Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 241: Expose, die, escape

"Um...cough cough," Irut didn't know if he heard the words just now, and said in a tone of confession, "After all, your feelings for me are directly set, it's not about charm. Is there any difference in dominance?"

The dance clothes gave Irut a seat: "That is, Lord Irut wants to experience normal encounters and love? I can't satisfy you for this, please allow me to apologize."

This made Irut feel more guilty: "No, it's my fault anyway..."

"Yes, I know, I know, it's all Mr. Irut's fault! I am so happy, Mr. Irut has finally admitted!" Wuyi immediately straightened his body with excitement.

"Woo!" Although Irut was suspected of giving up on himself after being exposed, he was still shocked to hear Wuyi say this.

"Since the Lord Irut has admitted, and the kidney deficiency has been cured, I mean I don't have to be patient anymore? Lord Irut will satisfy me, right?" Wuyi immediately began to act.

Irut yelled in fright: " seems to be really good somehow?! Did Diasha just do something while holding me down!"

After venting for a while, feeling a little more comfortable, and then the kidney deficiency disappeared, and he couldn't help exclaiming: "I blamed you by mistake just now! So you are a good person!"

At this time, the strange feeling of wanting to belittle Irut in Diaza's heart has disappeared. In her heart, the other side justified her pathological behavior and replied, "You are welcome. Sometimes people experience big changes and accumulate troubles and stress. At the time, it will gather self-disgust and emotions that you don’t want to face, and use your external power—such as your god’s cloak and the power you gained in vain—to wrap up these negative spirits, and the result will become like a pustule. It’s the same. It’s not good for the body and mind after a long time. Probably kidney deficiency is true, but that is the self-protection that you subconsciously want to avoid when facing the contrast between the outside and the inside of the dance clothes, that is, the pus formed by the negative spirit will act as a male. Biological instincts are separated..."

Suddenly the dance clothes quickly snatched: "So I have to administer strong medicine, break the protective layer, and let Master Irut face it as soon as possible-despair, the pus can be released, so that the supreme supreme should have the desire to see the sky again as a man, and then Let me take advantage of the vacancy to help Master Irut clear up all the troubles and problems!"

Irut is struggling: "Wait, it’s not about this time...Wait, don’t twist! No, I

"So, in such a showdown, whether you can still accept each other, can you let me get up first?" At the end, the two of them are not average in strength. Maybe this accustomed room has to be renovated.

The rapid footsteps outside the door gradually approached.

Then the door was slammed open violently, and the people who came were a few people from the pitch black scripture.

Firstly, they live nearby, and secondly, if something goes wrong here, the situation must be absolutely extraordinary, and the elites of the religious nation should be the vanguard.

Then I saw Irut, who pressed Daysha under her body and rode on her dance clothes, like a sandwich.

Although there are some signs of damage in the house, these buildings are inherently vulnerable to transcendors, and it is difficult to do some intense exercise. Maybe you really did some intense exercise?

So they regarded it as nothing for the time being, and silently retreated.


? ? ? ? —

"Although the result is a little different from what I imagined, puff—"

"The death scene of a large community! Haha!"

"Woohuhahahahahaha, this is very interesting, there is a hand!"

Clown Pith, Sunny and Star turned into a ball with laughter for a while.

After laughing, Sanny wiped away some teardrops from her smile and said: "In fact, true social death can't be done. Even if you are an ordinary person in your bones, your spirit is not like the bone king because the race has not changed. Great changes have been made, but after all, the strength of the 100th level lies there."

"Well, after all, some of my believers think that they will be blessed by doing those sacred ceremonies in front of me. It's not strange, not strange." Kraun Pith said happily.

"Peth is the only one who can educate and publicize like that." Star rolled his eyes.

"The elves are all the fault of the former Elf King. As for the others, I just made a joke and didn't expect to take it seriously, really." Kraunpiss shrugged grinningly.

She refocused on the big goblin being implicated and forced to perform a superficial 3P scene on the screen, and changed the subject and said: "However, I am a little concerned. I let the big goblin meticulously come up with the consciousness of wanting to say those things to fight Yilu. Especially, it would be great if you banged at the big goblin and ran out crying. But why is the kidney deficiency cured? It's as simple as the big goblin said? Then there are so many males with kidney deficiency in this world. Bar?"

"It's hard for a level 100 body to suffer from a small problem of kidney deficiency, right?" Sunny rubbed her chin and guessed, UU reading "The confessional of the temple is often used as a place for some people to vent their pressure and give up on themselves. There are a lot of people who expose their own ugliness, so I think I can understand. His kidney deficiency is the result of his personal relationship, as Pith has speculated, the actual height difference and the potential pressure caused by escape, so he vented it. , I guess it should be a lot more enjoyable, so the "kidney deficiency" is healed."

"It's like helping him."

"Then pray that the future choice of the guy who has been exposed and can't pretend will be good for us. Anyway, there will be no worse situation than the gun call he gave to the religious state." Star said.


Slian church country, gods—

The next day, the sky was still gray, and a carriage passed through the block and slowly drove out of the city.

Horseshoes make a rhythmic and crisp sound on the lime concrete road. The pace is neat, not to mention that it is not impossible for a trained horse, even for an ordinary horse, but if someone with an absolute sense of sound hears it, it will I found that it was over neat and tidy, just like a machine.

Soon, the street lights and houses that had become sparse were thrown behind, and the carriage came to the gate of the city.

As the owner of the carriage, even at this time when the gate is not open, it is a matter of a sentence to ask the guards to open the gate and let it go.

However, now the guards are not there, and replaced by two tall thin men in white robes.

Irut poked his head to see the two of them clearly, and said with a guilty conscience: "His Excellency the Supreme Chief and Deputy Chief..."

The deputy commander didn't remember what he called for a while, or he didn't even ask or talk to him when he remembered it.

(to be continued)

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