Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 359: God and Witch VS Golden Dawn

The magicians of "Golden Dawn", under the call of Franpis, who is the master of the Isis Urasia Temple, kept showing up, from the first generation leader to the faction leader to the next generation leader, from the most powerful to the miscellaneous. ——

   Almost all the members appeared!

   However, someone who should have a heavier weight--

"Alan Bennett and Mina Mathers do not exist with this? Hehe, I roughly guessed the possibility of your trick. If you are summoning Isis Urasia Temple, then look These people can also choose whether to respond based on their mood. Because of Aleister's relationship, most of them have been engraved with a lot of negative emotions. But it is indeed impossible for the two of them to choose to respond."

   Even if the opponents are all members of the terrifying "Golden Dawn", even if some of these people face the devil (a state that cannot destroy the world), they may dare to fight. It is not difficult for her to defeat one of them.

However, the terrible thing about all the members of the first generation of "Golden Dawn" is not only in their personal strength. No matter how chaotic the battle situation is, once it starts, no magician here will excel, even Mathers and Westcott. Same thing too.

Including Franpies, they will create a grand performance of eight-tone rendition together. Even if they are confronted with hundreds of millions of magicians of the same level who can only fight each other, they can swallow everything like a black hole. To win.

  Aleister didn't have any means to destroy the "Golden Dawn" except for initiating a civil war, and because of this, he was able to succeed with this method.

   must get the first move.

   can't give "Golden Dawn" the first chance to win.

  Crown Pith took a step, looked into the distance, and uttered softly: "Aleister Crowley, you are finally here!"

   All of a sudden, everyone looked in that direction. Regardless of the mechanism of their resurrection, as long as the original personality and emotions are confirmed, this is a natural response.

   "Since the opponent is a magician, then I can barely respect Newton's laws and Marxist philosophy."

At almost the same moment, Crowenpis launched his martial arts at a speed without any magical fluctuations, stepped on the front of the formation, and grabbed the black and white John William Brody Innis at the leading position with both hands. The heads of Robert William Folkin and Robert William Folkin slammed the two heads together, and then both volleyed out, using the two as cannonballs towards the masquerade lady and Dion Fuchun. .

   For a time, the scene was like playing a human bowling ball. Two men in black suits and white coats, women and girls in gorgeous red dresses and snow-white ballet skirts, whirled and rolled in the air.

The attack on the leading position is to open the door to the core position, and give priority to attacking the masked ball lady and Dion Fuchun, because they have escaped from the chaos in the entire "concert" battle and become a small group and a band. Random black boxes, these are more threatening to "challengers" such as Kraunpith in team battles than individuals.

   Let me explain here that most people here have at least the same mobility as high-speed trains, high-speed trains, explosive power at least equal to the saints, and matching reflexes. In the previous round of raids, the damage to those people was similar to that of Gua Sha, except that they couldn't come back within a few seconds.

  Crown Pith doesn't need magic and magic power, and the speed is not much faster than them. If magic power is used, the raid effect will not be achieved. There is no such opportunity for a second time.

Mathers, whose door is wide open, has no time to act in accordance with his personal style. Usually this is the time for his speech and announcement, but before that, Crawnpice pressed his head from his side with a palm of his hand. The high-speed impact pressed downward, and then his head plunged into the ground, causing successive damage to the cement and asphalt.

   Mathers couldn't help thinking, could the opponent push him into the ground and rush out of formation, then sprint and drag him all the way to the ground and rub against the earth? It's really a boring attack.

   This kind of trick for the opponent to test it feels meaningless.

   No, it's wrong!

"The big triangle, the small triangle, the reasoning, the opening, the construction of a stable six-pointed star, a glimpse of the lost heaven, the truth of the world, seeking simplicity after its end... We know that the Apocalypse is not perishing, but for washing. The power of the filthy world. Opening, declaring, closing, declaring, distorting, declaring..."

   It seems lengthy, but in reality, it was only an instant from the beginning of refining magic to building magic.

   There was a voice like this from the "Golden Dawn"--

   "Hey, the weak chicken over there will take the place of a stand, don't look behind you, it's you!"

   "If you fight against my dear, you will die, you will die!"

   "Is it more attractive than to please a narrow-minded man or a crying and patient woman?!"

   It seems that those who were beaten fly far? Can't return quickly even if it's only a few seconds of stiffness? Or which corner of the place has entered the daily mode? But this is not the place that Kraunpith and Mathers intend to focus on right away.

   Mathers started the action.

   The rod of fire, the cup of water, the blade of wind and the disk of earth, which symbolize the four elements, float around Mathers.

A magician who doesn’t know the real thing will probably give birth to the idea of ​​"Oh, isn’t it just ordinary four-element magic?" This is the foundation that any modern magician can make but only Mather Sri Lanka has taken it to the extreme and will use it to control everything in the world from the material side.

   "Heat and dry."

   As he pronounced the Aristotelian qualities of the element, together with the sound of wiping a match, the bottom of the fire rod flashed an orange light. The moment it touched the right arm of Crowen Pith, it fell apart.

The illusion is different from the illusion. The illusion is attached to the real right hand or something related to the right hand. The illusion is attached to energy. The eight dragons were once sealed in the right arm by the illusion that can block and destroy that energy. , Now that the dragons have all run away, half of them are in Kraunpith's right hand.

   But it is not the simple and understandable thing of the right hand that is attached to, but the source of the host's high energy. That is to say, no matter who is possessed by Crown Pith, she can induce magical actions by operating MP, and using it appropriately will not interfere with her own use of magic.

   Mathers is like a flash flood of magic, it was disintegrated.

   Then came the attack from the "Golden Dawn" behind her from a large number of magicians who adjusted their positions! Throwing Mathers backhand as a shield is meaningless. "Golden Dawn" will never make that degree of mistake. On the contrary, if it does that, Kraunpith will lose the best chance to achieve the goal.

   However, Kraunpith is calm, thinking that there is no need to interrupt the opponent’s magic............

(to be continued)


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