Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 147: Salvation and Despair

Rimuru didn't have much time to think about the next strategy. He first ordered Lanka and her followers to patrol and destroy the enemy along the road, and then summoned Veldora to his side.

"Oh! Rimuru, it looks like you're in trouble, and you've finally come to Benlong?" Veldora looked energetic.

"Veldora, you go to Modu as the final line of defense and defeat all enemies."

"Oh, leave it to me!"

"Don't ruin the city."

"No problem, how long do you think I've been practicing Veldora's fighting method?"

Rimuru is too lazy to complain, since it is similar to Taijutsu, it should be no problem.

He also chose the most efficient way out of desperation. There are still some newly developed villages and towns in Modu Limuru. Although Limuru wants to run home most, but Veldora has no space system ability, so the inspection and rescue of surrounding villages and towns can only be done by Limuru himself. .


Early in the morning, Modulimuru—

Limuru, who had added more than a thousand lives to his hands, returned to the place he could call "home" when the sky was bright.

There are many monsters and monsters waiting for him at the entrance of the city.

"what happened?"

"It was arranged by me." Diablo greeted him and bowed.

There have been similar scenes in the past. Everyone saw Rimuru looking very happy and reassured. The difference is that this time it was filled with a chilling atmosphere and there was no banquet.

Moreover, there is a layer of barrier between them.

"tell. This barrier is the [Spiritual Binding Barrier] of the sacred attribute, and the caster is the individual 'Galassia'. 》

"For what?"

"answer. Preserves the soul of the victim, preventing its natural escape and decomposition. 》

"Is it dangerous to monsters?"

"answer. The individual 'Zhu Cai' has been transformed, and there is no harm you fear. 》

"Good job. You can thank and reward them well later."


I always felt that [King of Wisdom Raphael] hesitated to speak, but since he didn't say it, it was not an urgent matter, and Rimuru was not in the mood to ask.

He passed through the barrier to receive everyone's welcome. At this time, his presence was needed to reassure everyone.

Ligulude, Ligulu, Lilina and the other "direct line" goblins originally named by Limuru seemed to let Limuru go to the conference room first to listen to the report, preventing him from going straight.

Going all the way to the open central square, Rimuru had a bad premonition, or he saw something so abrupt that he couldn't hide it—is that the mast of the ship?

The kind that Klauenpis gave to Ramiris?

But this alone was not enough for these goblins who worshipped him to stop him. He moved forward strongly and came to the central square.

The body of the mast is indeed a huge battleship, different from the one I saw last time. One side was full of ruins, as if it had failed to land in the air. But this is not the point. In the center of the square, which was "avoided" by the ruins, there are hundreds of corpses.

Including the deceased from other villages outside, the total is about 2,000.

There are so many dead people?

In the past, when the Pig-headed Emperor invaded, there were more dead people, but this time, the senses were different, because all the people who died were the people around him, the people of the country he built.

"Yo, Rimuru!" Veldora came and said, "When I came back, the battle in the city was over, but the ship seemed to run out of energy when it landed, and those Ramiris's subordinates were gone. See clearly, wanted to stop here, so I forcibly pushed the boat away. Don't thank me."

It seems that there is really no need to be grateful, because instead, three blocks were crushed.

Rimuru thought to himself that Veldora used her own way of humor to cheer him up.

Ligurd and others also came to speak for Veldora, saying that the ship smashed through the barrier that weakened them, and killed a lot of enemies, and the crushed blocks have long been evacuated. cause casualties.

"Are all the dead here?" Rimuru asked.

Ligurd, who was in charge of counting the corpses, nodded.

"Open those shrouds, I want to confirm my identity."


"Didn't you hear my order? Something to face sooner or later." Limuru decided in his heart to use the magic [Resurrection of the Dead] given to him by Klauenpis to revive them.

Unlike the souls that dissipated outside before, the souls are preserved, please be fine. Speaking of which, this magic has never been used when the subject actually died completely.

After the shrouds were undone one by one, Rimuru felt like he was struck by lightning - Shion was actually among them!

Souei, Shirogane, and Kurobei, who were also bowing their heads in the crowd, were no longer in Rimuru's eyes.

But, can't cry, because there is resurrection magic? But obviously so sad and sad, even if he was so sad to see his companion seriously injured, he still couldn't cry. Is it because this body is a monster?

But Gobuta, who was not far away, was crying loudly while hugging the dead Gobuji.

"[King of Wisdom Raphael], execute [Resurrection of the Dead]!" Rimuru said fiercely.

"tell. Executing on those with low remaining vitality will turn the body into ashes. Do you want to execute it? YES/NO

"What? What's going on?!"

"tell. This magic is taken from another system of magic samples [RaiseDead]. The principle is to use the magic power of the caster to forcefully urge the remaining life potential of the subject to be greatly consumed, transform it into the current life force, and bring the dead back to life. 》

"Why are their remaining vitality insufficient? They are all people who have gained a name and become extremely vigorous."

"Collect the samples of magic element and spirit residue in the atmosphere for calculation, it is speculated that this place was covered with a barrier that could eliminate magic element. UU reading"

Rimuru had a bad premonition.

For monsters, the magic element is the vitality, if the magic element is eliminated in large quantities, it is only natural that there will be this result.

"What is the probability of them turning gray?"

"Each individual is different, and the estimated average probability is 96.86%. 》

"No, it's too high, it's too high. Is there any other way, [King of Wisdom Raphael], wouldn't you be able to construct your own creation magic, think of a way for me."

"It is recommended to use [Create Undead]. 》

[Create Undead] is a skill that Limuru obtained immediately after he obtained the appearance of Klauenpis, but he was still very resistant to this kind of thing, and he kept it aside. When the Pig Head Emperor invaded, other There are so many deceased monster forces, and he has never used it.

"..." Rimuru remembered that when he was a guest at Clayman's place, Clayman had a subordinate named Amanda, who was a skeleton, and a lot of subordinates of various zombie skeletons.

But most of them don't even have self-awareness. Is that really alive?

(to be continued)


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