Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 3: they have 1 leg

The original demon Ultima was happy with the arrival of her master, Cleonpis, but she was very annoyed when she saw that her master was besieged.

The consequences would not have been very serious, because their attacks basically couldn't hurt the owner.

But when she found out that Jing had used a trick that could make Klauenpis feel pain, she was not so calm immediately.

The master had instructed not to take action, and she, as the demon of the contract, could not violate such a clear order.

So, she teleported to Jing's side, cast a magic spell without singing or movement to shatter Jing's attack, and then aimed at Jing's face and kicked it.

Ultima is clear about her position, and will not really go against Clawenpis's intentions, and she also knows Crownpis' bottom line. Feeling **** at the fact that he had gained the upper hand in some kind of struggle, she, who was also the original demon, just vented a little.

If she really wanted to kill, the [Ice Hell] just now would be included in the attack range together with Jing Jing - in fact, it is easier to cast without precise manipulation.

She was also a little surprised that she was silent.

Then, the reason why Jing did not dodge immediately appeared - Ultima's legs flew! The smoky cross-section of the leg just flew to a dozen meters away, fell to the ground, and gradually turned back to a purple-black wooden leg.

"Could it be that mask!" Ultima, who was shocked, jumped back beside Klauenpis with one foot and opened up a little distance to confront him.

"Ugh, it's really accurate." Klauen Pissi whispered, just disconnected from the absolute field between the short skirt and the stockings. Wouldn't this be a good idea? Must be a coincidence, right?

The smell of gunpowder at the scene suddenly dropped.

Ultima's words just now were very clear, that is—they actually attacked Rimuru's benefactor!

"Ultima, your leg..." Jingjing slowly reached out to Ultima's broken leg. She knew the performance of her anti-magic mask, so she didn't dodge, but she didn't expect to break her leg directly. , she has only seen similar phenomena in high-level demon generals.

In this way, combined with the conversation just now, it can be judged that Ultima and Primordial Black may be of the same kind. Jingxun wondered if this matter should be spoken, but they didn't actually do anything bad, and the attack just now was also a protector, so speaking out would only cause panic. At the same time, she also wondered how big of a heart she would be to name the primordial demon.

"Hey, Ultima smashed Jing's elf power, Jing took Ultima's leg, and each got one point. This training is just like this, right?" Clown Pisce clapped his hands , took off the mask and said with a smile.

"It's too much! Klauenpis calls this training?!" Rimuru, who escaped from Lanka, complained loudly.

The misunderstanding was resolved like this, and after accepting the profound apology from everyone, Klauenpis prepared to go to the town of monsters under their leadership.

Rimuru gave Ultima a large bottle of complete recovery potion. Originally, Klauenpis was worried about whether the recovery potion would have any adverse effects on the demon, but the recovery potion did not have divine attributes, but only reassured him by relying on abundant magic to enhance the effect of the herb.

When Klauenpis helped Ultima connect her legs, she also improved the material of the container for her to be level with Picoxi.

On the way, Klauenpis asked Limuru why the man named Jing was here.


Slime Perspective—

Seeing that Klauenpis was not very angry, Limuru breathed a sigh of relief.

[Great Sage] had probed Klauenpis, and the result was more than ten times stronger than him. Limuru thought it was ten times more, but [Great Sage] actually added ten times with "kindness" The above also includes a hundred times a thousand times, in short, it has not measured the upper limit.

Ultima could measure it—about five percent of Veldora’s magic element. This comparison is a bit small, but Veldora and He Xulongye, 5% is already terrible.

But Rimuru is a good slime who values ​​harmony. If everyone gets along well, the result will be all-right. The development of the town has thighs to hug, which makes him happy.

He introduced the things about Jing to Crownpeace.

Jing, whose full name is Izawa Jingjiang, is Limuru's "compatriot". He is a famous hero in this world with the title of "Burning Flame Dominator". Just now, he had a fight because of a misunderstanding.

Limuru didn't think much about it, thinking that it was normal for Klauenpis to ask such a question. It was not long ago that Shizuo and three adventurers who were adept at death came on an investigation mission, and they were rescued by him.

However, Jing was already on the verge of reaching its limit, and it didn't take long for the flame spirit to go berserk. Removing the spirit of flame will cause the death of the host, and Limuru can't bear it. Fortunately, Limuru, who has obtained the magic power and magic element of Klauenpis and Veldora at the same time, is much stronger. In [Great Sage] Precision After calculation, he killed Jing once, causing her to die for a few seconds. During this period, he completely controlled and dominated the spirit of flame, and after making it obedient, he resurrected Jing with resurrection magic.

But in this way, to ensure that the flame spirit does not get out of control, Jing can't be too far away from Rimuru for the time being. [Great Sage] said that there is a way to analyze the elf of flame to make a safe substitute, but it will take some time to calculate, and it has not been completed yet.

Although Limuru actually talked with Jing about a lot of private matters, it was someone's privacy, because Limuru only said it because he was a "compatriot", and these things would not be introduced to Klauenpis without permission.

"Even if I was wearing a mask just now, don't you think you are still too nervous?" Klauenpith also posed such a question.

Limuru is also very helpless about this. On the one hand, since the establishment of the town, all kinds of idiots who want to rule them by force have appeared every now and then. Not long ago, there were a bunch of arrogant people who wanted to kill him and take the monsters for themselves. The lizardman Gaviru; on the other hand, the legendary pig-headed emperor was born, leading an army of 200,000 pig-headed tribes to invade, and the culprit was the masked devil; and recently got information, saying that pig-headed tribe equipment It is too sophisticated, and has been sponsored by the Demon King.

Everyone is too sensitive at this time.

Limuru explained and invited by the way: "I'm just about to convene a meeting of the six major departments, is Klauenpis coming?"

"Six departments?"

"Construction, management, administration, military, intelligence, and security are six major departments. But to be honest, there is a bit of shame. The monsters have basically no experience in administration, and they don't know how to train a regular army. Ultima understands this and can help. Very busy." Limuru said, with reluctance and rejoicing in his tone.

(to be continued)

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