Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 9: Guild Wars Blocking Gas Trap

"Klat, don't let them come near! [Group Human Capture [MassHoldPerson]]."


The moment when Doriad used his magic to break through Kratt's attack on the guards in the back row, Kratt seized the opportunity and shouted. The weapons that bloomed with martial arts blasted the front row guards in a violent storm.

However, it could easily smash the attacks of those guards on the ground without causing much damage to the enemy. Regardless of the defensive power of the equipment or the durability of the guards, they are much higher than those on the ground, and Kratt must fully dodge the opponent's attack without using defensive skills.

Most of the fighters in the war ghost retreated to the middle of the formation for treatment because of HP. A large number of archers in the back of the enemy guard opened their bows and set up arrows.

"Damn it, look at me—"

"Klat, don't rush out of our priest's purification circle! Do you want to be poisoned to death!"

This is the gas chamber. When they came in, a large number of guards poured in at both ends of the passage, and several holes in the four corners of the room also began to spew out gases that seemed to be poisonous. But it didn't seem to be effective for those guards. For unknown reasons, they still learned the anti-drug ability.

"There was a priest riding on my back specifically to treat and purify me, I took the opportunity to attack—"

"Now you are being attacked by two sides, do you want the front to collapse?!"

"Then we can only defend like this until we are crushed to death by them! Rather than hold our breath to win!"

Although his opponents have become stronger, Kratt, after several rounds of fighting, believes that as long as he uses his gentle power, plus the battlefield protection buff given by Larva, it is enough to quickly defeat all his opponents.

Facing the rain of arrows with magical brilliance, Klatt launched the martial arts [Do not fall fortress] and rotated the weapon to bounce the arrows away.

When the war ghost magic caster activates the magic [WallOfFromArrows] to control the airflow to deflect other arrows, Doriad also uses the ground attribute magic that can get bonuses underground to attack the opponent.

The ground slammed out of the ground thorns more than one meter, and the nearby ones turned into roadblocks, piercing the guard's feet, and there were also attacks on the weaknesses of these all males and the attributes of the [Millennium Kill], which made them fall to the ground one by one. Next-I used this tactic because I found that the guards here are very solid HP.

Those guards who are not dead and unable to stand up can more or less form roadblocks that are more troublesome than dead bodies—provided that these guards are indeed not as smart as stocking summoned monsters.

But this was not against the wave after all, and a shot of Howe suddenly fired from the rear of the guard, passing between Kratt and Doriad.

"Ahhhhh, Priest No. 3 and Assassin No. 1 are dead! After the treatment is released, they will be resurrected first, and I will be able to fight again if I take more drugs! Ooo...what's going on, even here The light seems to be deliberately arranged so that it is easy to see the blind spots, but there is no problem with my night vision skills. Is that a newcomer or are there other hidden skills?"

"Cut, I actually broke into the gas chamber, what a suffocation! There is a kind of frontal!" Kratt's weapon smashed a ground thorn beside him, kicked it and grabbed it in his hand, launching his throwing martial arts.

The ground thorn wrapped in the light of martial arts almost turned into a burst of light and shot towards the enemy formation. Although the guards wearing heavy armor in front responded, the light bounced on the ceiling and bounced again, exposing the basis but starting to gather magic power again. The open magic circle and the brains of the magic caster behind were broken.

"Thank you for buying time! I have blocked all the gas vents in this gas chamber!"

Nixfia, who had not been seen since just now, suddenly appeared in the back row of the guards. Because the arms stretched like boneless rubber, the flowered dagger was turned out, and several archer guards' necks were snapped a few times, and the other guards Responds to the sudden threat at hand, almost half-surrounded and attacked Nyxfia, but Nyxfia became the size of Thumbelina with a "whoop", and shuttled back and forth between her hips. Obviously, she would be stepped on with a big foot from time to time, but Nixfia looked indifferent, obviously feeling very strong, but stepping on it did not hurt at all.

Doriad: "Priest No. 2, now immediately purify the air in the entire passage."

A priest of the war ghost who had never acted clenched the sacred seal of the equipment, shouting to form strength, and the danger of the space full of poisonous gas was replaced by the refreshing feeling of the breeze.

If you know the type of poison gas, it may be more efficient to use targeted detoxification methods. Unfortunately, there is no convenience of obtaining that level of information.

Klatt stepped toward the human guard group with a throbbing pace that made the entire passage seem a little trembling: "Next, you will die!"

Soon, the room was filled with the corpses of human guards.

As the invaders, there was no reduction in staff, or the once dead war ghosts have been resurrected successfully, but because there is no highest-level resurrection magic, even if they are forced to recover by taking drugs, their combat power will be somewhat reduced. It's easy to die, such a vicious circle, even if you get out of here alive, you will become half-handicapped.

However, War Ghost is such a consumable item, and since the fairy-sama allowed them to splurge, Doriad did not intend to be polite.

Now that the organs in this area have been destroyed, everyone who has just fought a fierce battle will take a break here.

"They are just human beings who look exactly the same. The corpses and equipment will disappear after some time."

"But so many, it seems to be summoned by some kind of ritual magic or props. It's like a human being who has no thoughts. It's kind of tricky in a sense like Graeme. Thanks to this, the corpse is not Blocking the passage made it difficult for them to get off their feet. When a barricade was needed, Doriad deliberately attacked the weakness of the lower body of human beings and killed him for this reason.

Nixfia lay on the ground to supplement this part of the map and annotations.

From the ground down to this level, the roads are intricate and complicated. The map has been drawn densely but neatly, but no key points have been found. They found some large gold coins and a small amount of performance. Although they can’t compare with weapons above the holy relic level, they are also quite good equipment, because the magic equipment can automatically adapt to the wearer, and Kratt is lucky to get his favorite. After the long-handled halberd, which is like a battle axe and a spear, he resolutely changed his equipment.

Moreover, fortunately, the passage is spacious enough to allow supply vehicles with a width of about two meters to keep up. When the large-capacity space bag cannot be popularized, there is no need to weigh and discard the things that they originally carry or discard.

After Nixfia had done what she was supposed to do, she raised her head and asked, "Next, shall we continue to set off?"

(To be continued)

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