Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 281: VS the crazy coalition

Kamijou Toma and his party learned that the Universe Elevator Endignon had been overthrown by an existence they didn't know, so there was no need to argue.

Wars broke out in many places in the school city. If you can hack the surveillance and the Internet, you will know something soon. In short, they immediately rushed to the closest point of conflict here—the wreckage of the cosmic elevator base.

In view of the loss to the enemy by pushing the tower, it can only be a battle between a troublemaker and someone.

There are many missiles in the school city, dragging white smoke into the air.

They were not far from the military airfield, and several hypersonic fighter-bombers flew past their heads almost as if they were vying. The huge noise and wind pressure forced them to temporarily stop moving forward.

"What! What kind of battle has started in Academy City!"

"They flew eastward!"

When Ma and Mikoto showed anxiety, their family lived in Tokyo.

Reza and Patwee fiddled with their phones.

"Although people of my level only have general news, it seems that the multinational coalition forces decided that the academy city was the first to launch a missile against them and sent air troops."

"In fact, what exactly does that missile do? I think it's just a spark."

"Those missiles are not an attack on the multinational coalition forces!" Mikoto fiddled with the connected PDA to check the information collected by Misaka sisters. "The disintegration of the cosmic elevator caused the disintegration of the top floor into a large amount of cosmic garbage, which contains a large amount of garbage. Strategic and tactical missiles and devices that may leak secrets once they are recovered by other countries, so Academy City intends to destroy them or change their orbits to burn them out in the atmosphere. Instead, Academy City took off fighter planes in response to the offensive of the multinational coalition forces... Damn it , They really went to war over Tokyo!"

In the distance, a huge beam of light flashed from a shadow that looked like a castle in the sky, passing high in the sky.

The fighter-bombers of the Academy City rolled and dodged with agile movements that conventional fighters could not make, releasing one missile.

Several thick beams of light passed through the huge air and landed in the academy city. Everyone only felt that the ground and buildings could actually roll like sea waves.

"Hey, did the United Kingdom and Rome actually take out the air fortresses that have been sealed for many years? Obviously they were hiding in the face of Fran Pith in World War II."

"Leave aside Franpies, this is not enough to use the Demon God as an opponent. They probably expect the indiscriminate bombing to block the formation of the'spear'. Ah, that one is flying towards us. ."

"Damn it!" Dang Ma ran forward desperately, reaching out his right hand to the thick magical beam that was about to fall here.

Then, he himself was blown a few meters away, rolled and fell to the ground, his right wrist was so painful that he was almost dislocated. The magic was too large and could not be eliminated.

But the beam at least successfully deflected and shot into the air.

There is no other way but to move forward and solve the culprit.


The twenty-third school district, the cosmic elevator base—

"Does history have such inertia? Really..." Pliny stepped over the quasi-corpse of Orells, walked not far from Otinus, and stared at the fire from the right side that was attacked. Light piles in the body.

Facing the demon **** Orells and the fire on the right, who has the power to save the world, still won the victory in a short time, Otinus said coldly: "Are you dissatisfied with the result?"

"How come? It's just—" Pliny stretched out her index fingers of both hands and made a movement to pull apart, "You have been [leprechaun] who can pull you off the altar, but it can also be 100% The negative direction of failure is to stay away from fifty-five to become the perfect demon, and create a "long spear" to become the perfect demon with 100% success. I have no right to suggest which one you choose in the end. But now the two will not mix you up. Is he torn apart to the two extremes? Even though Orells has been defeated, his goal of preventing you may be achieved."

"You're teaching me to do things? Tell the truth." Otinus walked to Pliny. In an instant, Pliny's hands and feet were pulled off, and the stick fell on Oreals.

Otinus also shook. Although one hand and one foot were immediately connected at the moment of disconnection, the blood spewing on his body and the ground did not disappear.

"Hmph, if you don't want the world to be destroyed in vain, just buy more time." Otinus turned and left.

"Ah, yes." Pliny, who picked up her hands and feet, sat up, and quickly recovered her limbs.

The Fifty-Five Kai Demon God wants to compete with the world, and in the end it is mostly a tie, a tie, until the world destroyer wins.

Pliny put her hand on Orells and the fire on the right while filling her brain, [Hungry Ghost Dao], [Human Dao], and [Hell Dao] together, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, quasi demon **** Absorb all the body can absorb.

"Is this a pill? It's so big, then why can't it produce peach-like fruits? As expected, it's not the sacred tree and the big tube tree?"

The fire on the right has many small pills, but the Dan of Orells is actually as big as a pineapple!

Pliny can't stand the temptation, she gnaws hard, gnaws hard.

The body can't be wasted either. Connected to Franpisi, the narrative ribbon of the imaginary space stretches out from Pliny's shadow, drags the two in and breaks it down.

During this period, it seemed that the atmosphere of the entire world had changed, just like the atmosphere of a different world of dreams, even if the surrounding scenery did not change.

"This feeling, I see it, I can see it-it's done." A different color flashed in her concentric eyes.


Klauen Pith: "All compatriots, immediately begin to leave the forbidden world."

Star: "Doesn't Pi Si need to leave temporarily?"

Franpies: "Don't worry about that, there are ideas here."

Star: "Please make sure that at least one'cannibal machine' is not involved in the destruction of the world."

Two-thirds of the "remnant machine" was transferred into Pliny's body, and Retili and Flanda kept only one each.


After eating, Pliny performed the same, UU Reading turned to face the direction of Otinus, raised her arms up to the sky and yelled: "Very well, next, I will save the world!"

Soon, footsteps and words came from behind.

"Make the world like this, what saves the world?"

"Are you Otinus! No, wait, you are—"

"Oh." Pliny sighed, turned around and vomited, "Apart from my cloak and furry style, how can I look like Otinus?"

If this is the case, the view from the back is basically similar.

Of course, this did not affect the tension on the scene.

It's just to change the other party's next line as the opening remarks of the meeting.

(to be continued)

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