~ ~ Thermostatic Death

It is not that Chuchun Shili is invincible at this point. She can write the set range arbitrarily, which is limited to the areas where the network connected to her brain and the divergence range of the AIM force field can affect, so she had to specifically hack a mind control car. "Carry it with you" to ensure that your ability to build and improve yourself can be used within a certain range of the center of the parking space.

Chuchun: "Returning to the previous topic, that car is the Te72-FO mind-controlled car I found when I searched the available equipment in the entire school city. The power is not enough to control Misaka-senpai, but it can transmit the sound to her brain. , Wait for me to subdue Misaka-senpai—"

   Kuroko: "Wait, there is no driver in the car? You drive by yourself in early spring? Do you have a driver's license?!"

   Chuchun: "Well, it's okay, it's voice-activated. I have adjusted the authentication recognition to my voice. Next, I'll--"

   Before finishing speaking, when Ma rushed forward, she patted Mikoto's shoulder with her right hand.

   A miraculous cancellation effect sounded, and Mikoto woke up.

   No matter how hard I prepared in the early spring or the Intiqs who had discussed a lot of time to start singing, it was all in vain.

   Not only that, but also the black energy that ruined her clothes and wrapped her body...

   "Boom!" When Ma touched her face, there was a standing sunspot on her back.

   After all, Kuroko has to think about her sister's ethics, how can we let the great apes share this paradise-like scene with her?

(to be continued)

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