Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 61: Victory and death


In the battle between Meliphis and the black masked man, with the help of Astorfo's treasure "trapofargalia", he knocked his opponent down with a single blow.

But the man in the black mask was also very alert and immediately reacted. He completely ignored the inferiority of his posture. Before Meli Faith launched the pursuit, he preemptively made a counterattack, forcibly turning the tip of the weapon to Meli Faith, and the beam shot. out.


Meliface liberated the real name of the next treasure, the magic guide book pinned to her waist, from which a large book page flew out and turned into a thin shield, just before it set off a violent exploding beam of light that could not penetrate in front of it.

Meliphis secretly said that the heroic spirit on Pingyi is really useful only when all the restrictions are lifted. It was Astorfo with the weakest combat skills among the Charlemagne Twelve Warriors she was acquired in the Holy Grail War. Possessing a large number of treasures acquired during his lifetime, it is more suitable for obstructing the field control rather than heads-up in terms of tactics. Therefore, daily combat is limited to the Saber rank with single-handed advantage, and it depends on the bonus brought by rank ability. Strongly charge up the combat effectiveness; lift the rank restrictions, and the pure combat effectiveness becomes weaker.

However, that side as a knight has become weaker. If a person who has experienced a hundred warriors personally controls everything with his own suitable experience, and does not happen to the "rational evaporation" event in the history of the moon, it should be better than Astor. Fu himself is stronger.

The problem is that cards that remove rank restrictions are just like magic that has good damage to all races and magic that only has the same effect on specific races. The former has a larger amount of magic data. The card is not cheap to her, it is a one-time use.

Now you have to really knock down the enemy who can force it out!

Meliface would have such thoughts. It was a few rounds of confrontation that he noticed that the opponent was a mental life form. Although the weapon looked like a long-handled weapon between a spear and a steel fork, it should be a magic caster.

The reason is that the treasure "trapofargalia" has the effect of forcing the opponent to fall, but only those races that rely on spirit, spirit, and soul to maintain the entity will have their legs blurred; while "trapofargalia" The "casseurdelogistille" can forcibly resist powerful magical attacks, so the opponent's assassin is useless.

There is no reason why she can't win, so if she doesn't come up with the best result, she will appear incompetent.

The black mask man's counterattack didn't work, instead, she stiffened due to haste, and Meliffy turned her feet, turning around and hitting the black mask man in the neck with a shot.

The knight's gun was embedded with sharp blades reflecting the cold light on both sides, and Merifice clearly felt that the sharp blade and the vigorous swing made the inside of her neck fragmented.

But it shouldn't be careless. For the spiritual life body, this key of common sense may not be useless, but it may not be useful. It must be deprived of its ability to act.

Meliface held the gun in one hand and crushed the opponent to the ground. With the other hand, he pulled out the knight's sword, which is not a treasure, from his waist, and slashed towards the center of his body, intending to tear it apart and completely deprive him of mobility.

Unexpectedly, the moment the blade pierced the black masked man deeply, a few black tentacles grew out of his body, and they entangled Merifis's hands straight along the sword and the gun body!

Immediately afterwards, the broken holes in the body of the black masked people lit up with cyan flames, which became brighter and brighter, and turned into rays of light to spray out!


Meliface was shocked. How did this scene seem to blew up? !

No, she can't escape easily. She can feel this terrible wave of magic power, which is similar to the terrible wave of supernatural magic, which will wipe out the smaller half of Hecardia, including her colleagues, other goblins, and the great figures of various countries invited here!

She immediately continued to launch the "casseurdelogistille", and the pages of the magic book wrapped the black masked man in layers.

Even so, it failed to completely eliminate the explosion!

I failed. Just now I should launch the teleportation magic to throw the opponent into the wild before it completely erupts. Because I have more confidence in the power of the hero, I subconsciously used the treasure of the hero. "With the existence, Meliface could not activate effective magic on this explosion.

If the challenge fails, there is no retreat.

The light of the explosion hit her face. At the first moment when her hands felt the intense pain that even the cells were evaporated, Meliface activated a wind-cutting magic to cut off her tentacles and her tightly entangled hands together, and turned and ran. , While trying to launch teleportation magic on himself.

At the last moment, she gave herself to survival instinct.

Yes, it cannot be evaporated here.

Although this person lost to her, a strong person of this level is a strong person that any force has never encountered in a century, right? Just gave up? ! Or does it mean that this unknown hostile force already has the means to squander this kind of combat power at will or to resurrect it remotely? She is the only one fighting this person, she must live to send out the information!

It was still a step slower, and the pain of burning her whole body was only a moment, and Meliffith's thinking stopped.

I don't know how long it took, a gentle touch spread all over the body, as if the existence of the hand of God, like trying to wrap her up from the cold and dark water.

"Ah, I really died."

She remembered this feeling because she had been resurrected.

If it is the first time, it may be a little hesitant, but as long as there is a desire to survive, the final choice is the same.

Without any hesitation, she took that hand, and then, being pulled up forcefully, she passed through a white world and felt her own body again.

Suddenly, she stepped into the darkness again, because-when she died, because the light of the explosion was too dazzling, she closed her eyes when it was obviously a desperate occasion.

Realizing this, she held her weak body and opened her eyes.

The whole body is weak, like the body is a puddle of mud. Even if he was seriously injured by the so-called "hp see red" in the mouth of the fairies, it was never so difficult to move.

Which "layman" priests used the tattered resurrection magic?

However, she couldn't complain anymore, seeing the surprise and concerned eyes and expressions of her colleagues surrounding her.

"Master Meliface is awake!"

"Don't move, Harkel's resurrection magic is not as good as you, drink this first."

Meli Fiss felt the mouth of the bottle slammed into her mouth, so she sucked it up, a trace of warmth flowed through her body, feeling a little better, and her blurred vision and perception became clear, but she still couldn't reach her ability. The extent of the battle.

"The battle...not yet, is it over," she said reluctantly.

(to be continued)

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