Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 176: Magical abilities vs. science magicians

Estelle hides from Mikoto's sight, blessing the knot with magic [Armor of the Dead].

   As a necromancer, this was originally a buff magic made for the dead, but it was an enhanced magic with earth spirits on the target unit, possessing the defensive power to withstand penetrating concrete bunker siege guns and the destructive power of destroying the armor of the chariot.

   appears to be wearing armor, but in fact the soil spirit moves seamlessly with the body. As long as the soil spirit can withstand the attack in place, the impact will not be transmitted to the person.

   "What is the principle?" Mikoto asked.

   "How do I know! You ask me, who do I ask!" Jiebi also replied slightly uncomfortably with the other party's question.

   "If it's just to prevent us from chasing and not doing this, what is your purpose?" Mikoto asked with a tight face. She suspected that the other party had any intentions against the prison, but there was no need to confront them if they wanted to rob the prison.

   "Do you want to collect information from me? But I have to talk about credibility when I do business. In short, you will understand it." The knot waved the military torch, and pieces of machinery were sent here one after another.

   "Each of these must be more than a ton! Are you not Level 4? Why are you free to use abilities here!"

   "God, is there a gap between Level 4? Well, but my output is indeed less than one-third."

   Several pieces of machinery were quickly assembled together and turned into a huge robot.

"Using a robot to oppose me, I can't help it!" Mikoto moved magnetically at high speed, avoiding the heavy blow that the huge robotic arm was enough to smash the tank, and touching the robotic arm temporarily stagnated by inserting into the ground with one hand, she began to launch with a terrifying ability. enter.

   "This, what is this?" Mikoto was shocked, what structure and system is this?

   If it's old, crack it roughly, if it's an advanced system, crack it carefully, but this is completely different. The rules touched inside are completely different. For example, it's like asking her how to play a modern record with a CD player.

   This product still does not contain iron, and the surface is insulated, and the magnetic force and electric shock are invalid.

   But since it still outputs the electronic signal that is converted into the battle of the robot, it can be analyzed in the reverse direction, but it takes a little more time.

   The robot suddenly spewed out a storm of flames!

   There is no gun spout on its body, so the flame storm is swept up out of thin air.

   "It's ability! Lily and I mentioned the so-called ability-generating machine!" Mikoto once again used magnetic force to avoid the turbulent flames at high speed and shouted at the other three, "You go first!"

   "But..." How could Kuroko leave behind the older sister who was suppressed by this robot because of his abilities that he couldn't fully use.

   "Idiot! I have no time to protect you! This person is from Anbe! He is the same person who caused us to suffer that night!"

   "...Sister-sama Wuyun Changlong. Alright, Chuchun, Saten, go here... Go to the guard to report!"

   Confirming that the sound is gone, Mikoto breathed a sigh of relief.

   She just turned her head, only to find that the robot was gone, and a roar came from behind.

   "How can it be unclear at such a big size! Space moves?!" Mikoto turned and a magnetic levitation slide drilled through the gap under the robot.

   "But no flame is used at this time? Could it be that its own main body cannot withstand the high temperature?"

   But the target can be attacked. Seeing the military flashlight pointed at, she immediately rolled out from behind, avoiding the coincidence with the teleported attack.

   "Absolutely this time!" While avoiding the attack, Mikoto re-launched his hacking ability. After contacting him once, he has memorized his electric signal and can now launch a hacking war from a distance.

   is like opening the door to a new world. Even if you can’t understand it from a scientific point of view, you can turn it into electrons that you can manipulate according to the gourd painting.

   It is like crossing a very high breakwater. It feels like no reason. It is like seeing a tropical rain forest in the desert with an extremely incredible boundary.

   does not care about the dark red liquid flowing from the nostrils and the corners of the mouth, which are also unexplained.

   "Huh?!" Estelle felt extremely unbelievable, her body of the prisoner cow being manipulated by her necromancy was actually taken away by a girl who showed no signs of magic? Only audiovisual sharing retains the most basic level.

   "How messy it is, kid! It doesn't look like magic at all, so your body can't bear it!" Estelle said worriedly when she saw Mikoto's scars.

   "I said, why do you, a necromancer, worry about the safety of the enemy?" Sosti felt a little speechless.

   "Let's leave the battle aside, but it's not right to play with tortured lives!"

   "Although I have no objection to your words, if you choose to fight, there is no way, right?"

   "Oh... it is clear that my family's long-cherished wish is to make a perfect doll (god), which has gradually evolved into necromancy since the fourth generation."

   "Then what is the robot you are operating? It's not like a dead person or a doll."

   "...I don't know, the core is a long-haired volleyball."

Estelle came to the academy city to use technology to achieve his long-cherished purpose-although this is a violation of the agreement between the magic side and the science side, the definition of science and magic is vague, and people who cross the border are actually Quite a few, otherwise some people say that the ink produced by the machine cannot be used by magicians to write. During this period, accumulation has also assisted in the research of the relationship between the power and size of the capable person and the body.

The scientific conclusion is that the ability of the capable person comes from the brain sending out signals that constitute thinking and all activities. The existence of the soul in magic is called the soul. The size of the ability is related to the size of the body under the condition of maintaining the "quality judgment". Then, The parts that are equipped with huge dolls (large robots) are recognized as part of the body just like the prosthetic limbs that have been developed successfully. Wouldn't they greatly improve the performance of the capable? This is also a way for the doll to get closer to perfection.

The material is mixed with the obsession of the ancestors, because it is related to necromancy, so the researcher side tried to get tens of thousands of death experiences, under the obsession of the ancestors, created an attempt to swallow the academy city and all life. The big monster was then wiped out with the help of a side pass.

   After bidding farewell to the passage, and unable to bear to disturb his life, Estelle further plunged into the deeper "darkness" of the Academy City, right here, manipulating the body of the capable person created by the legacy technology.

   "Negative 屃, 屃屃, and 狴犴 form a combination-Breaking the Army."

   "Laughing at the wind, Pu Lao, Chi kiss, constitute a combination-suppression of evil."

   "Shenyi, 蚣蝮, and Jiaotu form a combination-Shenyi."

   Estel, with the help of the bid, once again "summoned" the body of the plural combination abilities to this point.

(to be continued)

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