Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 247: A record of the mercenaries who landed on Pearl Harbor

November 10, Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, U.S.——

Kalman and Hans are good friends in an infantry battalion in the mercenary team "Trident". In this battle against Hawaii, they were assigned to the landing force on a landing ship disguised as a passenger ship.

They felt that this should be the unit with the most casualties. It was a bit unlucky, but because of the nature of the job, they would not be a deserter, and they had the consciousness to sacrifice at any time, but--

"Oh! Another guided missile destroyer has sunk. Has the hegemony of this country come to an end!"

"Don't get too excited, man. The base in front of us hasn't been completely suppressed yet."

Hearing Hans's voice and seeing the moment when the opposite American anti-tank missile was launched, Kalman immediately bent down and hid behind the tank that accompanied them to cover their advance.

"Boom!" The anti-tank missile exploded violently on the black-painted lid-head turret, but the tank was unharmed.

Good risk, if you didn't bend down, you might be affected by the explosion.

In fact, mercenaries are not completely free of casualties.

Kalman and Hans used the tank as a cover and fired at the opposite side, assisting in suppressing the fire as much as possible.

The tank turret turned slightly, the coaxial machine gun spewed out fire, and the main gun immediately spewed fire to the opposite side.

A reinforced concrete bunker on the opposite side was so quiet.

Of course, the U.S. counterattack will not stop because of this. From time to time, the tanks burst into "ding-dang-dong" ricochet sparks and explosions, but they didn't mean to be damaged, and they advanced smoothly with the tanks on the entire front.

The M1A1 main battle tank launched by the US Marine Corps is a terrifying behemoth in front of a large number of five pairs of road-wheeled chariots and Sherman tanks. The tanks that could be penetrated by the depleted uranium shells still fired back as if they were unharmed. The US tanks were blown up to darkness and instantly misfired.

The performance of main battle tanks is like this, not to mention the performance of those armored vehicles.

Unknowingly, the number of companions in the armored forces has increased. Those misfired American tanks and armored vehicles were put on mercenary flags and turned around to join the offensive.

Kalman: "Should we grab one and drive it?"

Hans: "I will not do anything that violates the combat mission currently assigned to us."

From time to time, hundreds of millimeter-caliber artillery shells that have never been seen in this era flew overhead, and other military-related installations in the deeper part of the island set off large explosions similar to earthquakes.

Although stray bullets flew over and around them from time to time, there was a smile on their faces at this time. This is equivalent to winning at all, right?

They even continued to talk about the weapons that did not belong to them.

"Hans, our main tanks should be the old Sherman, the early Patton, the Centurion tank and the T-34, T-54/55? Although there are still active service in some countries, these should We have also replaced weapons and equipment. The main gun should be strong enough, but is the armor so durable? Your country was equipped during the Cold War. Do you know anything?"

"I don't know, and there is no reactive armor installed. The tracer of this machine gun is purple and I am very concerned about it. Does the machine gun of which country use this kind of tracer?"

The tank drove over the barbed wire and knocked down the bunker. They followed up and found that many of the American soldiers lying on the ground seemed to have just passed out in a coma.

"What to do? Captive?"

"We are a commando team, this is not ours."

For some reason, the punishment for the execution of prisoners without authorization in this operation is quite strict. Perhaps the purpose of the operation is similar to a coup d'etat rather than destroying the country. Although secretly killing may not be known by the officer, the punishment for such a supernatural phenomenon is still not desired. Seen it for the second time.

Put down their weapons and put them on the tank to move on.

Suddenly, the tank in front stopped and began to turn.

Kalman and Hans, who adjusted their pace to keep themselves safe, saw a large pit that was several meters deep and that the armor and tanks felt spacious.

"Is this a trace of the large-caliber naval gun that is being shelled on the shore?"

"Yes, looking at the appearance, I think they are all old ships. Although some anti-ship missile launchers are installed for the time being, large-caliber artillery shells are stronger in terms of price, cost and visual deterrence."

"By the way, battlecruisers whose main firepower is naval guns easily defeated guided missile destroyers and also annihilated naval aviation. Is it really okay to win so easily with such a large generation difference?"

I don’t know if it’s the opening of the mouth. In several places on the battlefield, some of the mercenary’s dark-painted tanks exploded one after another. Burn out together.

Although this phenomenon caused a little panic in the actions of a small group of mercenary soldiers near the explosion, they immediately searched for nearby bunkers and accompanying vehicles. In war, it is normal for the enemy to destroy one's own tanks. It is rather strange to say that in the face of the world's most powerful army, only a dozen tanks have been lost in the face of the world's most powerful army.

The losses of the Black Armored Army are the masterpieces of the "Scarlet Sunshine" magicians arranged by Pat Wei in various places in Hawaii. But they didn't have the opportunity to expand the battle, and they were immediately entangled by a larger number of magicians.

A large number of magicians of "Darkness Before Dawn" and "Dawn of Snow Field".

The fighting will not stop until all the American flags on the Hawaiian Islands are lowered.


The large transport plane that the President was riding was parked on the sea.

But it’s not safe it is very simple to order a seaplane or speedboat to rescue as a president, it is obviously impossible in the situation of fighting on the shore, and it is not without being shot down during the round trip. Shen risk.

Just as they were considering letting one pass and Misaka Mikoto lead people with their flight capabilities derived from their abilities, a ship was broadcasting English to approach their aircraft.

"What are they talking about?" Dang Ma asked, who didn't understand English.

"They regard this aircraft as a US military fighter that was shot down in battle, and they are calling for surrender." Mikoto relayed as an interpreter.

"Fletcher-class destroyer." President Robert tapped the "Empire Center" that he carried with him-a laptop computer that could exercise the presidential power system. It was sold to another country. It is estimated that the mercenaries bought the ship. This terrorist attack... No, the enemy fleets in this war are all old ships that have been in service in the middle of the last century."

Pat Wei: "That was the destroyer DD-479 Stevens, which was sunk in 1948, but the actual combat record should have been tampered with."

(to be continued)

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