Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 164: Beneficiaries of Black May

There was a strange noise suddenly behind Flanda, and she was shocked.

"How come? My keen nerve, strengthened by Pith's passive ability, didn't even notice that there was an enemy behind?!"

Flanda hurriedly turned around, and saw that Jian Qi and Mai Ye were stomping on a human-faced and dog-like uncle's face robot.

"What's this, it's so funny."

"There is such a disgusting thing that hurts eyes in the juvenile home. Don't let me see it, okay?"

"It seems super weaponless, super weak, is it a guide robot?"

"Whatever it is, if it's too disgusting, just kill it."

"Super agree."

"That, Maiye..." Flanda said tremblingly, "If it is a guide robot, maybe the eyes are cameras..."

Perceiving the scenery under the skirts, the two people who might have been photographed all over again stepped on them with the power of destroyers.

Mai Ye even synthesized a green ball of light near the palm of his hand and pressed it down, turning the dean's face into ashes abstract art.

"Maiye, isn't the ability super-usable?" Jianqi tried her ability to manipulate nitrogen, but she couldn't form armor as expected.

"This interference force field is really done." Mai Ye gathered a few light **** around his body, and they soon dispersed, and said, "I feel that the moment I shoot it out, I will lose control. If it is a highly versatile ability, first Not to mention, my high output will hurt my ability."

"However, it's okay to destroy this disgusting thing." She pressed a few **** of light on the faces of the other deans who wandered around.

A similar scene was staged in the entire Second Junior College. It was not a combat robot, it was responsible for being a guide and educating, but because it looked too disgusting, it was vandalized by the students' wanton violence.

Like revenge for the dean's face, a large number of insect-type robots began to dispatch.

The students who failed to respond to the attack all fell asleep and fell asleep, although part of it was destroyed, but there were too many.

"Although it looks super weak, the number of built-in super-anaesthetic weapons is too large, and it is a super troublesome enemy for them." Silk flag kicked a robot bee that was trying to rush to inject, and said in time.

He stepped on a centipede robot trying to entangle him, generated a light ball at close range to obliterate the wheat field, and shouted as always: "Ah, so troublesome, Flanda!"

"Yes!" Flanda, who knew what to do at this time, took out an EMP bomb from the bottom of his skirt and threw it out.


The surrounding robots misfired.

Not long after, they arrived at the prison dormitory where the prisoner was designated to be rescued.

"Speaking of it, shouldn't it be better to prepare this in case of prevention?" Flanda took out three sets of masks and a small oxygen cylinder from the bottom of the skirt.

"What? Is there poisonous gas in it?" Mai Ye asked.

"If it is a reference to the previous generation juvenile home." In the "Black May Project" that silk flag participated in in the past, there was a juvenile home. After inquiring about something, he said, "There may be paralytic gas and no Oxygen channel."

"It's really troublesome."

Several people wore masks, and Mai Ye didn't plan to go to the front entrance, because only prisoners in designated rooms were allowed to take away. To avoid meaningless destruction, he also distributed a map. Mai Ye pointed to a wall and said, "Flanda."

"Yes—" Flanda stuck a plastic bomb on the wall, activated the timing fuze and ran back.


The walls here are not automatically filled with repaired liquid building materials, and a large hole is created.

"There are also many people using explosives, firearms, driving armors, and armored vehicles in this game. There is no need to accompany the juvenile home to play trap games. When several groups are already in the lead, they just move forward in such a short way." Mai Ye ordered.

Of course, the average contestant simply doesn't have a channel to own the huge possession of Flanda's bombs.



"Pretending to be affectionate and attracting heroes to help you is your new awakening ability? Hahahaha, just kidding."

This is a place very close to the outer wall. Sunflower threw aside the heroic student who was stunned by the stolen anesthetic needle and smiled at the girl protected by the hero.

The child's hair is blue, which is rarer than red hair in the academy city, and his hands are tucked in the sleeves of the knitted sweater, trembling as if he is about to cry.

After hearing Sunflower's words, she immediately raised her mouth, but she stood up without a smile in her eyes, and asked, "Is my acting so bad?"

"No, no, how could it be? My memory is not bad, right, you, Crocodile River Thunder Axe?" Sunflower put on a hearty smile with squinting eyes and teeth spreading his hands back.

"...Who?" The other party tilted his head.

"Eh..." Sunflower sighed, holding his face and lowering his waist, "Even if the body is no longer, among the researchers who surround you, this gesture, this smile is a very sign, right? Isn't it so inexistent?"

Thunder Axe rubbed his chin with the back of his hand, which was completely covered by his sleeve, and looked at the treetops and said, "I think the mad scientists in the movie can all behave like this."

"Ah, but is that something you can see in reality?"

"Hahahaha, I'm not interested in villains, because-aren't most people such selfish creatures? The villains just dare to show it in a way that violates moral rules."

"Suddenly speaking of the principle, you are not a person who likes dying movies and special photos? I remember that when you removed a part of your brain and replaced it with tissues cultivated from other parts of the brain, it caused a certain kind of spirit. Changes But before you have time to analyze your data, a group of you ran away. Your data hasn't been analyzed yet, so more useful data should be generated now. The holiday is over. ."

In order to increase the visual deterrence, Sunflower directly carried the 20mm revolver with both hands, and aimed at the muzzle of the thunder axe to rotate at high speed.

At the next moment, Gatlin exploded in place, and her arms fell apart into parts and fell around.

"Hahahahaha, is your growth going smoothly? The spirit that you replaced has really promoted your abilities." Sunflower, who gave himself a new arm, said happily, "I also look forward to this. The completion of this goal is over."

"Could it be that you are—" Thunder Axe seemed to realize something, and even the pretended smile no longer existed.

"Just now it was just a sideshow. If the opponent is a researcher, the ability may have countermeasures. Keep the distance below 2% and increase the winning rate to 21%." Thunder Axe's cuff was torn, revealing that it was installed in his hand for close combat. The sharp claws, activated the ability, rushed towards the sunflower.

(to be continued)

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