Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 147: Kihara Genetics

Anbe "STUDY" base—

"I said, the equipment in Academy City is so great, it's rare to get the Kihara DNA sequence and brain cell samples, and soon the brain plug-in samples will be available soon. Is there no way to directly perform clinical tests?" Sunflower shook his hands and used it. Come to connect the tube instrument of the brain, and ask a group of high-achieving researchers.

   Everyone shook their heads desperately.

   In the rear projection of the laboratory site, the gene fragments under the electron microscope showed an unheard of conditions in human genes.

   Why did you study Kihara during this period?

   is because the actions of Level 5 in the academy city during the Daiba Star Festival are related to the plural Kihara. Kihara Hansei and Kihara are similar. In order to get close to the peak of truth, they competed with the first, second, third, and fifth level 5 who refused to dedicate themselves to the truth and lost their lives.

Anbe "STUDY" is committed to the "Biochemical Intelligence Project" of mass-produced people. Because of Kihara's recent big failure and attempt to destroy the Academy City for science, he did not hesitate to remove Kihara from some projects and take the opportunity. The superior got the equipment and funds.

   "Is it really okay to come to this conclusion?"

   "No matter how you check, the genes of the Kihara clan will not exceed 66.7% of the common humans."

   "Even the structure of DNA is different. It is impossible to confirm whether it can be used as a definition for the study of new species."

   "In this case, it is too dangerous to be directly involved in human experiments."

   Generally speaking, DNA is a double helix structure. Except for some viruses, organisms in common sense use this double helix structure for DAN. This is not limited to humans. The Kihara family has a triple helix structure similar to a twisted braid.

   Not only that, just a little study of the known history of the Kihara clan is enough to make people creepy. They have existed since ancient times. Kihara is only a Japanese-style surname pronunciation formed by Roman transliteration. In fact, they are universally used in the world. Most of their roles are unknown, but what can be found with the authority of Anbe is also terrifying.

The Kihara family must kill humans and damage the experimental equipment in the experiment, because that is the limit data, which is one of the necessary experimental control data; the experimental body must be derived from all variables, so they must exist as the experimental body themselves, and they must With only one piece of data, they can voluntarily donate any organ or even their relatives and their own lives; they may not have the opportunity to learn scientific knowledge. For example, someone once isolated innocent children of the Kihara clan who have not been educated as mad scientists. Even so, these people They will also automatically grow into the state of mad scientists. Even if they are not exposed to the slightest word and mathematics, they can create self-compiled theories and complete scientific experiments with open minds since they were young. Rather, it is because they have not learned the corresponding Knowledge forms ethical values, in order to verify all possibilities, it will become even more crazy.

   In this way, only the naive and talented students who once consciously realized that the academy city's emphasis on Kihara is not a question of seniority, but a gap in biological hierarchy.

"With the help of the learning device, Kihara’s brain hole was finally stored here. It is precisely because the Kihara clan can automatically develop into talents without any knowledge. As long as the brain plug made of Kihara’s hypothalamus is connected, there is no need for anything. I use Kihara’s thinking based on the theory of knowledge... It’s not fun to grab a personal test from the outside if it turns into Kihara rebellion. Using Misaka and Jenny’s tests are worried that even if the Internet is disconnected, I will be hacked. Do I have to experiment by myself? ?" Sunflower muttered, shaking the tubular instrument in his hand.

   "Wait, are you crazy? If you get Kihara's mind, you will definitely... self-destroy!" Sekimura said with a fat twitch.

   "It's not so much self-destruction, it's better to say that we are involved in any new idea and we will die without a whole body." Sakurai Jun whispered.

   "Eh... Are you bricks who once planned to assemble a bunch of broken drive armors and want to start a revolution? You don't have any dedication to science." Sunflower said disappointedly.

"Oh...If you want to dedicate yourself to science, we can't stop you, but," Fu Chunshu said, holding his glasses, "At least before the experiment, just in case, let you master the'Dead Misaka Network'. And the permission of'Jenny Network' is handed over to us. And, how about using the B brain plug-in? That is relatively safe."

The brain plug-in No. A held by Sunflower is to explore the truth and pursue Level 6. He often accidentally involves himself in explosions and the ability of the experimental body to run away. Almost all of his body is replaced by the prosthesis. Replace the lost Kihara with anything else. The problem is that from Sunflower's point of view, the similarity between B and himself is a bit big. Will the experience not change much?

   "Well, well, follow the experiment step by step, I admit that I am a little impatient." Sunflower walked back to the experiment platform and changed the B plug-in.

   "After all, the experimental equipment in the academy city is really amazing. The calculations and biological experiments that should have been completed in a period of more than ten years can be shortened to a cycle of days. How exaggerated is it that you have to follow the basic laws?"


"Wow oh oh oh oh... this is... this is!" The sunflower with plug-in B hugged his face, a pair of coral eyes with a kaleidoscope pattern trembling at an extremely high frequency, and his body Gradually lean back to the point where the human body without exercise will definitely break the spine. UU reading

   "Analysis...Analysis...150...Analysis...240...600...Analysis acceleration...1000...1800...Acceleration...2700...3800...Insufficient samples, increase—"

   A medical robotic arm and a revolver stick out from the cuff of Sunflower.

   "Get out of the way!" Bu Shu Toshibu suddenly pushed away the bewildered top student and rushed to a position less than five meters away from the sunflower, "I don't want to use this if I can."

   She held up a pistol with two barrels that was big and thick and weird.

  The academy city equipment that is difficult for ordinary people to acquire, the calculus can also be distributed in a small amount by the regular academy city troops and the dark part, which can automatically scan the target calculus and synthesize the most suitable warhead in the gun. Even the golden-red bone shield that they didn't understand could make a cracked but very small weapon.


   Sunflower, which had no defense at all, exploded in the same place as his neck. The head and part of the body inside the clothes were turned into smoke on the spot, and various parts and equipment broke through the dress and scattered on the ground.

   Another sunflower appeared abruptly in the space, and he pointed at the equipment on the floor, and those things flew back to her automatically.

   Seeing that this sunflower is not as crazy as just now, everyone is relieved. This is not the first time you have seen the body structure of sunflower. In the dark side of Academy City, there are also prostheses and artificial objects all over the body, which can replace most of the body. They only treat sunflowers as their kind.

(to be continued)

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