Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 51: Suspected world-class props are located

Meliffis attracted the attention of the attendees with a gorgeous magic circle. After feeling satisfied with the effect of pretending, she began to enter the necessary process once every twenty years.

"Everyone who has come from afar, it's time for departure. Next, I will send you to Titania and rest there for the night. Your reception will be arranged by Lord Alice, and the banquet of eternal life will be held tomorrow, please! Everyone who hasn't given up stands in the magic circle." Meliface announced loudly.

Guhimonthou walked into the magic circle with many people, and his eyes fell on the young people who stopped outside to greet the old people.

The people who can receive the feast of eternal life are people or families who have contributed enough to the fairy temple, but not everyone wants to live forever. One may be competition and economic issues, and the other problem is that immortals are in a race with a short lifespan. The headaches facing society are obvious.

However, the banquet itself is an important place for communication. Given the opportunity, it is helpful for future development to find a way to be familiar with the veterans who are valued by the Fairy Temple. There were also several younger generations who took the initiative to talk to him before and after the meal.

Some young people are also standing in the magic circle, it seems that they are not yet old enough to inherit the family business, maybe they are the generation of the family owner.

"Preparations are starting. Hecardia, who is about to go to the sanctuary, please pay attention to those who come for the first time to stand firmly, [Magic effect range enlargement·High-level teleport [WidenMagic·Greater]]." Meliffis said loudly , Activated the seventh-level magic, and disappeared in the backyard of the Imperial City Fairy Temple with everyone in the magic circle.


Central Continent,? ? ? ? ——

"Hey, it's true, is it a relative of the Hell Demon Tree of Pisi's body?" Under the leadership of three Alices and eighteen Midoris, Sunny came to the world-class props that could be visually inspected. Like a place.

Then what came into view was the huge tree hundreds of meters away a few kilometers away.

"In the beginning, it was not there. I heard that the space was isolated at first, and even the surrounding villages were swept away by unknown forces, and then this thing grew within two months." As the leader of the team, Eri Silk No. 43 replied.

"Two months? Is the delay a bit too big?" Sunny was a little dissatisfied.

"Sonny-sama save the time, this is not the sphere of influence of the Fairy Temple, and most parts of this world don't rely on communication magic very much. The news has reached this speed very quickly." Alice 43 said.

Although magic [Message] is very convenient, most countries in the world do not take it seriously. One of the reasons is that this is a very unreliable method for races that are not good at magic, and there are other reasons.

At present, the most famous tragedy in this area in the world is the Gothenburg tragedy two hundred years ago.

This country is dominated by magic casters, and an intelligence network built by [Message] is set up between cities, which greatly increases the speed of information transmission. They have such superior conditions.

However, because this country has over-trusted [Message], and just because it received three pieces of false information in one place, it spread across the country in an instant, fell into a state of civil strife, wars between cities, and encounters with monsters and foreign invasions. So the country perished.

Although the connection between Titania and the fairy temples around the world will use [Message], the necessary information will be sent using a magical fax that can be compiled and encrypted, and if necessary, it will be handed over to someone who can use space magic. Important children to verify the situation.

This place is not within the power of the Fairy Temple, so there is no way to delay the news so much.

"Senior Sonny, there are some things that are not easy to explain in [Message], so let's talk while walking." Alice 43 continued.

"Will it be faster if you send it directly?"

"This... I'm afraid it's not so good. After all, it's been a while, and there are many guys who will be stationed for investigation. They will always pay attention to the various intelligence transmissions flying around. This is the reason why they are only starting to talk about it now. Because it’s a latecomer, it might be polite to walk over."

"Is that so?" Sonny said with a hunch, "Is it possible that someone I couldn't beat also took a fancy to this tree?"

"We can't understand if Sonny can beat it, but we know we will be dead if we get involved." Another Midori said.

"...Well, you are right. Speak slowly, but it's too out of hand to walk. Let's fly over."

On the way, Sunny asked why she thought that the big tree might be related to world-class props, rather than monster combat units similar to Kraunpith, or maze buildings.

Alice No. 43 said that since most countries in the world are slow in message transmission, the first to arrive must not be the world leader who can't even deal with the two-digit sequence Alice, but the affected nearby regions and countries. Investigation team.

When the entire tree stopped growing, the investigative team discovered that there was a tree hole under the tree that could allow creatures the size of an ogre to enter and exit, so they conducted investigations both inside and outside.

On the one hand, he tried to climb and fly upwards from the outside, and on the other hand, he entered the tree hole to investigate.

Even if the investigator on the outside succeeded in flying up, he could not enter the canopy of the canopy with luxuriant branches and leaves like walls, and the forcible attack instead bounced back and shot them down, causing casualties.

The few survivors who came out from the inside said that it was completely empty inside, as if the whole tree was hollow, but if they tried to climb or fly from the inside, they would suddenly be bloodied and even torn apart.

After that, a giant dragon passed by and released various earth-shaking attacks at the tree. As a result, he was severely injured by the rebound and left on his own.

Judging from common sense in this this kind of structure cannot be a maze level or a guild building, let alone a large NPC monster turned into reality. Considering that after world-class props are transformed into reality, they may become things that can spontaneously affect large areas and cause anomalies or even modify the laws of the world. The sanctuary of the founding of Titania is a good example, so I think this is the abnormal operation of world-class props. Isn't it more appropriate?

The next level of world-class props are guild weapons and full-level players' equipment. Those things and the fairy compatriots have enough knowledge to know that these are impossible to produce such phenomena.

Later, nearby towns sent people to blockade the place, until the world's top forces, who were aware of the wind, ignored the arrival of local sovereignty.

During the conversation, the fairies were suddenly berated from the ground——

"Stop! Who are you!"

It's troublesome if you encounter ignorant guys in the sphere of influence that is not the fairy temple, just like now.

(to be continued)

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