Re, Gu Aotian Slaughtered Me

Vol 14 Chapter 169: Evaporated battlefield, Demon King entrance ceremony

The latest website: After the brave Zhengxing took the initiative to accept Lin Xian's request for a truce, he questioned Larsen with his eyes.

He only came here reluctantly after receiving an urgent request from the front line. Of course, he didn't want to go to war at all.

No, let alone the question of whether he wants to go to war or not, he doesn't even know what the current situation is, he can only use his eyes to pretend to be a sign, how to understand it is the other party's business. Either way, it's good that the other person understands what they're saying.

Larson saw what looked like Fulken's heads in the cloth bags that the three little devils were carrying. He felt uncomfortable for this old friend who had been with him for decades, but he still raised his chin, meaning to let go.

She also knew that this army might not be able to fight anymore. In war, sometimes one person can overturn the situation, but there are still quite a lot of things and battles that need to be done with a large number of people.

However, Larsen still doesn't know Lin Xian's exact strength, but it's definitely not too bad to be able to retreat in front of the "beautiful monster princess" material body, plus the soldiers behind are really unable to fight, but most of them are alive , but instead became a hostage to prevent the expansion of the war.

There are many high-spirited aristocratic children. If you are in a hurry, the number of opponents will increase, and you have the spare energy to kill them all. Even if the battle is won, how can you explain it politically?

So, you can only watch the other party leave.

Next time, we must find a reason to drag out the trump card of the church and the hero.

"Thank you for your generosity, Your Excellency." Lin Xian gave Zhengxing a slight bow, and was ready to take everyone away.

Suddenly, a magic ray fell from the sky and slammed into the center of the Ingracia camp. A terrifying energy fluctuation was gathered there, becoming more and more quiet but more restless, just like the tranquility before the storm.

"How could it be! That will come out!" Lin Xian was shocked.

"Boom!" The shock wave spread with the incandescent explosion, and all life along the way melted.

"Hide behind me, [Maximize Boosted Magic Veilof Moon]." Velustila unfolds a colorful barrier that can defend against all magic-related attacks, and forcibly infuses it with her own huge magic element. Strengthened, making the colorful barrier thicker and thicker.

"[Holy Purification Barrier]!" The hero's companion immediately opened the barrier.

The pyramid-shaped barrier enveloped the hero and Larsen. Although the incandescent shock wave kept shaking the [Holy Purification Barrier], the power of the aftermath penetrated into the barrier, but it was successfully blocked.

Velustila's colorful barrier was not so lucky. Although it wasn't as shattered as paper, it was dissolving quickly like those affected lives. A thin layer will be easily penetrated. But it is also a matter of time before this is broken.

"This... in the end, is it? Could it be that it's mother's... imaginary space... exploded?!"

Velustila gritted her teeth, hating her own powerlessness.

"They look fine. Let's go while you can." Lin Xian decisively opened the [Gate] to lead everyone away.


Demon Kingdom Hekatia Tempest, Modurimuru—

Rimuru is escaping reality.

Although the mood has basically stabilized, but on the one hand, so many demon kings have come to "everyone", I really feel a lot of pressure.

There is also the question of how to peacefully control the Clownpith family.

It is easy to say that the other monsters and demons who have existed as residents of the demon country for a long time, those thousands of demons maintain the contract with the flesh and magic element given by Klauenpis, if the flesh is damaged during this period and is summoned by others, it will be troublesome .

He simply left these things to Diablo to handle and schedule.

This is something that can't be helped. Whoever called Diablo was so capable, he realized that he was simply sorry for his leisurely character without him.

The venue was revealed by Lim, but in terms of the layout of the venue, Guy had to let his maid do everything he said, and there was no objection.

The land provided by Limuru, under the fiddling of those primitive demons, has become independent to a place that Limuru thinks is definitely a different space, and has also prepared a number of quite ornate gates for spatial connection.

In the center is an oversized round table made of minerals that can be used as excellent magic materials. Originally, this ore should be embedded in small pieces for enchanting weapons or for making light weapons, but to make such a large or solid big round table, Limuru's secret agent is extravagant.

Maybe it was him who joined him. In order to be symmetrical and beautiful in all directions, he was clearly the "Top Ten Demon Kings", but there were twelve chairs surrounding the big round table.

According to the rules, each demon king can bring two followers.

After getting the permission of a primordial green maid named Misari, he came to the last seat and sat down, letting his followers Lanka and Diablo stand by, and began to observe by himself.

What is Veldora doing there? Who invited you here?

Forget it, it's not your own follower, ignore it.

Ramiris was the first to enter, followed by Beretta and Torreni.

Sure enough, she is really the oldest? This time, she also "wears" the Dalamiris demon doll given by Klanpith, which makes Rimuru worry about what to do if she has to eat after the meeting. Then, she actually sat on top of the chief, held up the back of her head and raised the legs of the chair, her left leg resting on her right leg, and she swayed proudly. Where did you come from, bad girl, you blinded your tall and elegant fairy queen costume.

Just leave her alone.

The next person to enter was Guy, who looked at Ramiris like "what are you doing, you idiot", well, Rimuru understood.

His followers are Primordial Green Misari and Primordial Blue Leiyin, UU Reading www.uukanshu. The three of com and Diablo seemed to be communicating with Diablo by projecting different eyes, but they didn't find any contact magic skills. Then Velzard also came in and walked directly to Veldora, and after a while Veldor La sent a look of help.

Well, ignore it, ignore it all.

The next one is Milim, who came alone. She still looks like a child. She's used to it, but this time she seems to be sitting a bit like an honor student. Who taught it?

Then there was a huge strong man with no entourage. His height and presence shocked the audience. Limuru had inquired about the name of the "Top Ten Demon Kings" and thought he was the giant demon king Dagril. He felt that both magic elements and skills were deep Bottomless.

Then came a silver-haired maid with a butler and a tall man with pale blond curly hair. No, judging from the information on his appearance, it was the Demon King Valentine, but isn't Valentine dead? There is no reason to deceive the news sent back by Victorya, and the Western Holy Church and the country have also recognized the news. Could it be that the Demon King cheated to death, for what? But compared to this matter, the silver-haired maid was obviously stronger than the Demon King Valentine, so he needed to pay more attention.

(to be continued)

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