Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 25: 0 gold for full-time nobles

In the evening, under the light of the magic light wand, she was writing a summary of the investigation (draft) of the Bajas Empire's manifestation of this "hundred-year aftershock".

There are many things you see in the sea city during the day that refresh the worldview of ordinary people, with emotions and impromptu atmosphere a little unorganized, until the light starts to flicker and flicker.

It is night now, even in small fortress level cities, it is impossible to have such crafts and technology without lighting means. In fact, many things that are suspected of lamps and lanterns have been found. I don't know how to light it up. If it were a magic lamp, it wouldn't be the main city that can't even enter the high-level goblins that came with it.

Therefore, writing at the desk now uses the magic light wand provided by the exploration team.

Put down the pen and stretched out your hand, wanting to cast the first-order magic [Continual Light]. When the magic power was gathered, a slight fatigue hit, and he temporarily stopped.

"Did you use too much magic power during the day?"

After entering the city, I still encountered some guards that were summoned. Although the strength and equipment seemed to be inferior to the previous army, even Crown Prince Karius could deal with it as best he could.

But compared to them, it is still tricky, and even if the formation is not stabilized, there will be a lot of casualties.

Who expected that Fluda would desperately drive the magic casters who were supposed to be in the back row to the front at this time? Although there are indeed geniuses who are able to cultivate both magic and martial arts without delay, their swordsmanship is definitely not as good as that of knights.

In other words, why did Prince Karius become a magic swordsman? Isn't he going to be emperor in the future? Why do you learn magic martial arts as an emperor?

However, those who have studied history should know it naturally. Although there are many aristocrats who are addicted to power, human beings only have hundreds of years of civilization, or in this social structure where humans are inferior creatures, how can the superiors not take the lead and have the strength to gain a foothold? Although the kingdom of mankind has gained a certain degree of stability after many periods, the world's best human beings who stood out to protect mankind have gradually developed into the current national royal family and aristocracy. Even if a system that can protect national security is built, it has become a tradition for the royal family and aristocracy to cultivate a certain level of strength in each generation. These powerful individuals strengthen the relationship between the government and the military, and are also conducive to allowing the nation’s armed forces to be controlled by the royal family. And the hands of the nobles.

However, no matter how you think the crown prince does not play this role, unless he has no confidence in his own status and is suspected of armed coup d'état in case of unexpected events.

The recorder's disrespect for the person who is noble enough as a human being is because Crown Prince Karius is actually weaker than her. According to the current calculation method of the empire's current strength of the high-level fairy and the true dragon king, he is determined to be 85-100. Her strength is equivalent to level 29, and Karius is level 24. It is not analogous to adventurers because the difference in combat methods makes them weaker than adventurers of the same level. After all, adventurers are a group of bad guys who suddenly kick their opponents in the lower body, throw sand in the opponent's eyes, and even throw slippery and slimy things during the battle. Although she can see that she can improve her chances of winning, she naturally doesn't like it as a daughter of a great nobleman.

I settled my mind, chased away unnecessary thoughts when I made the summary, and while there was still a while under the light of the magic light wand, I wrote down the signature that is very necessary for the nobles——

"Writer: Fendi Rete Eve West Guhimont"

After doing this, she rolled up the draft paper and stuffed it into her work bag, then got up and used the zeroth-order cleaning magic of [TripletMagic] on herself.

Although they succeeded in occupying some houses in the sea city, neither the supply nor the water supply could be found. The level of infrastructure was like a mountain village, and there was no way to ask for a bath, but at least it had to be kept clean in the best way currently.

"Woo...It's only the zeroth rank, my head hurts...Today is more expensive than expected?"

She endured the headache and confirmed other necessary matters.

All the houses occupied by the empires should not only be equipped with bright and dark whistles, but also set up alert magic [Alert] by pulling the rope.

This is not the chores that the distinguished member of the team needs to complete, but it is related to her life and safety. I still can't help but confirm it. The facts have proved that colleagues and subordinates have done well. ).

Relieved, she got into the small tent that was set up indoors. The tent was also surrounded by a rope with magic [Alert]. This did not have any connection with her magic power. The end was A square box hung on the tent.

If the same thing as triggering the alarm occurs, the box will emit a very loud beep that is different from the fluctuations that can only be known to the operator. If you rashly crack the box, It will trigger trap magic, and even if it escapes, it will be planted with a felony mark that is difficult for ordinary people to erase. At least it is possible that the life of a citizen of the empire will end.

This is the work of Fluda Paradine and his research team, so there are rumors that if you successfully crack it, you will get preferential treatment in the Ministry of Magic, but no one should be stupid enough to try it here.

She quickly passed out into a drowsy sleep.


Sea city, main city, guild hall——

Not to mention the concentration of combat power, even at the risk of the vault's amount being deducted in large quantities, the floors are completely sealed, the teleportation array is closed, or the use of "Indestructible Objects" can not stop the mummy and the Qing Dynasty. Female dressed as a zombie.

It really can’ You can only turn off the anti-transport mechanism of the maze in wartime. At that moment, it is also a good idea to use the seventh-order space magic [Greater]] to escape from the dance clothes. .

However, [Higher-order Teleport [Greater]] needs to clearly record the coordinates. In this world, they haven't "lighted up" any place at all, they just "jumped" casually and drowned in the sea and finished playing, he thinks so.

So try to communicate with the outside world. If the teaming mechanism is still available, as long as the answering party has a kind expression, try to team up and use the opposite side as the coordinate. It is better than facing the aggressive guys who want to kill everything here. The survival rate is high.

Then, it was switched on.

"Master, the other party is trying to use the eighth-level magic [Dimensional Eye [Eye]] to check the situation here, do you want to counter it?" Wuyi asked.

"Huh? No, wait." He patted his head, remembering that in this world, he had never seen the various chat systems used in the past to work, so he was a little bit self-defeating...

(To be continued)

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