Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 150: Fran Pith Cult

Patwee inexplicably rushed to Fran Pith and Aleister, crying and making trouble, and finally foamed and fell down as if he was the victim. Soon this trick was dismantled by Franppice and Aleister, it was just a tarot double.

That is to say, during this time, she did something she didn't want them to know about.

Franpies: "Ms. Naiko Wei was acting just now. This acting skill is amazing. It's a shame not to be an actor."

Aleister: "I'm afraid that after excluding the essence of the magician, her character is like this, isn't it just a child?"

"Then, let's talk about business next." Fran Pith kicked Aleister who was lying on the ground to her knees, then sat down on her back again, and said with Erlang's legs raised.

She was not worried about the other side at all.

This if girl Aleister may wish Franpies to fail.

"Can I ask a question before that?" Aleister asked.


"I have been siderided by you several times, and as a daughter, I finally realized that half of you are male, right?"

"It's really bad for you to find out, what's the matter?"

"Of course business will not be delayed. During this period, can you cooperate with me to carry out **** magic?"

"I have no objection, but I have to ask a question in case I have to ask, what are you going to do with this magic?" Fran Pisi said.

"Aleister... Wait a minute!"

Perhaps it was because the British magician was no longer there, and the technique of dispelling idlers was the same. A student who was handing out flyers happened to pass by. Although he was surprised by the scene here, he witty left two flyers and slipped away.

"Even if almost no one recognizes the chairman's'Mr.', shouldn't it be changed?"

To sum up, in order to write "The Story of Shangtiao Dangma", they went straight to the Internet cafe, and then -

"It was you who caused me to throw it out together, Aleister, you are sick, and you are hopping on the chair and table and knocking down the clapboard. Are you sick?"

"Sorry, sorry, I wanted to customize measures for someone to make sure they won't be convenient, but I accidentally browsed to a special exercise method."

"You really should exercise after hanging upside down for decades! Want to be so excited?!"

Franpies didn't feel that it was annoying to be with the girl Aleister. It was rather fun. During the period, the business was peeling out a little bit.

The overall meaning is that Aleister hopes that Fran Pith will not interfere with Kamijou's troubles. Aleister will use him as a hemp to do a vital thing in the future, but now to use him as a thug is just training in the "plan".

It doesn’t matter if someone else finds a copy to give him a numb fight, as long as you don’t kill it, but Aleister knows that Franpis’s right hand has lodged a part of the fantasy for some reason. If he continues to interfere, he may lose control, so he can’t ignore it. .

Franpies said that she had no objection. She used Shangjo Toma to solve the assassination of her just when she was just going to lead Chizuko. She tried to spend less energy to deal with a troublesome incident, not a special thing.

In fact, Franpisi had to consume 100% of Retiri's magic power to suppress the magical dragon, and she had to take it away from Shangjo Toma to bother her. Of course she would not say this.

"So, why did the lovely Aleister jump out of the men's room around the towel this time?"

"In order to personally verify the ubiquitous issue of inequality between men and women on the Internet: Since you are a hermaphrodite, you should be able to face this problem fairly: Why do men enter the women’s bathroom as a crime; and women enter the men’s bathroom without any trouble. , I have fully verified it today. They really don’t bother at all. Fran Pace, don’t you think this is unfair?”

Franpis was so screaming that her hair was flying up, and she roared back angrily.

"What age are these old stalks! It's just unfair! As long as I dress up as a cute girl, half of my male can have privileges and do whatever I want, right? Is it!"

"So that's it, there is this trick," Aleister dropped the towel and looked down, holding his chin in thought, "Sure enough, there is nothing. Next time you can wear a male'I' in women's clothing--"


Franpies grabbed Aleister's face and plunged it directly into the wall of the men's room.

"Your business is finished, it's time for me to do my business-before and after the Great Domination Star Festival, I took in a few capable people and magicians. Unfortunately, my Star Trails Gate Company is a conscience enterprise and cannot afford to pay black wages. , You help me solve it, anyway, it will do no harm to the general council."


? ? ? ? ——

"Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh..." Pat Wei, who was fighting, suddenly retched with a collapsed expression on his face.

"What's wrong with you Pat Wei?!" Leisa was shocked. Could this enemy seriously wound the leader of the "Golden" successor without noticing a trace of magic power and signs?

"It's okay here. The problem lies over there, the tarot card has been cracked."

"Is it a curse based on tarot cards?"

Pat Wei shook his head and said with an expression almost biting her handkerchief and crying: "Although tarot cards can be destroyed to convey information, this is what a terrible mental attack! This is a dream, it must be a dream! They attacked The illusion created by me!"

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... you say yes." Leisa felt that she would only break her dream when she asked, and she agreed.

The reason why it is so leisurely is that, for some reason, it should be a very difficult object, but it is terribly weak.

Alandes is the person who came to Xueyuan City by renting a plane to meet and play games with Franpies. The identity of this person is called "The Darkness Before Dawn" The leader of the magic society.

There are hundreds of members in this magic association, and their method of creating new magic is different from other magicians-they are not interested in the way of creating new magic with historical allusions, but they are not interested in improving the existing magic system. Vulnerabilities and breakthroughs in the bottleneck of existing magic development are very focused, essentially a magic research organization.

The Yugula-Intena technique with a different system is undoubtedly an excellent goal, but with years of research and exploration, because the Yugula-Intena technique can unearth the essence, it is simply too consistent. The place they are interested in, this association has gradually developed into the "Fran Pi Si Sect" that worships Fran Pi Si.

At the same time, these people also have a lot of popularity in the magic world because of their technical support for other magic associations.

It’s just that because the road is getting more and more crooked, magic research has begun to sacrifice people like sacrifices. In recent years, the reputation has declined. The cult of Franpies within the association was also investigated after a large number of abnormal victims were discovered. Known.

(to be continued)

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