Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 283: VS Librarian & Queen of Magic

The black and red spiral flew past the people who had already turned their backs on their horses.

Pliny is located in the 23rd School District near the academy city. When Ma and the others fled the airport and regrouped, it was naturally carried out further inside the academy city.

As a result, facing the crowd of people who came from the city, Pliny's [Entries·Crimson Big Spiral Wheel Yu] directly blasted into the academy city!

"Honghong Honghong Humming humming !!!!!"

At the moment of impact, the black and red storm exploded outwards, engulfing all the buildings along the way, and the tornado-like effect sucked in all the objects that were clearly not involved and all the humans trying to escape, shattering them to the point that there was no residue left.

Huge black and white wings rose on the edge of the storm to resist this terrible "natural disaster".

"Does one side pass, really hard." Pliny pointed the tip of the gun to that side, and the black and white wings instantly disintegrated.

Thousands of things like meteors flew from the horizon.

Pliny glanced sideways: "The great magic of the major cross sects? Don't say whether the armed forces of the Academy City can deal with it, this island will be erased, but -"

Swinging the "long spear" backwards, the red light piercing through the sky and the earth swept back and forth between the sky and the earth like a scanner, and it was not only countless meteors that disappeared.

"Could it be that the multinational coalition forces are all destroyed?" Pat Wei knows the threat of the "Long Spear" quite well, although it is not known in more detail, but even if it is only a little bit of power from the hands of the devil, this effect can be achieved. It should be easy.

Because she also prepared for it just in case.

Inticus had no expression on her face and muttered in her mouth. She had entered the [Automatic Secretary] mode because of the aura that was terrifying enough to threaten the magician's mind.

"Even if it is the same mythology, people from different eras and regions have added different colors in history. The reason is that astronomical and geological disasters since ancient times have been construed as wrath of gods by people who are afraid of and cannot understand everything. Odin, as the king of the gods, is in charge of everything. The sharp spear he holds is the origin of the wish to be fulfilled and the wish to the meteor. Therefore, the "long spear" she holds is to dominate everything between heaven and earth Symbolic meaning."

"School City! Tokyo!" Mikoto, who doesn't understand magic, pays more attention to this. How about the safety of her family and friends?

"You!" Mikoto, who realized that she was probably dead, was about to explode, forcibly running the virus and entering an angelic state.

"We are fighting each other, don't you think that you and your companions and family are safe and will not die and fight? You are not such a naive person anymore? Oh, but this way, the ability to die Too much, AIM's force field weakens, isn't Fuse Windslash unable to maintain it? Fortunately, I have deliberately bypassed the last work to inject viruses and orders. There is no way, just kill it."

Pliny didn't give Mikoto a chance to run out of strength, she shot her with a "long spear" and took her life.

"Ha!" Leisha suddenly shouted and stood up, chanting magic spells, while trying to disturb Pliny's sight, rushed towards Pliny.

"Stay there and live a little longer, why do you do such a desperate fight?"

This time, Pliny didn't even bother to move the "spear". She moved her fingers at will to open the magic circle, and burst the cute little demon girl into the sky with an eighth-level magic [Burst[]]. This is faster.

Although it wasn't a turning point, the relatively terrifying aura really enveloped Pliny.


"Originally, this technique was intended to be used by Otinus. The world has been destroyed to such an extent that there is no room to keep his hands." Bai Dewei put on a poker face and carried a golden gun.

The shape is also different, and it should be twisted and adjusted for human use.

But why is gold? Is it because she is a gold series?

Bai Dewei continued: "It seems that your skills are equivalent, so I can't explain the root cause. This thing is the same as the one in your hand. It does not have the function of adjusting the power of the devil. It's just that since the demon **** of the'spear' holder has appeared If it becomes a fact, then just reproduce the phenomenon of using the'long spear'."

"Isn't it holding the'Long Spear', but the phenomenon that caused the Demon God to launch an attack appeared in his own hands. But--"


The blood-red gun head collided suddenly with the golden gun body.

Pat Wei, holding a gun in both hands to resist the thrust, still had a poker face, but he was sweaty. It was clearly in the cold winter at the end of November that he was wearing a short dress and black silk that was not heavy.

"Hehe, I think what you said is true. You are borrowing the knowledge of the ** catalog behind you, I understand this method. After all, my compatriot has copied a copy from her mind. But—"

Pliny pushed the gun in her hand, pressing Pat Wei back a bit, and then said: "The minimum qualification to use the gun of the Lord God is at least Valkyrie? Whether it is the weight of the gun or your body To withstand that kind of high-level magic book, it’s too much burden for you. You hold the gun in the posture of carrying and hugging. You obviously have an S face in battle, but you rarely put on a poker face, and you don’t wear so little on cold days. Sweating profusely, I must be in pain right now? Use the symbolic representation of the power of the devil. In order for the symbol of the magic sign to be correct, you must make a standard posture with a gun. In the end, you are the kind of symbolic movement to gain power A man of magic power? Can you do it now?"

"You don't need to worry about it, there is no Valkyrie's shortcomings, just use [Michael's Power] instead."

"But you are really too much, hehe, knowing that these people are meaningless to fight against the devil, except for wasting the number of attacks here, you actually brought these people."

"How come? They are very useful for navigation and real-time battle reports, and I don't intend to make their sacrifices meaningless."

The golden gun turned The blood-red gun was thrown away by the forked blade like a branch above, and Pat Wei single-handed the gun at Pliny's head with a wave.

Pliny leaned her head back to the ground, and dodged a blow in an arched bridge. In the vision of the reversal of heaven and earth, the sacred platinum light filled everything.

This is not the effect of throwing a gun, but just flat A.

In fact, if Pat Wei missed the shot, or made a mistake or was interrupted, her extraordinary combat power would end here. You have to rely on this conventional battle to create opportunities for yourself.

Pliny flew forward in a backward posture and kicked her delicate body into the air.

By the way, trampling on Pat Wei's words of enlightenment: "No, sacrifice or something, it is totally meaningless. [DoubleSlientMagic·RaiseDead] [DoubleSlientMagic·RaiseDead]!"

Eh? What do you do?

But what seemed to be a good thing made Pat Wei's expression even more distressed.

(to be continued)

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