Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 377: Perhaps this is also a daily

Honey Ant Aiyu looked from left to right and looked up. She didn't find Kamijou Dangma. He tilted his head and said, "It seems that Kamijou who is playing the crime is not there. Did you miss it?"

The bee-eater is also a little anxious. My sweetheart has always been unfortunate, and will not have been caught by the student acting as a guard and lost the credit for this activity, right? He has been troubled by credits due to poor grades and frequent absences.

"There." Lily raised her head slightly and pointed her finger towards the roof of a building, "It's very close to an extremely distorted existence."

Suddenly, a huge mud hand tore the ground of the playground and emerged from the ground. It was as large as a tall building, and a slap shot a nearby building into a piece of debris.

The girls were silent for a while. If the building collapses due to an earthquake or attack, the reaction may be a little bit more, but this is like an enlarged version of a paper box crumpled into a paper ball by hand, which makes even girls who know the existence of the devil feel a little unrealistic. .

However, because of today's event, everyone was running outside, no one inside. There were zero casualties.

Then, the girls exclaimed again and again.

Because the hedgehog head boy is holding something that looks like a human but doesn't look like a living person, and falls from the top of the building!

After all, Kamijou is an unfortunate person. But his misfortune also included the fact that he couldn't die one step away from death, and he must continue to live and endure the suffering. The ladies were relieved by falling down a building but relying on street trees and shrubs to land safely.

But even if the guy who was pushed down ignored Lily's words, the ladies could still feel the extreme distortion-although it looked like an old man in a purple vestment from a distance, isn't it a zombie if you look closely? Because of the fall, he became a whole body fractured, but he immediately kept the state and chuckled, like a ghost film.

Since Dang Ma did not hesitate to fall down the building and did something that he could not tolerate even the enemy could not tolerate death, plus the timing of two things, I think it is more appropriate to call the clay hand to crush the teaching building by the zombie-like old man?

This level of duel is a far cry from the scale of Ortinus known to the girls, but don’t forget, now the world will not be reset. If you die, you’re really dead!

Maybe I don’t want to overthrow the school building-scale battle and destroy the school at will. When I was in a panic, I found an electric-assisted peak bicycle with a top speed of more than 50 kilometers per hour. The school city black technology did not classify it as an electric vehicle.

He heard the girls' exclamation and was also dumbfounded: "Why, you are here..."

Cao Qi waved his hand to indicate that he didn't need to care about them, and just ran as soon as he wanted to.

Seeing that Dang Ma still hesitated, she cast a look at the honey ant.

The honey ant, who often wears a reinforced suit as underwear, lifts his hands in a princess hug and hops for two consecutive jumps and disappears from the outer wall of the school. This is the difference between them and Mikoto as the eldest psychiatric elders. If Mikoto, even if she can, she wants to fight side by side, even if she doesn't want to admit that she can't keep up; and because of their poor basic combat power, they can never drag the youngsters. Self-knowledge.

Lily was also not interested in directly confronting the twisted existence, and directly opened her wings and ejected and left the school.

When Ma rushed out of the school on his bike, the old man in the purple vestment chased after him with fun like a racer.

"Damn it, I can't get rid of it! Fortunately, there is always one direction in the street extension. Fortunately, there is no one, but it seems that waiting for him to hit a wall or wrestle himself is not enough. If you can call Indix or Pallai, it will be fine. "When Ma brought his cell phone, but he couldn't spare it.

Suddenly, he felt that the center of gravity of the super bike seemed to shift back. In short, the weight of the back seat increased for a moment.

"Dang...Dang Ma? What the **** is going on? What happened? The mummy-like old man behind?"

"This sound... **** it, Alisha! Why did you suddenly ran into the back seat, eh?" Dang Ma, who tilted her head slightly, couldn't see anyone in the back seat, but the heavy object did exist.

"Is anyone invisible for you?" As a student of Academy City, he naturally thinks in this direction.

"I don't know. Suddenly I felt that I was hugged and flew up and then I fell here."

"It's me." Lily, who actually held Alisha and stood on the back seat with her wings balanced, replied.

Dang Ma: "Damn it, how can there be such a thing! You probably want to use Alisha's ability to avoid casualties, but have you considered Alisha's feelings and safety?"

Alyssa: "That is, the one behind who wants to commit violence? Want to inflict harm?"

Dang Ma: "You know it at a glance!"

Alisha: "Will you keep running like this without getting involved in other people?" What she cares most at this time is not the rude treatment she receives.

Lily: "Probably don't worry. After the bee-eaters and honey ants leave, they have been rushing forward to steer and guide the flow of people. Although the control of guards and disciplinary committees is not a combat capability, there are things that can be done."

Dang Ma: "Is that so thank you. By the way, whoever of you will help me call my dormitory, I have to find someone to discuss the countermeasures."

Alyssa: "Eh Duo, cell phone... as the phone in the Ma dormitory."

When Alisha was trembling with her phone, Lily turned her head and put her head to Dangma's ear: "I know magic. Tell me what is behind?"

Dang Ma: "What? Know magic? Thank goodness, that old mummy is called Sengzheng, a demon god! Otinus is the same kind!"

Lily: "Why chasing you?"

Dang Ma: "I heard that there are plurals of Demon Gods, because each wants to describe their own happiness, so they came to me to be the so-called scorer, um, it is the referee of Demon God, and that's it after I refused!"

Lily: "Why? Will you agree if you catch it?"

Dangma: " If he wants to be serious, the world will be gone. I heard that the devil **** is weakened now, but whether there is a difference of one hundred billionth or one trillionth, it will not change! Probably the same as what Otinus and Franpis did to people don't understand it, anyway, they try to crush me and make me surrender!"

Lily: "...I seemed to hear that there are plural demon gods just now? Do you know which ones?"

Dang Ma: "I don't know how many, but Sengzheng introduced Nefertis and Niang Niang to me. Judging from his tone, it should be a young woman, or the kind that is suitable for handing over love letters!"

Alyssa: "As hemp?!"

Dangma: "Woo...I'm sorry, what Sengzheng said is that feeling. Whether it is used as a reference for another discussion, it is not Mr. Kamijou's fault!"

Dang Ma basically has questions and answers, no matter who comes, no matter what information can be dug up in the face of the devil, he should try his best to dig out. It will never be too small.

Alyssa: "No, as a numb, I just want to say that the phone is connected. Put it in your ear."

(To be continued)

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