Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 233: Pure Encounter Outside the Whirlpool

The sea of ​​ice hanging upside down in the sky did not disappear, and the night did not disappear, indicating that the angels are still alive, and the two fighting with the fire on the right are also safe, but the fire on the right should not have completed its purpose, so the fire on the right and escape It makes no difference. Kamijou Touma thought so.

   The fire on the right stared at Dang Ma and said: "It's not over yet. Give your right hand. As long as you use your right hand as a medium to unfold the power fixed in my body, there is hope for the'Bethlehem Project'."

"When you say the phrase'as long as there is hope', there is no difference between you and escape! Your fantasy is broken by me ah ah ah ah!" When Ma Chao started the fire on the right. assault.

   The confrontation between the two right hands is about to begin.

   However, the first attack, and even the second and third attacks that burst on this battlefield, were beyond the expectation of everyone on the scene............


   Elisharina League of Independent States, field hospital——

   One side leaned his back against the wall, looking at the scene outside the few windows.

Not long ago, he and An Qi came to this country with their final work. They formally came into contact with the magic side in a country where even ordinary soldiers knew magic, but even though they came according to Ives, they still couldn’t find it. The way to save the last one.

   The leader of this country, Eli Sharina, personally treated him, saying that the body of the last work was constantly being injected with some kind of poison, so it was difficult to treat it completely. During this period, I also ran into two members of the Academy of Urban Anbe, Shigami Hamamen and Rigo Takiko. For some reason, the boss of Anbe was mad at Hamamen and Takiko couldn't hold his body and fled to try to cure the illness.

   Takipot can be cured by a method similar to that of a witch boiled medicine, but the final work is not good. One party didn't mess around, but calmly tried to find other ways. During the period, he helped the hospital beat foreign spies.

   At this moment, he has no time to think about other things, and his attention is focused on the vision in the sky.

   Suddenly in the dark night, the sea of ​​ice in the inverted sky, the magician of this country panicked, and Elisharina told him to flee.

   But what he cares more about is the angel-like thing that appeared on the floating "island" before the ice sea covered the sky. It should be related to the hint given by Ives. Is there the answer to save the last work?

   So the party who is accustomed to solving the trouble head-on agrees.

"I said," An Qi grinned and complained, who walked out of the hospital with Yifang with the last work. "It's obviously that you want to bring your baby. Why can't you hold it yourself when you are not fighting? Hehehehe, finally Do you feel tired of bringing your baby?"

   "Let go if you don't want to hug, I'll take it before then." One party said coldly.

   "Cut, anyway, she's been in a coma and I can't take away her favorability. Hug won't change her opinion of you." An Qi tightly held the last work in her arms.

She doesn’t like to hold children. As a part of human beings, she has not received normal care in this aspect since she was a child. Therefore, she is at a loss for this way of treating children. Holding the ground, from time to time use his chakra to give the last one a certain symptom relief.

   She was abandoned by the goblin, so if she didn't take care of the final work, she would lose the reason to follow one party, and she didn't know what else she could do or what she should do.

   Leaving the area where people run around, one side asks: "Can you drive?"

   "Hee hee, do you think I am a person with a driver's license?"

   "Cut, even if you use a gun at this time, no one will be willing to drive to the storm center. You can do me a favor." One side turned back and said.

"Ah, could you let me use my perception ability to confirm the vortex of the struggle related to Ivás, and then let me launch [Tail Beast Jade] to help you fly over at high speed? It is indeed faster and easier than flying by yourself. Hee hee hee, why do you feel that this scene is a bit familiar." An Qi smiled.

   "Be happy, you guy has value for my uncle to trust and use."

   "Holly ha ha ha ha ha ha ha, then I happily agree." She Jieyin separated the foxtail clone and handed over the last work.


   Following the route provided by Franpis, Cynthia flew like a jet plane.

"Ah, although the spells on the wings can collect the internal energy in the atmosphere and turn them into magical power, isn't the temperature getting lower and lower as this goes on, this is Russia in winter, oh oh oh oh... although it is considered Thick clothes were prepared at such a temperature, but it was actually in a state where it couldn't burn magic power for warmth."

She was able to carry the fire on the right for a while, and it also relied on the Intner technique for battery life. To be honest, if the fire on the right dragged on for a while, even if there was no decisive blow, she would lose. NS.

  Using internal energy to transform into magic power for combat is destined to be unable to burn magic power to maintain her body temperature: the law of conservation of energy is fully applicable here, although there are also options for refining magic power to keep warm, but in the ice and snow, this is not a safe way.

   Suddenly, a high fever hits!

   A huge ball of light quickly enlarged in her eyes!

   "What is that! But it seems that the target is not me. It just relies on it to store some heat for warmth and refine magic."

   However, a white-haired man with a whirlwind on his back rushed out from above!

  Cynthia turned the magic wand in her hand into a shield that emits colorful rays—of course, it is also the elixir of the British stolen! "There was a loud noise, and the light that should have automatically counterattacked back to kill the attacker turned into light particles and scattered around.

   Yifangtong is prepared for the strange phenomenon of "reflection". It concentrates the vector in one direction and hits the shield with a punch!

   Cynthia flew a hundred meters by this punch to stop her figure.

   "Who!" She turned her shield into a crossbow, and fired five rounds in one direction.

   The arrow of light broke through the wind that was being manipulated by one party, making him feel that the rash reflection would fail, and he immediately flew to avoid it. However, when the arrow swayed past him, it suddenly turned back and forth to surround him.

  A magical line of power stretched out between the arrows to form a cage, and thunder broke out in the center!

   "Reflection" failed, but the defense succeeded anyway. One side dispelled the aftermath of the explosion, took out the parchment and shook it to test the opponent's reaction.

   "It looks like a parchment for recording magic, but I don't know this pair, nor do I know you, did you find the wrong person?" Cynthia asked vigilantly.

   Yifang Tongxing tried to see if his opponent was doing a show. He, who used to deal with people who were not visible and experiments, had unique experience in looking at faces and temperaments.

   came to an awkward conclusion.

(to be continued)

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