Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 134: Stumbling block

Canopy Maze B—

As a team where most of the players need normal rest and sleep, their progress is the slowest, reaching the final BOSS area for a full half a day.

However, the final BOSS they needed to conquer "Elder of Wind (Elder of Wind also became the weakest BOSS.

Although the true dragon king is not as difficult to use the original magic as it was before the Eight Desires era, but in the face of the magic that has the ability to ignore the heavy HP and hit the life and even the soul, plus other teammates, even if they are placed in the game, they are all suitable for the dungeon. Challenge level, "Elder of Wind (Elder of Wind can't get over any waves.

After a fierce battle, even though they were all injured, the crusade went smoothly, and it took about 20 minutes.

"Platinum Dragon King" Char said in an irresistible tone: "The last drop, I plan to collect and check it first. After all, "Yggdrasil" items may have some changes when they come to this world. Such a powerful demon god, drop The fallen objects may also contain things that endanger the world."

The "Blue Sky Dragon King" Sviria was originally a group, so naturally he would not express new opinions.

"Black Lin Dragon King" Delodilong said: "Char, you have experience, you can do it, but now we can watch all of these. Everyone in the battle performs their own duties, and no one is slack. After that, the distribution can be fair. "

"As long as the reviewing country does not embezzle the big head, I have no objection." Ruojie said so normally.

Jack, the blond young man, did not intend to comment.

"That's fair. I also have the highest level of appraisal magic. I have to appraise it once. The qualification requirements are not excessive. Moreover, the maze of this level and scale has never appeared in this world in the past, and some of the knowledge is provided by me. Yes, I should have the first choice." Irut said in a bargain.

Irut is not a fool now, and he knows the truth of "cunning rabbits and dogs cooking" in his heart, but now the other "Yggdrasil" in this world are more than "cunning rabbits". They are fierce tigers at all. If the players who cooperated to solve the BOSS that may cause the world crisis are killed, then if this chilling degree spreads out, there will be no players who dare to cooperate with the real dragon king.

The dance clothing side has already informed about this, what will the church country do? This is definitely not a good thing for the appraisal country not far from the church country.

As long as you maintain a basic peaceful attitude, don't go too far, you should still be safe, unless the true dragon king is an idiot.



"If you don't have any comments, let's do this first."


outside world-

The powerful camps gathered from all parts of the world are still monitoring and observing the huge tree.

Although they can understand in their hearts that even if the transcendents gather more than a dozen people, they want to eliminate from the inside the plural demon gods and individual soldiers in the town. The army is stronger than the other parties, it will definitely not be smooth sailing, since it is so large, the inside The road may be intricate and complicated, and it may take a lot of time to go and stop like a secret exploration in it. It takes a lot of time to deal with hidden dangers.

Although I know it, as time goes by, it is inevitable that there will be restlessness.

Moreover, since they are strong, they are not all idlers. Many of them are part-timers and have their own affairs. Although there is an account work before leaving, there are many people who want to leave first, but there is no proof if they are not there, so they hope to take away the benefits they deserve in advance.

For this, there have also been disputes in twos and threes.

Gradually, the neat atmosphere became a little noisy.

After changing from the night shift (although they missed the shift for about two hours in the middle), Messette and Hua Jing, twisted and twisted through the open space between the noisy camp zones.

"I thought there would be mutiny, but why does it feel that the atmosphere is more harmonious than that of the army trained in the face of the annual war." Mesette looked left and right, said.

For example, there was a tauren over four meters tall in a duel with a Snake King armor warrior about two meters tall. There were a lot of onlookers, and it could be seen that despite the fierce fighting, they did not kill them.

"I didn't pay much attention before. Will the tauren become fierce as he grows in size? I mean personality."

"Little Messette, that's Minotaur. Don't look that way, it's completely different from the Tauren."

" a goat man with a goat's head but like to eat meat? There used to be such demihumans in the hills west of the country where I was before."

"...It can be compared like this."

There are also guys who learn magic, but both the rate of fire and the structure are exquisite and not fierce, just like playing a turn-based system.

"Everyone is a person with identities, what's the problem if you really pinch here."

"Twist the reel...Everyone, exercise restraint."

Hua Jing and twisted reel said separately.

"Compared to this, how about congratulating Ainz and Mordred on their victory return?" Hua Jing continued to propose.

"Well, I really can't imagine the failure scenario of Master Ainz after making that announcement. Speaking of which, this—" Mesette looked down at his body, and couldn't help but hug his waist and chest. "Wow, is this the figure set by the master? Does he like this? Does the skeleton have that need? It's true that we have been together for decades, and even the shyness of him on the bed has been seen. Isn't there that possibility?"

"Then, Twist, Little Messette, is it bigger?" The Twisted Tentacle Monster said again.

"Mr. Twisting, Mr. Twisting, it's easy for me to misunderstand this kind of sentence in your body. Fortunately, I am familiar with you." Messette unconsciously shrank her chest, which was much taller than the day before.

"How about trying this?" Hua Jing took out a book from his space ring and threw it into Mesette's hand.

Mesette: "No... why would you carry this kind of book with you?"

Hua Jingjing: "It's true that you can't actually fight. UU reading can get along for so long and you should know that he is not completely out of demand, right?"

Mesette: "Then, then I...look at it?"

She squatted down on the spot, opened the book, and found that they were all unrecognized words, so she had to take out the ancestral translation glasses and put them on. But after looking at it for a long time, she suddenly felt that the light seemed to dim. Is there a shadow just now?

The three raised their heads and saw a stumbling block.

That is a literal stumbling tiger. The most obvious difference between a tiger royal demihuman man who is more than two meters tall and a tiger head is that the forehead must have the conspicuous word "king", although the race name and forehead have "king". There is no direct relationship with strength, but since this one can stand in this place, it shows that he is indeed a strong man.

"Good morning everyone, Aleg is next." The Tiger King demihuman man lowered his head and said, looking down.

(to be continued)

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