Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 158: Franppice VS Orrels

Fran Pith, who had reset her life, expanded her shadow, summoning thousands of imaginary ribbons from it.

   Even if it can swallow everything and even life constructed by magic and magic spells into an imaginary space absorbed by pure magic, in front of the [Northern Throne], it still can’t escape the blow of the explosion.

   However, the speed of digesting excess magic power to promote regeneration is higher than the combo speed of [Northern Throne].

   After all, the faster the combo strikes, the imaginary ribbon that can be regenerated or even expanded by withstanding magical attacks is now getting bigger.

   When the imaginary ribbon unexpectedly started to swell into something like black sausages, Oreals, who had repaired his arm by the way, frowned and stopped attacking.

   "A new trick?"

   "In your opinion, this is the case. You actually saved me to explode half of the earth. By the way, the magic power of pushing the earth out of orbit by this explosive force is enough for you." Fran Pith said silently.

   In fact, there is a kind of "want to try" idea.

   But the time needed to control the spray direction, Orrels wouldn't give it, and Aleister looked like he wouldn't allow it.

   Ke Fulan Pisi did not want to carry these millions of "black sausages", each of which can destroy the Academy City.

   "Tentatively granted, world."

   "Tentatively grant, strength."

   The surrounding atmosphere changed drastically.

   "It's not exactly... that's the case." Orells nodded thoughtfully. School City is still School City, but there is no one. It's not a trick to disperse idlers——

   In the entire academy city and even the world, there is no one in sight!

   "A mirror world like the reverse side of a coin, right?" Orells said.

  Franpisi teleported into the air for 40,000 meters.

   All the "black sausages" burst out on the side of Orells. He remained unchanged, and the countless explosive combos of [Northern Throne] greeted him.

   Watching tens of thousands of meters in the air, even if the saints and high-level angels and demons are involved, they will wipe out endless explosions, take out the two-meter-long magic gun and aim.

   Black and red light patterns infested, and purple-black flames flickered at the muzzle.

   "The more unfavorable the battle, the stronger."

   "It's really an unfavorable battle."

   "It's not a matter of challenging the quasi demon god."

   Alice No. 3 has completed this Franpeise’s failed creation, but she will not use it.

  The more unfavorable the battle, the stronger the magic power of the magic gun, but is it really necessary to deliberately plunge oneself into the same crisis? Moreover, the price that should be paid is still the same. If you want to forcibly kill an existence that is much higher than the user, the user will definitely die.

   "My goal is the whole world that the demon should influence all the time."

  As long as the goal is set to the world itself, the existence that fails to become the one who dominates the world will never be able to withstand the blow of Fran Pith.

   After just pulling the trigger, a purple-black flame ejected from the muzzle.

   "To give life forever."

   "Tentatively grant, strength."

   The moment Franpis reset the life that he had paid for, the mirror world was destroyed.

   In reality, there is no Aurelles in the ruins of countless container wrecks. There is only one Franpece who seems to be dozing and sitting on the spot after the man and a lot of "black sausages" disappeared.

   For a moment, Orel's figure appeared like an ordinary person who had just been hit by an aerial bomb explosion. He appeared out of thin air from Fran Pith's body, rolled many times on the ground, and then stopped.

   He was about to resume the battle when Fran Pith got up and grabbed his wrist.

   The big sword with red light pierced in the center of his chest.

  Billions of [Nordic Thrones] exploded Franpies, who was too close but only attacked and completely withstood the magic, strangling two-thirds of her body to death.

   At the same time, the big sword that had burned Orells's interior rushed out of his back.

   "To give life forever."

   "Eternal endowment, strength."

   "Tentatively grant, strength."

  【Permanent Endowment】and 【Tentative Endowment】, Franpisi prepares to deal with quasi demon gods or other equivalent enemies.

   [Permanent Endowment], no matter what Franpisi itself is taken away, it can be permanently endowed to herself again. It is completely brand-new, rather than direct effects such as restoring magic or repairing magic, and it does not let her time go back. To be precise, it is to make yourself "the self in memory". There should be more ways to make use of it, but I was anxious to use it before I had time to develop it.

[Tentative Grant]: Transform the things that Fran Pis can see but haven’t touched into reality and give it to myself, but to put it bluntly, I can generate a car with one idea after memorizing the car design, a bit like projection magic Effect. However, it can be superimposed. For example, Franpisi adds a buff magic to temporarily increase the value of his ability, and then he can temporarily use these for himself but has not yet reached the realm of himself, and become his own thing, and then gain magic to Based on this, her ability value increased again, so it happened that as Franpisi adapts to her strength, she can stack up infinitely as the battle progresses. I wanted to imitate Aleister's shock rod but hadn't done it yet.

   This level of magic is definitely not something that can be easily interspersed in the quasi-devil's overwhelming attack.

   Fulan Pisi can maintain this magic in an instant billions of relying on external power.

   After resetting his body, Franpisi drew out the big sword and prepared to make up the knife. Orells suddenly blew himself up.

   "Cut, didn't directly attack me, did you find it?" Fran Pisi frowned and raised the magic gun.

   Fulan Pisi can constantly reset her state at no cost in order to fight the quasi-devil god. She is not a demon god, of course, there is a complex mystery.

   Without the skills of academy city, part of the knowledge in the 130,000-volume magic book, and the pen that can freely write the original text to make the rules of "Yggdrasil" and her rules be recognized, this would not be possible.

   Even if he only has a clue, is it better to keep him?

   Suddenly, a storm of supersonic maid blows!

   "I have to watch out for you, even if it's just a mere saint!"

  Franpisi aimed at the maid with the windshield, and swung the big sword smoothly, the black and red sword light swept out at a speed and momentum several times faster than the maid.

  [The Throne of Northern Europe] struck again, causing a huge explosion on the sword light.

   "Woo." The power radiated by the great sword in Tanaka's right hand is not friendly to Franpies, and unlike her own power explosion, she retreats in the face of the raging flames.

   Then you only need to use [Permanent Grant], the problem is——

   "Aleister! I killed the quasi demon god. What I should be happy about is that you want to destroy the magic side! Why?"

(to be continued)

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