Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 12 Chapter 381: Then, the number of demons decreased

Klauen Pith believes that Aleister should have prepared a means to defeat the devil. After all, his "plan" is to destroy all magic and subvert the laws. There is no way to defeat the devil, and that "plan" has become a idiot.

   What about others? The demon **** appeared in the academy city in a leisurely manner, but Aleister is still gone, won't he be killed?

   "I think I should check it again?" Kraun Pith asked, and now I have no idea. What attitude should I show to Bai Oulhe when I rush up to contact him? After a few months, her strength has swelled a lot, so she sneaked away without seeing her, right?

   Although Kraunpisi's current strength is not afraid of Bai Otohime, but if it is to challenge, it will become an embarrassing situation of three-way containment.

Star nodded and agreed: "Considering that the demon **** who cannot create and destroy the world will not easily destroy the world, if we can confirm that the relationship with Bai Otohime is not an enemy, we can actually feel at ease, and the next step is to find a way to maintain a good relationship with them. Relationship."

  Crown Pith: "But Bai Otohime just flew one of their colleagues, right?"

Star: "It is indeed a temporary relief of the great crisis for mankind, but for the gods, this is just a little time for fun. Piss can understand it? Are you angry when Mikoto Misaka is thrown into the Pacific Ocean? ?"

Kraunpiss smiled bitterly and shrugged: "No, no, but the old man seemed to be a bit mentally ill. If Bai Yiji didn't annihilate the moon and the surrounding cosmic dust and small celestial bodies, it is estimated that the old man would really do it. It's a scene of the moon hitting the earth."

   "Then, we can only watch for the first time. We will miss the best opportunity to play when they come into contact with Kamijou Toma."


   "I'm Nefertis, this is the empress."

   "Well, just think of us as the same kind of Sengzheng, Oh, Kojojo."

Dang Ma did not respond immediately, because higher-level existences popped out one after another, and he had just experienced a monk who made him realize that even communication discord will bring about terrible destruction, for every **** here needs. I am afraid that the way of thinking is different, and the memory of the brain is not enough.

   "I'm flying the monk into the universe, you guys, aren't you angry?" Bai Yiji asked.

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "It's okay," Nefertis said, "That guy is indeed a type of brain congestion, and then throw away the plan five seconds ago. After all, he misinterpreted the existence of the principle of impermanence and decay according to his own preferences. He really went away completely. If everyone thinks that our devil is like this, it will be difficult to handle."

   "Anyway, the monk is okay. Although we are weakened by that guy, he may be a bit more troublesome than me, but will he come back after a while?" Niangniang continued.

   "I'll be back in a while?!" It's just that Alisa and Vivana, who were involved in the chaos, took a breath, it was terrible.

  Of course, the devil does not care about passersby.

   After Ma cast a question on her behalf, Empress added at will: "If he doesn't care about the world at all, he will be back in about two or three days."

   "A lot faster than I expected? That is, is there any ability to control other than the soil." Although Bai Otsuhime muttered, the demon **** did not intend to answer this question.

   "Then, what do such beings come to this city for? If there is a better way to find this boy, right?" Bai Yiji asked.

   Nefertis: "The Sengzheng should have talked a little with the boy just now. Thanks to that guy, we are weaker now. Only then did we hope to solve the problem with the ‘fantasy killer’, but it ended in failure, but now it’s fine."

Niang Niang: "It’s not us who are bothered by this. What does that guy think? He pulled us into the real world with this half-hearted mentality. In other words, we can shatter the world now, but we can’t repair it—this is a more appropriate description. Bar."

   "?!" Dang Ma, who has experienced hundreds of billions of destructions, is about to foam at her mouth.

   Bai Otsuhime did not respond to this, because the heights were the same, so even though they lacked some basic information, they could basically hear what they explained. That is to say, the Demon God originally lived in a space different from the current world, and then "that guy" demolished the Demon God's house and weakened them, so the Demon God needs to find a young man to do something. It's just that the first old man who came into contact with the teenager didn't talk about it and fell out.

   She glanced inside Dang Ma with her eyes, and said, "Would you say this to people who cannot solve problems by force? Especially those who can accumulate memories in hundreds of billions of times."

try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){}   "Niang, you really oversaid." Nefertis expressed the same feeling.

   "Ah, I'm sorry." Although the lady was apologizing, she still smiled with tears bursting out of her belly.

   "But," Nefertis's attention was mostly on the teenager, but he didn't take away from the foreign body that doesn't belong to this world. "Should this alien from outside also introduce himself?"

   It was an expression that saw the possibility of a new Bai Otsuki made a judgment like this, and couldn't help but shrink.


Since Star and Kraunpisi converged, they began to hold a small blackboard and matching magnets to paste and pick them, and cooperate with Kraunpisi to call up the detection of the monitoring probe screens at any time, and make an important statistics. .

   Don’t think this is very old fashioned, but it’s not like magic that can be detected, nor is it like a computer can be hacked. It’s a safe way to hide.

Eh? Someone would like to ask if the surveillance that Kraun Pace is randomly adjusting is not a black computer? Will this school city leave it alone?

But don’t forget that Franpies, who is the core of Kraunpies in another aspect, was the general director. Although it’s a bit troublesome now, as long as Aleister doesn’t interfere in person, her opponent is only Just one person.

   There are dozens of demon gods in the academy city at this time. According to the information and perception data obtained so far, the demon gods do not have the ability to create and destroy aspects, but so many will not just sneez and turn the earth into a small sun?

The performance of   sta can be perceived. Of course she didn't have the ability to distinguish demon gods, but the extreme distortion that was different from ordinary human magicians in a place full of abilities in Academy City was quite obvious in her perception.

   Star frowned while moving and removing the colored magnet discs, and said, "Hey, leather, isn't this a bit bad?"

   The number of demon gods is decreasing.

   Whether it is a collective arrival or a collective departure, it is a sign of a major change. If it is a collective death, then you don't know how to face it.

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