Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 189: Exchange opponents

One party passed his eyebrows and stared at his opponent: "It seems that your brain and robotic arms have written my thinking mode to analyze and predict the direction of each vector operation of mine. Where did it come from? Is it Kihara? The soul is pale..."

"For employers who have not betrayed, I naturally have no intention of betraying. Don't you know that credibility is more important than remuneration for this business?" The night once again opened countless manipulators to one side. She secretly said that it was not good, as the battle progressed, it seemed that one party had begun to deviate from her absolute precision prediction.

"Huh, I should almost be impatient!" One party passed this time like a performance, staggering bunches of nitrogen blasting guns, and the nitrogen blasting guns bounced and flew past him like a ricochet.

"Could it be that air wraps the whole body to form armor?!"

"Fifty points, your attack also relies on rotating nitrogen to achieve the fusion of multiple sets of attacks so that the power is comparable to Level5? That uncle can imitate your rotation to create a defense wall and throw your attack away."

However, when the rotation is rotating, the frontal collision will still evolve into a head-to-head collision. It is possible for the night to retract the nitrogen burst gun to hit him, so he also needs to make a little side-to-side swing motion assistance. With his movement power, it originally depends on the number, It is difficult to lock the target in the center of the dark night hit by the volume and range heap.

"Wow, it's very embarrassing not to put me in the eyes." Thunder Ax threw the nitrogen blasting gun that had been bounced back to one side again.

"As long as you reconfirm your problem, there is only flow operation left." One of the passers sprinted again. He has already found out that the range of Thunder Axe's gravity circle can only change within the range that fits her height. No wonder this range can only be used. It is incomparable to his ability in close combat and transfer of others to attack.

But we still have to confirm the law of change. Using a plasma to cause a big explosion on the edge of the gravity circle may easily go beyond the scope to destroy her, but considering that storms and heat transfer have directions, if Thunder Axe can do it, it will be more complicated. The point calculation can also counteract the attack and reflect a part of the attack.

Otherwise, to ensure that she will not be reflected by her, you have to use a central melee attack that does make contact.

"No, since you are shorter than me—" Yifang Tong suddenly opened his arms and wanted to embrace Thunder Axe.

Thunder Axe couldn't help laughing: "You, don't you even want to save the enemy? You're a hero, but you wouldn't be qualified if you can't bring me down."

"No, it's over." One party rushed toward the thunderaxe, as long as the head was aimed at her body, the body beyond the gravity circle would be enough to touch her no matter what.

She wants to fight back when the door is wide open. She has no means of attack, and the nitrogen blasting gun is also cracked. At the moment of touching, one party can intervene in the other's bioelectricity, causing it to disorderly and faint.


This was not an electric discharge caused by a passing party, but the night's mechanical arm suddenly fired a shot from behind the Thunder Axe. It was a stun gun that fired an electric shock line, and the thunder axe lost its strength and plunged into the arms of one party.

"What do you mean, you are so soulless!"

"That's it." Thunder axe's hand suddenly aimed at one side and blasted out two nitrogen explosive guns at zero distance!

As long as it is judged to be connected to the night or belongs to the night's hand, it can become her ability jet.

The reason why the dark night must make Thunder Axe suffer is only to grasp the characteristics of one party's current behavior, which can make him react to the moment that may be slower. I never thought that "cannibalism" can be a hostage threat or let one party pass the head. Crash, just let him take a slow shot.

The nitrogen explosion gun exploded and smoke swept the area.

"It shouldn't be like this. Did you use vectors to disperse the power at the last moment? Even so, under the micromanipulation of this microscope, he didn't have time to change the'reflection' and suffered considerable damage, right..."

The night was soon speechless, and the reappearing party seemed to pass through unscathed.

It would be too much to say that it was safe and sound. The gray-headed face and blood-stained tattered clothes all showed that he was uncomfortable. In that case-why this "young master" who is poor in physical strength and rarely suffers harm, can still stand there? Is it something like the black wing behind it?

Although it has been learned from the intelligence that outsiders may regard it as a black storm mixed with some substance, vector wind control is not difficult, but it is because the night has transplanted the common thinking mode of one party, they can understand that it is by no means a product of ability, it is even more. Something mysterious and weird, something that can never be defeated by her ability!

"I thought it was a gangster, but I was wrong, you are a hopeless gangster. I thought you were very similar to me in the past, so I played with you here, but it depends on you. Among them, then there is no complaint about becoming a protein in the experiment like those dolls!"

The huge black wing fanned towards the night with the might of flying everything out of the atmosphere!

It's dead—think of the night at this moment.

A piece of black wing suddenly twisted, and instantly hit another piece of black wing.

Even the light can be twisted like a ring of gravity that makes it pass through a black hole, and even the black wing can't escape.

"Although it is good for me to be the protected party, I still prefer to fight against heroes." Thunderaxe, who hadn't fainted for a while, propped up his trembling body and said.

The distance was very close, and one side swept across the body of Thunder Axe with one foot, attacking with a range larger than the circle.

As he expected, Thunder Axe didn't dare to hold on any more, and blasted back and avoided the passing leg of one party.

"Confirmed that the nature of the ability is seen through, the winning rate is less than 0.0002%." After speaking, she turned and ran.

"Fuck." Dark night screamed. Although it was easy to fight with this product, UU read www.uukakā, but she knew that this person was almost hollowed out by sunflowers, and only the tactics and tactics of hunting heroes were left. Instinct and execution of sunflower commands.

That is, I want to leave the trustee?

This is not a clause within the scope of the commission. After all, the invincible combat power is worthless, but it is really unhappy. She stopped doing it, turned around and ran.

One party didn't go to chase right away because it was in the direction where the other party was fleeing, just like a baton. The angel dragon he had been caring about before flew over!

But before that, the thing that was hit by the angel dragon hit it first.

"That is." One of the passers caught Estelle with both hands, and didn't even look at the machine parts and the hairy volleyball that fell everywhere with her.

"...Meet again, Master?" Estelle greeted happily but somewhat embarrassedly.

"I said I don't want that kind of address." One of the passers let go and let Estelle land on his buttocks, and asked, "I have already experienced that. Are you still playing with those tattered dolls?"

(to be continued)

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