Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 57: The courage to donate

In the hall, while Midori was distributing papers, Meliface announced various competition rules to the nobles who longed for longevity and even immortality.

However, the most important thing is: it is impossible to bid, you directly propose everything you can pay, one-time, and don't let the fairy be satisfied. See who has the most courage to "give donations".

"While you are writing, it is forbidden to whisper, do any comparison, no matter how superb skills you have, the spirit magic can be staring at any time, so don't do meaningless things that make you lose everything. Later, we will eliminate your concerns.' The memory of the'donation' rule, but the'donation' of the immortal will be announced for reference."

In this way, the complexion of many people present was greatly changed.

You know, judging from the results announced by the Fairy Temple, there are many types of "donations". Actually, they can be high or low based on the price of the goods, but the number of places has never changed.

I originally thought it was a way of competition similar to bidding. Of course, fierce competition may occur, but because the number of places is constant, the cost is predictable, and even under mutual collusion, financing and financing, you are young next time, I will be older this time ,some type of.

But now in this way, you have to use your practical ability to do your best, and you can't even think about it.

No wonder there has been no bidding method for everyone to collude secretly in advance. Is the original reason to eliminate memory? This is indeed like what the fairies in common sense like to do. I have been here several times and I am worried about whether my memory will move something that shouldn't be done.

Among the people who stared and sucked in cold breath, this time was the second time Gushmonthou came. However, none of the above constitutes a reason for his withdrawal. Even if the memory has been erased, the "donations" chosen in the past will still be announced. It seems irregular but worthy of reference.

"If you want to exit, you can exit now. Please go out from the door on the right and receive guidance to the designated room to wait for a while." Meriface added.

After many people left the hall with various feelings, Guhimonthou also got his paper.

He didn't look around, and wrote his answer very decisively.

He believes that looking at the entire human race, no one can do such a bold thing as he does not make the family decline due to overdraft.

The great aristocracy will accumulate a large amount of wealth from generation to generation. As long as one generation does not have a prodigal, or commits an incident, or has internal and external struggles, they will manage the territory step by step, and the wealth that will not rot will always increase.

Some of the wealth that is usually not used will be invested in the children of the division, and there are probably not many nobles who hire retired adventurers and black workers to explore the Kaz Plain in the south and even the Eight Desires Desert. However, because their family has a tradition of establishing personal friendship with the Fairy Temple in the past dynasties, face-saving Alice can ensure that the dominant power is in his own hands by relying on the three-digit sequence of Alice. Otherwise, if you really find something, people like black workers might just take money and treasures to go around or even kill their employers.

Good luck, not nothing. In the eyes of the higher level goblins, it may not be a very valuable thing, but based on his experience with the goblins, this can make the other party interested.

After a while, everyone who stayed got the paper and began to "swipe" and make a sound.

Meliffis and the monks of other races played the board game leisurely for half an hour, and then ordered Midori to recycle the paper and submit it for statistics.

"Well, the results will be announced in an hour. During this period, everyone can walk around in the public area here. Please come here again to focus."

Guhimonthou saw that several of his colleagues were interested in meeting with him, an experienced person, who had found Glog, and agreed to drink together.

Suddenly, there was an explosion outside, and the whole hall seemed to tremble.

The humans present rioted outside.



"Idiot! Whatever it sounds like just now is an explosion!"

Several aristocratic officials around Guhimonthou also moved closer to him, the closest and highest person.

"Master Marquis, this...couldn't it really be an attack, right?"

"Will it be a desperate looking at the treasure that grants immortality?"

"Who is so bold to attack the country of the temple base camp? Is it possible that the war of gods is about to break out again?"

"Heh, isn't it a matter of putting the cart before the horse for the sake of immortality? Unless you want to be an undead." Gushimenghou said jokingly, and then said, "Don't worry, just look at it like this, adults will take care of it. "

The Alice who had been on both sides of the hall had all turned around one hundred and eighty degrees, unfolding the magic that protects the enchantment neatly and uniformly.

The Midoris who were in charge of distributing and gathering papers wandered through the crowd, shouting "please keep calm" and "do not do extraneous behavior" while shrouding a wide range of spiritual magic.

After all, if someone is doing evil outside, there is no guarantee that there will be an internal response here. Although the qualification quotas distributed by the Fairy Temple have been verified, there are always various problems in reality, and they cannot refuse the qualified family to assign representatives themselves. It is best to fish in troubled waters here.

The rehearsal has been rehearsed, and Alice and Midori present are not at all confused.

Meliffis on the stage raised her head in accordance with the voice, gritted her teeth with a smile: "No, no, no, no, no... Actually there are idiots who dare to attack Hecardia?"

I gritted my teeth because this incident was simply a "slap" slap to her who presided over the The smile means that this incident is really--too, new, fresh, ah, it can be regarded as contemptuously called by the neighboring countries of Hecardia. The most interesting thing in the decades since the "Hundred Days of Mankind" war and related turmoil events ended completely.

Meliffis was originally a human being. She has lived for a long time and has been at ease for a long time. She always hopes that some stimulation can be adjusted. If it does not happen to the things she presided over and causes her to lose face and worry about the future to be held accountable, she can become a real The joy of it.

"Leave it to Master Alice and Master Midori, you go out with me and have a look." Meliface said to the other demi monks.

The high-level goblins did not give her the responsibility of guarding the place, but Meliface knew that they would not care about this level of unauthorized actions. Even if there were intruders, they would be exposed to the “army” of goblins outside to show the big figures of the world. Annihilate it.

However, watching the game is naturally more interesting than watching a large group of dumb guys here.

(to be continued)

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