Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 37: Blood chain lock **** group

The girl who was sucked blood by Yayaka and did other things, walked into the street somewhat vainly. Not only was his face not pale, but rather flushed.

"Master Yayaka... OK, so amazing." She muttered to herself like a mosquito.

Normally using basic healing magic to heal wounds will not replenish blood. To replenish blood, you have to continue to apply healing magic. Considering that the ratio of income to expenditure is not cost-effective, if it is not for excessive blood loss, it is life-threatening or urgently needed for patients to do things usually without priests. She would do that, but Yaya Cumming is a vampire, even if she learns healing magic, she should have a very bad personality, but she didn't hesitate to use it to make her completely recover, which is really amazing.

As for why the footsteps are still vain, that is another aspect of admiring Yayaka's greatness. It is really not something that can be embarrassed to talk to herself in broad daylight.

"Fortunately, the meeting doesn't seem to be up yet."

When she came to the tavern that was temporarily "requisitioned" as the venue, she found that it was bustling with people from the Ministry of Magic and Magic who had nothing to do with the meeting. They were exchanging their experiences yesterday with the attendees. It is estimated that they could not help but Saving face to the extremely high status of magic caused this situation.

The girl riding Nixfia became inconspicuous when she stepped into the crowd. Although she was not bad in appearance, she was not glamorous. The clothes were convenient for activities and would not be impolite "military uniforms" in the aristocratic circle. Dress”, but the style has a sense of outdated.

This is not a bad thing for Nixfia.

However, gathered towards this girl are three girls with different appearances but with the same temperament, which makes Nixfia a little puzzled.

"Although things gather people in groups, shouldn't human beings be males as the main force? It seems that these people are murderous and are going to do important things, but there are a lot of females."

What Nixfia did not specifically understand is that in a human society where politics, military, and wealth are mostly dominated by men, unmarried girls who have few other options besides enrolling and marrying are pure streamers who are slightly far from the desire for power.

"Youya, Nila."

"You are here, Kejiang."

"This is a public occasion. Call me Kris."

"Kejiang has always been punctual, and thought who was entangled on the road."

"Ah... I say that the entanglement is indeed entangled, but it's not them. It's Lord Cohen Fried."

"Drink! Is Kejiang going to sue others?"

"No... it's not like that. People at my level won't be regarded as relatives. It's just a little bit of blood, please don't say anything."


"At this level, there is really nothing to say about it."

"Is the focus here...By the way, why did the people in the Magic Province show up at this time? It's not that the ancient Duke of Wienbull Group has noticed something, right?"

"Shhhhhhhhhhhh probably not the case, but it is not certain that they encourage the research idiots of the Ministry of Magic to join in and interfere with the plan of the Marquis' daughter."

"Why don't we be implicated in jail?"

"Our father, the adult, has also come to have more problems for his daughter these days."

"It's the same as choosing to be a teacher or to marry, it's a gamble not to have a good reference object."

Although they seemed to want to say something in depth, they were concerned that people in the Magic Province would be dealt with by those with a higher status or a harder background. They might not notice this, and they were silent.

Niksfia secretly asked whether these people were going to rebel, she still had the common sense that the rank of marquis was lower than that of duke.

"The people in the Ministry of Magic have begun to move outwards. There is no shortage of preparations to be done before going underground. Let's move in too."

"This is temporarily occupied. There is no seat assignment. Do you want to take a good position as soon as possible?"

"No, people of our level will deliberately approach Miss Marquis, and it will cause some people's discomfort. Although I feel a little sorry for the parents' request. However, the princes who participated in this operation were not present, and we occupied a good position. No one is watching."

"... Indeed. Where did they go?"

"We have already got the support of their family, just let us know when we meet. After all, the name of this party is our leisure tea party, so it is not easy to be alerted. That is, the research fool of the Ministry of Magic will ignore the atmosphere."

"Hehe, Kejiang and Youya are okay, most of the downfall nobles like me will only be laughed at when attending the tea party."

"Nila, things are not so bad. As long as you help Master Fendi Ret's actions succeed, we will be able to come spring."

"Come on, let's go, how about we sit there?"

"Good." x2

After the inconspicuous Chrissy, Nila, and Yoya in the crowd took their seats, the person who had made an appearance in front of the thief demon by Nixfiya not long ago changed into a majestic appearance and walked up temporarily. A little bit of the finished stage.

"The breath has changed a lot." Nixfia frowned slightly, "It's just like... Although I have heard that magic for temporarily seizing or borrowing summoned units began to appear decades ago..."

Fendi Rede picked up the small box of magic props that originally played the alarm, and made a harsh sound, so that those who really put their spirits into the leisure tea party were refreshed.

"First of all, thank you for coming, and your family and other supporters for your support. Maybe you have different status and qualifications, but everyone is a friend who graduated from the Imperial Academy of Magic and colleagues who work together. The dance club is so restrained."

Although the voice has a sense of majesty equivalent to the majesty by skill, it is very energetic, but the non-humans present can still see that Fendi Rede's true condition is not good.

"Since your family has instructed to support my side, UU reading must have all heard of it. They are active in the empire, and in fact, there is an organization of blood chain lock gods in the Central Continent."

"I know." Someone in the audience said, "I'm just dissatisfied with the organization of the state religion **** goblin's small actions."

"It seems more than that. They are actually hostile to all religions that have historically appeared gods." Someone said so.

"I heard what my father said. Their goal is even more ambitious, as if they want to seize the skills of the gods of the world to serve themselves."

Chrissy under Nixfia also spoke up, asking: "I heard that there are big figures from the blood chain lock gods group in the knights and magic provinces participating in the **** this time. Master Fendi Rathe, we need Look for opportunities to gather clues and evidence to cooperate with the imperial capture, right?"

Niksfia secretly felt that this seemed a bit interesting, anyway, he had to go down the maze again later, as a flavoring agent for more careful exploration of the break.

By the way, don't shake your head!

(To be continued) </div>

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