Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 13 Chapter 309: hardcore dive

Latest website: Because of the significance and value of its geographical location, Kalinsha has become a fortress city that is stronger than any city in the Holy Kingdom.

At the same time, as a city that is very close to the intersection of north and south, even large warships that cannot go ashore like ghost ships are enough to be included in their firepower coverage. There is nothing wrong with this. Once a foreign enemy invades, the navy can more easily provide fire support, but if it turns into a civil war between the north and the south, the drawbacks are obvious.

If there is enough time and wealth, enchant every brick of the fortress to resist physical shock and fire to resist naval guns. It can be done in theory, but it is only in theory. The Northern Holy Kingdom, which has just recovered from war, Without that ability, even if it makes people's lives a little harder, it might be possible to squeeze in a squeeze, but the enchantment that ordinary magic casters can do is no better than the enchantment of legendary and artifact-level equipment, and future maintenance also requires continuous investment. funds.

So Mordred wants to give up the largest and most fortified city in the entire country.

Under her delicate command at the front line, it seems that Kalinsha's defenders fought fiercely, and the enemy quickly gave up their plan to occupy the entire city as scheduled, and mobilized warships to bombard them directly.

But by then the Union army had largely withdrawn from the city walls and fortresses. For the troops in charge of disguise and the rear, the ending was tragic, but it was also a necessary sacrifice.

The Confederate army occupied Kalinxia and counted the corpses of the enemy very carefully, and even counted the minced meat as much as possible, and found that the enemy lost too little. The traces left by the retreat were not very orderly, so they judged that the enemy was fleeing, and ordered the armored and cavalry units to pursue fast, and the infantry also used other means of transportation to keep up.

Most of the Southern Holy Kingdom's naval battleships could not go ashore, so most of them moved along the northern coast of the strait to occupy other ports to expand the landing points that could be entered.

Mordred handed over the commander-in-chief to other subordinates, and personally led more than 100 marine "marines" and a similar number of military elites to ambush on the hills near Kalinxia to observe the movements of the southern army.

By the way, they were originally from their own family. Although the military uniforms of the Northern Army and the Southern Army have been differentiated since the split, it is easy to get the same style as the other. They are now wearing the uniforms of the Confederate Army.

But just mixing in like this can't do it, after all, both parties know this. In such an important place, to get in and out, you need a password, and there are several back-and-forth passwords and return commands plus supporting actions. There are no people who are good at spiritual magic in the Northern Holy Kingdom. To get revenge with a single arrow, infiltration with small troops will not work.

"Oh, good luck," she thought.

According to intelligence, the Confederate army's capital ships, including imported goods, consist of four ships. The magical nature of the three imported warships does not match the traditional magic system of the Holy Kingdom, so after they are brought into control with their own magic, the maintenance cycle is relatively short.

Now these three ships are parked here, and some of the city walls are used as docks because of their ability to drive ashore, and maintenance is carried out on the spot. Many people come and go up and down. It seems that he feels that the battle is going well, and he wants to continue the attack, but he is reluctant to return to his home port.

In the dead of night, she immediately led someone to touch it quietly, and successfully and silently killed the sentries along the way, and asked her soldiers to stand over to replace them, lest the watchposts patrolling further away would find that people were missing when they came over.

But this tactic is not very smooth.

When he gradually invaded the city wall that was used as a temporary wharf, one of his subordinates was not very quick. When he killed a sentry, he found that the other party had too much fat, and he didn't die. .

Immediately, several magical lights swept over!

In front of the bridge of the ship that was not far away, there was a girl's head sticking out with a vigilant look.

Mordred and the others immediately crouched down and hid behind the parapet.

Just as Mordred was estimating the remaining distance, he waited for the searchlight to attack as soon as the light passed. The two soldiers she brought with her did not squat down, and did strange things on the spot—

One person supported the parapet while the other supported his waist.

The two of them pressed their chests against their backs tightly, swaying back and forth like drunkards, and rhythmically screaming out loud and rhythmically following the screams of the deceased just now.

When the light hit them, they hurriedly shrunk down, pretending to be panic.

The expected alarm or commotion did not occur, and even the girl who was probing the ship closed her eyes and ran away.

"Hey, what the **** are you two doing?" Mordred whispered inexplicably.

If doing this kind of thing can avoid suspicion and close inquiries, then why did she spend so much time planning the invasion route and the timing of the settlement of the sentry, I really hope these people can report and discuss it earlier.

"Well, wait until the battle is over." One of them said with an embarrassed expression.

Mordred doesn't care either. Although the expressions of his subordinates are a bit strange, now is not the time to listen to such detailed reports. From the expressions of other people, it seems that they all know the truth of this method, even if the two sacrificed. Not a problem either.

Continue to move forward, the troops are divided into three groups. Mordred went all alone, charging towards one ship, while the others invaded the other. If you can't capture it or find that the operating mode is too different from the past to drive away, destroy as much as possible.

Although it seemed that he had been fooled just now, there was definitely not much time to buy.

At this time, a warning shout came from the side of the ship.

It's still a female voice, this is nothing strange. Originally, the Holy Kingdom was a national military service system. Both the Northern Holy Kingdom and the Male Holy Kingdom followed this system. In this respect, men and women are extremely equal, but this voice is too immature.

Like thirteen or fourteen year olds.

Strangely, the alarm bells were not rang at the same time.

Perhaps just as guessed, the other party was too young and a little confused for a while.

"Cut, is there no one in the Confederate Army?" Mordred said carelessly, his body was unequivocal and merciless, he drew his sword and aimed at the ship where the voice was, and the red lightning burst into a beam of light.

"[Treason to my gorgeous father [tBloodArthur]]!"

The farthest battleship, starting from the building above the central deck, was cut in half from top to bottom by the red light that seemed to be splitting from the sky, and the red lightning that overflowed in time caused bursts of chain explosions!

The childish screams from the same direction were drowned out by the explosion.

The ship turned into light particles and dissipated before the explosion was finished.

Mordred stepped on his feet without stopping, preparing to rush into the nearest ship.

(to be continued)

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