Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 216: This kind of assassination is familiar

Ainz did not rely on the passive ability set by the undead like "Forced not to be angry". He suppressed the urge to curse and asked calmly, "Fran, do you hate the title of saint so much? "

He already knew that Francesca was a traverser, but after comparing his knowledge, he found that his original world seemed to be different from himself and Mordred, but it was closer to Mordred, and honestly felt that they were both right and different. The emergence of the world's translator can no longer produce surprises.

   Francesca did not hide his basic identity. A character who claims to be a contemporary of Joan of Arc-Although she hates Joan, it can be said that other contemporary celebrities may not be able to understand the game house, but Joan of Arc will probably know.

"Don't you think this kind of existence that leads the times only by symbolism is very unreasonable in the world? Shouldn't it be a very, very fulfilling and pleasant thing to ravage this kind of guy to show the truth?" Francesca He held his face and made a cheerful voice.


   Ainz sent to the duchy to assassinate the saints. Jack was the undead, and Sapri Kent was the demon. He was a rational combat unit created by skills and summoned by magic.

Jack is actually the so-called "Jack the Ripper". It is not surprising that something appears in the game. Although it seems to be a duplicate of the identity of a loli who collaborated last time, "Jack" is not a rare name, and it is completely usable; Sa Prikent is the racial name, which means praying for the devil. In short, Ainz didn't bother to name them.

They did not look exactly like humans. Although this country is not without people, in order to minimize the doubts of the main local residents, they modified Jack and Sapri Kent, and the masks and fingers on Jack’s face His finger cots, Sapri Kent’s face, and unnatural scars on his hands are all things that roughly conceal the characteristics of the person.

   That night, they found the city where the saint was located under the guidance of the spy who was in charge of tracking the saint.

   then began to inquire where they lived.

Eh? Is this spy so incompetent?

   But there is no other way. Those who get too close or see the saint have already turned their backs.

   That is the most luxurious hotel in this area.

   In order to avoid confronting the saint directly, waiting for the dead of night, according to the time of the saint's work and rest, when he thought that he should have fallen asleep, the spy brought Jack and Sapricent to the hotel near the hotel.

   "I'll go take a look first," the spy said.

   "If you become like those people, wouldn't we be exposed?"

"I just went to the lobby to ask about the vacant rooms and see the people moving around. Those in our business can judge a lot from this. Leave it to me. But if you come out later, you are right. The saint yelled, if I were controlled, I would be unbearable."

   The spy walked into the hotel in this way, and after a while, he came out.

   "Drink, what is the saint to you?"

   "It's the enemy. What about yelling?"

   "Idiot, you know it yourself, then is there any point in asking?"

   Sapri Kent slaps both hands, blows into his mouth, and activates the special skill [sigh]. Although it was only a by-product of the effect, it was enough to give the prisoner a soul shock, so that mortals would not dare to tell lies subconsciously.

   "Ask you again, what is the saint to you?"

   "Yes, the enemy! That's right!"

   "Very good. Tell me your findings."

   "Understood." The spy took out a piece of paper and began to draw a simple map and explain with gestures.

   As seen from the outside, the hotel has four floors. The fourth floor is covered by a saint and at least twenty guards.

There are traces of warning magic on the second and third floors. As long as someone passes through, the caster will know it. The fourth floor is even more open. Although the passage of personnel is not affected, it should have any effect. bright.

   But through empirical judgment, the spy should react to things related to poisons and magic. Because if you want to be unruly to the saint, it’s almost impossible to pass through the guarded room with the rustling equipment, and there are no other guests on the top floor. The only way to start is to use poison and magic. Judging from the location of the room and the layout of the surrounding buildings, long-range sniping is impossible.

  The spy was very curious. The two "talents" who felt a little creepy were sent to assassinate the saint.

   Jack took out a magic scroll, activated the burning, and then—

   "Oh oh oh oh oh oh oh!" the spy called.

   It is impossible for ordinary people to remain calm when they see such things, even if they are well-trained.

It was more than two meters tall and covered with a huge black armor. There were no eye holes on the mask, and spines protruded everywhere in the armor. I couldn't feel the bulging muscles under the armor. It was not so much that the armor was protecting the matched warrior. It’s better to say that the armor itself is the embodiment of violence.

The left hand took down the triangular shield-Kite Shield, and pointed the sharp corner to the front assault. The spy didn't think that it was as powerful as the city rushing cart; the right hand was a mixed sword wrapped in cyan flames. Just looking at the appearance, you can feel like a hero. Eligible to equip powerful weapons.

   And such existences actually appeared three at once!

   "Here, UU reading this this this this this this this..."

   "It's Graham, drink it! Go!"

   After Jack gave the order, the three Grahams broke through the night with no effort, and smashed into the hotel's outer wall effortlessly, as if the hotel itself was just a cardboard box.

One kept hitting and cutting off all the uprights and load-bearing walls from the middle, and two pushed off the outer walls all the way from both sides. The people on the first floor and outside screamed and escaped. In less than half a minute, the whole building The hotel building just fell down and turned into rubble.

   "...that, that's it?" The spy could do nothing but open his mouth stiffly and round his eyes.

If it is a warrior in the field of human heroes, it will not be killed by the collapsed building, but according to intelligence, the saint should be a magic caster with the magic power and faith magic double cultivation, so that both magics should have no time to exercise. The body is right. In fact, the information obtained from the interrogation from the person captured by the rebellion, the saint looks quite delicate. Even if the guard is strong, the martial arts that can only work on one's own body are not suitable for protecting companions in this situation, and there is no free fall in the shape of a human on the outside at the moment of the collapse of the building.

   At this time, there were noises and a lot of footsteps, horse hooves, and even the sound of crawlers crushing the ground.

(to be continued)


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