Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 252: Sacrifice of Dark Abundance

The people who were solidified by the terrible coercion suddenly felt the pressure drop suddenly, this is the effect produced by magic [under the banner of **** [UnderDivine]].

Before Ye Lantil's independence, the kingdom's army that used this city as a base to attack the empire used a large number of Paladins equipped with this magic to improve the morale of the army and prevent the phenomenon of fleeing.

Ye Lan Tier was once an independent city, and its production capacity for military industry and magic equipment was not strong. It can be used as a transportation hub between several large countries, and its economic development is quite good. It retains its technology and can also spend money to buy it. The basics are good, especially in this turbulent period, a lot of magic items that can be deployed under [UnderDivine] under the banner of the gods are even more prepared.

It's just that the effect time and scope are limited, and they are not equipment that can be quickly replenished in real time. Mortals cannot use the effects of some low-level magic as passive abilities like Transcendent.

Ye Lan Tier’s administration wanted to “use good steel on the blade” according to the situation after the battle broke out. No one could have expected that terrifying monsters would have a wide range of undifferentiated fear effects.

Now, Ainz, who is immune to this ability of Gorgon, sent the undead accumulated these days to replace those who could not move for a while to activate all the [Under Divine] around the wall.

Even so, it is impossible to take care of everyone.

Ainz said to the commander: "I just used superposition magic [IaShub-Niggurath] to destroy a large number of beasts at once, but this calm will not last long. I don't know how many beasts they have, Influx from the place where it was crushed, the city is in danger. Manipulate as much as possible to let the immovable people take action, the priests gather, and the [Lion’s Heart[]] who believes in magic is enough to completely resist this degree. Fear, if there are enough Paladins...No, is this difficult? Let the adventurers who believe in the magic profession have time to supplement the magic duration of [Under Divine] under the banner of the gods."

If the city is willing to tell Ainz about the ratio of various combat powers, Ainz can make more suggestions to improve defensive efficiency even if he does not intervene in the command, but it is obviously impossible for people who value politics and power. of.

Relying on strength and spirit magic to suppress is also an option, but Ainz has no plans to save everyone.

When a person is saved in a crisis, gratitude will be the strongest. Although there is the possibility of complaining "Why didn't you come earlier", there are different ways to deal with the annoying guy.

"By the way, huge black goat cubs will appear soon. These are my summoned beasts. They are all cute and reliable children. Don't panic and put the city in danger because of seeing things beyond common sense. When I fight against monsters. , The safety of the city is up to you."

After speaking this sentence in a heroic voice that seemed to be enlightened, Ainz disappeared in place, and there was no sign of space magic than the knowledge of the people present, which was amazing.

In fact, [Perfeowable] was activated, and Ainz flew directly to the sky outside the city, overlooking the battlefield.

A terrible black sphere appeared in the sky as if it was about to pollute the world, slowly becoming larger, falling, and turning into a petroleum-like liquid to cover all the corpses of the beasts.

The oil-like pitch-black liquid even dipped Gorgon's lower body, but it seemed to have no effect on her.

On the ground where the black liquid was spreading, a series of "trees" swayed without wind.

To be precise, it is a tentacle.

"Hey————" Gu

There was a voice like a cute goat chirping. And there was more than one sound, as if a group of goats were about to emerge from the pitch-black "bush".

No, they did come out of it. The bush-like tentacles are part of their bodies. They look like turnips. Several black tentacles have replaced the leaves. The roots are lumpy fleshy pieces, and the bottom is like a black-hoofed goat. Five legs.

[Mesette, do it. 】

For Gorgon, it is the best time to smash the black goat cubs before they are born. But she can't do it.

One group after another, the death knights of the deceased in each group, at intervals of about five seconds, constantly appeared around her and attacked Gorgon.

At the same time, the embodied **** of death rose from the ground, brandishing a sickle and slashing towards Gorgon, cutting off the head of a giant snake with a single knife!

All the heads and tails of Gorgon's snakes swept around frantically.

It stands to reason that the death knight’s level is only 35. Even with the special skill enhancement of Mesade, the comprehensive combat power will not reach level 40. Compared with the Gorgon, the undead is extremely weak and is like confetti. It is not surprising that it is swept away.

But that didn't happen, because the death knight has a special skill that can withstand any attack with 1 HP remaining. There are also stronger undead with the same skills, but none of them have the ability to harm Gorgon. It’s better to make more of the weakest among them—death that ordinary human corpses can withstand. Knight, you can pile up the number as much as possible.

Because of that special skill, damage that was originally enough to attack most of them like penetration damage may also become single damage. Therefore, when the number of death knights piles up, the number of attacks required to eliminate them will rise geometrically. What's more, there is also a manifestation of death who is destined to defeat Gorgon, but whose attack power cannot be ignored?

If Gorgon can use the [Soul Extinguish Breath] trick of the Dragon King’s [Soul Extinguishing Breath] that ignores the skill resistance, then there is still a way to break through this tactic, but in this state, she has to be entangled to death by a large number of undead. .

Then, the three black goat cubs that had been born joined the team battle.

"Three-body? It's great." Ainz exclaimed silently in his heart.

By the way, he didn't know why Gorgon had to escape here, but it didn't prevent him from using some undead who could penetrate the earth insubstantially to entangle her.

The undead, except for the manifested death gods specially made with high-level skills, most of the others are the lowest-level ghosts captured from the Kaz Plain, and some are slightly more powerful. The others are used daily even if they are not used. It’s not a pity to waste the skills that can’t be accumulated.

In the first wave of the [IaShub-Niggurath Sacrifice of Dark Abundance [IaShub-Niggurath]], in addition to sacrificing those beasts, there are also low-level undead other than the manifestation of death.

"Last time because of Alice 0’s intervention, it was not confirmed. Is it really a problem with the number of sacrifices? This is the highest record. It seems that if you use this trick in a war involving hundreds of thousands of troops, you can still summon it. More?"

(to be continued)

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