Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 258: Artifact Order

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! As soon as Marian hung up the phone with her index finger, Franpisi (using her own face) who was sucking a peach milkshake at a nearby store loosened the straw and said impatiently, "Are you finished? Use your index finger. It’s rare enough to operate a mobile phone for a few seconds. Why use a touch-screen mobile phone that I’m not good at when I use magic to make a call?"

"With such high-end features, it can also be connected to the psychic. The interface is still "gold"." Marianne fiddled with this phone very much.

Franpies: "Looking at the way your novice operates, it's probably slower than using magic directly, or do you plan to become a keyboard man? At least you have to be like me?"

With that, she took out her phone and fiddled with it a few times. Many magic circles have nothing to do with the drawing materials. If you make more adjustments, even the runes, spells, and magic circles displayed on the screen can be used. What's more, the original foundation of rank magic is computer programming?

Seeing her cell phone rang, Marianne immediately pressed the answer button: "Hello?"

Fran Pith: "Are you really picking it up?"

Marianne: "Dabbling on other magic, and the phone bill is not included. What's the rush?"

"However, I always think it's more suitable to finish the game, holding my mobile phone and shouting "Summon Dark Dragon" is like a card game. It's not practical at all in normal times." Pliny hung up the phone with a bored expression on her face.

It is really not practical to activate magic on mobile phones in ordinary battles. Mass-produced mobile phones do not have the bonus effects of magic props and weapons; and once the magic cannot be activated, the magic sword can chop people, the wand can hit people, or even empty-handed. It hurts to beat someone with a mobile phone.

"So, what's the matter?" Marianne fell in love with the phone again, seeming to be familiar with other functions.

Franpies: "What are you pretending to be garlic? Richard didn't tell you clearly?"

Marianne: "Oh, the order is right, that's being done, it happened that our leader didn't have my task in the last two days. That man really provided good materials, can he make a great spiritual outfit, don’t use it. Forgot to make an advertisement."

Franpies: "Yes, I have a new order here. Don't forget who is responsible for accumulating so much energy in the core."

If it weren’t for Pliny and Dora’s second Angie, the core energy might be much less this time. The energy obtained by detonating the volcano to promote the eruption by the detonator is the firepower that Marianne needs to build the artifact.

Marianne: "Okay, if I have time, you can also provide the material-what do you need to do?"

Franpies fiddled with the phone and transmitted a piece of data to Marianne's phone.

It took more than ten seconds for Marianne to call it up. After a cursory glance at the changes, she was dumbfounded: "I said, you can verify this thing?"

"Why, if you have an opinion, in one sentence, do it or not?"

"This can also... ahem, make a deal, can I buy this? If you can provide double copies of the materials, then I won't charge anything."

"I don't care, but I know very well that this is of no use to enhancing the power of your "troublemakers". What I need is the fact that you created this item with your own hands, before the gun of the Lord God."

This sentence made Marian alert.

"How about I sell you another piece of information?" Pliny stretched out her hand and shook three fingers. "Your boyfriend has a **** disaster within three days. If you want to participate in the anti-academy city activities, there will be an attack from the academy city. ."

"Did you find the information in the Academy City? If I want to know the size and ability of the enemy, what do I need to pay? Will the attacker be you, right?" Marianne asked with a calm face.

Franpies smiled and spread her hands: "Why, I do things that annoy you, do you want to trade. I have no plans to be an enemy of Otinus. You only need to build weapons according to my requirements. That’s enough. See you next time in the academy city. You don’t have to make a special trip to delay the precious time of the troublemaker, just by the way. After all, you and we will become busy people in a few days."

At this moment, the metal drum under Marianne's hips shook, as if to ask her **** to leave.

Marianne had fun: "Don't be like this, I'm not very heavy."

"Well, such a person is still alive. Is this the result of the black dwarf craft." Franpis noticed the throwing hammer under her ass, as if the Thor's hammer had human consciousness?

Marianne patted the Throwing Hammer: "Well, yes, if you don’t care about the quality, it can be cheaper... Wait, don’t discharge it, don’t say you, don’t be jealous, similar things will come from the sky like a big sale in a few days It's fallen."

"Hey, it doesn't matter if you tell the little details of your own battle plan?" Fran Pissi said.

"It's not a secret. The news will be broadcast after a while. Huh?" Marian realized that the shaking of the Throwing Hammer was because someone came behind him. It is reasonable to say that the corresponding driving technique should not be set. , That is--

There is a magician here, still a beautiful blond girl with scars.

"That, who are you?"


"Oh, it seems to be the subordinate of Fran Pith who was killed in a flash at the beginning. I'm afraid to stand behind people vomiting blood and not saying a word."

Hindrella vomited out the blood-mixed teeth, and looked angry and betrayed: "You said a lot of different plans just now! Isn't the purpose of our cooperation to turn the United States into a magical kingdom and improve the status of Western Europe in the world?! "

"Yeah, so what? I didn't delay your business, and the rest is up to the employer who gives the money, right?" Fran Pith raised her face as if it had nothing to do with her.

What Hindrella is going to do is really not Franpeth's role for some time to come.

"Could it be that the rest is thrown to me? Go on, what to play—" Hindrella seemed to want to vent, and was treated as hostility by the throwing hammer. The blue and white electric sparks entangled her body, causing her to lose. All the you still need this? "Marian asked, looking back in a playful manner.

"In short, let her unreasonably make trouble calm down. If you want it, you can, but I don't allow her to neglect her. I will be my companion for the time being." Franpis said. Honestly, Cinderella’s performance disappointed her, but she still Hope to save face.

"I see, just don't neglect and take good care of it, right?"


"Ok, yes."

"Thank you, see you next time."

After Franpies left, Marianne took out a lot of tools, all of which are common types in hardware stores but exuding golden colors. This is the basis for her crafting craftsmanship.

"Don't neglect to take good care of it, ah, I will use my craft to take care of you. I believe that the brand new you will make Franpies spit out Belushi's information satisfactorily. Then there may be some collapse. Oh, what do you want me to transform you into?"

(to be continued)

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