Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 32: After the harvest

In the early morning, the State of Slane Church——

"That's really a generous man, he's still a handsome guy, if he is stronger than me, it would be better. When he gets up, let him have a try."

"Laughing very happily. You scared everyone to death last night."

"Anyway, those crystal knights will automatically disappear in time, right? Isn't it a waste to use the residual heat without training?"

"Although it is said, because it is a summoning unit, there is really no experience value at all."

"Mom, you know, my natural ability can get experience points as long as I fight against a new opponent... Ah, it's so weak that it can't be helped by one of my fingers."

In the corridor that seemed very gloomy because of the time, the early risers Diaza and Eucalyptus walked silently. They were clearly in the corridor, but there was no echo in the chat.

It doesn't mean to be sneaky. Although it is early morning, it is really too early for human beings. This area is full of dormitories for the members of the Six Colors. It is not interesting to disturb the sleep of so many national elites. Although many of them naturally have their own homes, those who do not need to be reunited with their families frequently or simply have no family for various reasons live here.

There are also rooms that are vacant in case for various purposes.

Diaza raised her head slightly and looked at Eucalie's profile. After so many years, even if she grew slowly and youthful because of her blood, she was already taller than her.

But the field of vision shifted a little bit down... the measurements really didn't make much progress.

The growth of strength is extremely powerful by the standards of a god-man. The god-man awakened in the history of the church, no matter how much resources he piled up, did not exceed level 80; now Yugal has been watching her grow up. Sha estimated that he could indeed win the 100-level players who did not wear a magical outfit and had no actual combat experience in the real world.

Although the 100-level players who have been in this world for a period of time are generally those who have brought **** outfits and have experience. But evaluation is still needed.

This result made Diaza a little bit distressed and confused.

Why, I have been watching the grown-up children, growing up smoothly, but often feel that this shouldn't be a happy thing? She is really happy, but there is always something in her subconscious that prevents her from accepting all this.

"Ah, it's almost dawn, it's still a little bit before breakfast, Mom, can I eat the one I got back last night?" Yugali suddenly looked back, stretched out her hand, and asked for it.

"Ah, is this time? It's not impossible. The amount that can be distributed here is more than ten kilograms. If there is a refrigerator, it can be stored for a long time. Isn't it good to save some and eat slowly? This is my original portion, here."

Deyasha took out a peach and put it in Eucalie's hand.

Yugali opened her mouth and bit down, and she showed a sweet smile. Although she laughed when talking about the Crystal Knight before, it was completely different. It was the difference between honey and bloodthirsty.

"Ahhhhhh, the fruit nectar I got back there is more than the fruit trees outside the city. It seems that there is a shocking effect that makes the body excited, ahhhhh, I think this is not because it is simply too delicious! "

"Just like it, just because I don't have any love for sweets. I prefer refreshing ones. To grow more refreshing fruits and vegetables, it is better to need some dryads to help, but unfortunately the state does not seem to have borrowed the skills to summon and control dryads. For the farmers."

"It's all the fault of Aunt Clown Pith! Just because of her existence, those dogmatic people dare not do it."

Di Yasha looked dumbfounded, that is, Yu Jiali obviously has the qualifications to complain about this policy more widely, but she never mentions her own affairs.

"Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, mother, shouldn't this fruit also have magical effects? It's not a plant monster, how can it be done? Are there skills to learn?" On the shining sun in the horizon, she seemed to look at the nucleus with a halo on the edge with interest. She would not be uninterested in all the methods that can increase her strength.

"I think it's the same as the herb, but it tastes different. It should be gone after some time." Diaza replied. Although her memory as a big goblin is usually in a locked state, the knowledge that can be known to the outside world has not diminished. The food she wants to take from there may be no different from the medicine that assists in combat... No, it tastes different. , And even if it is squeezed into juice, it can’t take effect on the body like a topical medicine. This is the difference.

"It would be great if it could be planted."

"Perhaps, I have also packed all kinds of saplings and crops from there, and the rest is the problem of water and soil suitability."

"That's great."

"But didn't you see it last night? They used to summon monsters and angels to grab a lot of things related to agriculture and animal husbandry."

"I'm not interested in that kind of thing, I didn't pay much attention to it."

"Then since you are interested in foods with magical effects, why haven't you learned a bit about the configuration of the chicken tail potion after fifteen years of learning (ninth-level magic)?"

"Ah? Mom, haven't you been completely successful at all? Huh, what is that?"

"I said, as soon as you get to a course you are not good at, you always like to find opportunities to change the subject."

"No, there really is. Why is the'Thousand's Sky Blade' in the sixth seat of the Dark Sacred Tome here? Take a closer look, it seems that the vision of'Astrology A Thousand Miles' is always there."

"You mean Salander and Miglitte, you almost learn to remember names."

"Almost 30 to 40 years have been replaced, it's useless to remember."

"Ah..." Sarander in the tree secretly said that troublesome things were coming.

This place is the place to monitor the two dignitaries who have recently ushered in. It is said to be the companion of the six great gods back then.

Because of this, it is necessary for the elites of the darkest department to conduct a period of secret observation from the physical and magical Assassin, ninja, Salander is very suitable for this job, but when facing the non-staff seats, he That proud concealment ability seems to be about the same as nothing.

Salander was convinced of "Death to Death", but it was a fact that it was really troublesome to deal with it when it was inappropriate.

"That's right over there, I'll take a look at me." Yugalli flashed and rode on a branch not far from Sarand.

"The man is enjoying that woman's knee pillow, all night?"

"I'm afraid it's really exhausted. I heard that he was originally located in the same city as the sky city of the Eight Desires, Eleuenty, but not only was he captured, many places were completely destroyed. I didn't come to the scene in person. , It is puzzling just to listen to the intelligence." Salander said.

"Hmph, I am very interested in destroying the existence of the six great cities." Eucalyptus smiled suddenly.

(to be continued)

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